A photo from open sources Today America lives like a powder kidney due to a possible explosion of Yellowstone volcano however scientists predict for her all new troubles – and they are all connected with natural disasters.
For example, in terms of a climate future, scientists predict sharp warming and, for this reason, the flooding of New York. Not looking today’s winter turned out to be abnormally cold, In the coming years, the average temperature will rise sharply, and by 2080 year, it will jump no less than ten degrees.
Where it will lead: in New York, for example, the level will rise one to two meters of sea water, which threatens the city full disaster. In other cities in the United States due to the heat will increase sharply mortality, not to mention unprecedented hurricanes and storms, which will bring global destruction.
By the way, scientists predict that as early as 2016 in the United States is expected mass flood insurance, and for such insurance residents of previously arid regions of America will be contacted.