A photo from open sources
As you know, in August last year, the NASA agency accepted the decision to send $ 3 billion to the project drilling a 10-kilometer well under the Yellowstone super volcano, so that pump water there, thereby cooling its magma pool and preventing the eruption of this “fire-breathing monster”, ready explode any minute.
Since the Americans still have not abandoned this idea, but the latest news from wyoming where the dangerous volcano, do not reassure, scientists of the world are more insistent oppose such a plan NASA, believing that it will not slow down, on the contrary, it can provoke the activity of its magma.
And although the chances of success (as well as failure) are, like states fifty to fifty, many experts are inclined to the view that it’s best to just not touch the super volcano. In that the case is still unknown to anyone when he will begin his eruption, so disastrous for the whole world.
A photo from open sources
This is the point of view expressed by many prominent scientists: Yellowstone supervolcano in case of eruption, will lead to long planetary winter, and therefore to the death of mankind, when to survive only a few will be able to, and their fate is unenviable.
However, this is only one point of view.
Should one be afraid of the eruption of a supervolcano, and who should?
According to other researchers of supervolcanoes, their eruption never led to planetary winters and global disasters and only reduced the temperature on Earth by an average of several degrees. For example, the Pinatubo eruption in the Philippines in 1991 led to a decrease in temperature on the planet by an average of 1 degree. AND this went on for about two years.
But because the eruption of the same Yellowstone, experts write, is unlikely whether the planet’s climate will significantly affect enormous quantities of rock and ash into the atmosphere will help humanity in its fight against global warming, that is a supervolcano can play only a positive role for the Earth.
A photo from open sources
Another thing is that its eruption is dangerous for the United States itself, a big part of the territory of which will become lifeless for some time, and the United States itself after this disaster is likely just cease to exist …
Some conspiracy theorists believe NASA scientists are aware of Yellowstone is much larger than all the other world luminaries, and therefore, it is no accident that they scare the whole world (see the video below). it very profitable for the USA, for example, you can ask the world community of money to prevent this global catastrophe, the amount has already been announced – 3 billion. But I think this is only trial ball ultimately the US may require a decision this supposedly “world problem”, much more …
Yellowstone NASA USA