According to the numerological expression of the car number, you can say a lot. Photo from open sources It determines how a car behave on the road, what qualities will endow with its owner, and even how long he will last. We’ll tell you about this today and We’ll tell you, but for starters, let’s do some simple calculations. Calculating the number of cars is simple: First, add up the three main license plate numbers, for example, 164, it turns out: 1 + 6 + 4 = 11. We turn off to the base number: 11 = 1 + 1 = 2. Now in the same way we consider the region (digital code of automobile number of regions of Russia), suppose that you have it 77th, respectively: 7 + 7 = 14, 14 = 1 + 4 = 5. Summarize these two digits: 2 + 5 = 7. This will be the number of the car, that is, based on of our example, he is the “seven”. Characteristics of Car Numbers Car Number 1 If you have a car with Number 1, then get ready for the fact that, sooner or later, you will not manage it, and he is you. You will have to pay him much more attention than you originally planned, as you will have an irresistible desire to constantly improve something in it. You will change him covers, do tuning, decorate in the most unthinkable way, so as you want it to be the most beautiful in the world. For you the car will become not only a means of transportation, but also a way active expression, so don’t be surprised if at some the moment you decide to participate in any rally or in specific car contests. With proper care and reverence Your car will last you a very long time. Car Number 2 A car with Number 2 promises to be a faithful helper, he never you will not fail, working properly and getting into even the strongest frost. Moreover, it will become not just a means for you. movement, but also in some way a reliable friend. In it to you will be very comfortable. However, a car with this number has its own features – she likes to talk to her. Therefore if you have not given her a name, then do it as quickly and often as possible contact your transport. Do not consider it crazy – many motorists, including representatives of the stronger sex, They know that the machine runs better if you communicate with her gently. By the way, the car “deuce” will help you become more sociable and more tolerant. Number of car 3 If your car is a “troika”, do not rush to rejoice and dream that he, like a Russian three horses, dashingly rushing through the expanses of our homeland. Alas you got a whim, which will require constant repair, and, most likely, you will quickly want to change it to a more reliable car. Moreover, if you bought a used car, then most likely she has already been in the hands of more than one owner, and in her bowels may hiding flaws that you have been “forgotten” to warn about. However not everything is so negative. Number 3 is great for family car, and if he will carry you, your soul mate and baby, then imbued with responsibility and will serve you faith and true until your family’s composition grows. Number Car 4 You can rely on a car with Number 4 in extreme conditions, it will cope with any difficult task, but in a standard situation it can stall and refuse to function. It works great to overcome, but “bored” when everything is smooth and calm. Give him more often additional load, and then the usual way it will be perceived as rest, and not as forced and unpleasant duty. And put on it a good “anti-theft”, as if you don’t arrange it with something, then with a simple alarm easily allow yourself to be stolen. However, the four-car in any case, will serve you well. He will teach you to act more radical, will help you understand how quickly and productively deal with obstacles and maybe sooner or later will push you to the most important decision in your life. Number Car 5 Car with Number 5 great for travel, and the more varied your routes, the longer it takes you will serve. However, be prepared for the fact that his energy will constantly push you to any delinquency and you have to try very hard to keep yourself in your hands, otherwise you will go broke on fines. Do not indulge and your desire to spend as much as possible in the “five” car time, otherwise at some point you will realize that you even spend the night I want in it, not at home. Such a machine can make you more restless and fussy creature or deprive you of others attachments and hobbies, so do not give him will. But if you are a homebody in life and don’t really like noisy companies, your the vehicle will turn you sociable and easy on the rise of man. Car Number 6 Car with Number 6 – just a godsend for the motorist. It will become reliable for you. partner, always help out in difficult times, will be excellent to keep road and mysteriously avoid accidents. True, only if you treat him with due respect and with thanks. Do not forget to change the oil on time, wash more often your iron friend, buy him beautiful accessories. In the cabin car “six” should always be the perfect order, and it is advisable to equip a place for its parking specially, rather than throw it at night, anywhere. If you will be a lot of time spend in your car, then learn how to mutually beneficial affiliate relationship, clearly understand what a sense of duty, and also you many new friends will appear. Car Number 7 On car “seven” can not be scorched, break the rules and rush. He does not tolerate this, and therefore will either often stall, or completely break. But he will teach you slowness, philosophical attitude to life and making informed decisions. You will become a little a more reserved person, but the problems that you provoked by their impulsive actions. In doing so, be ready for the most successful trips waiting for you when you are in the car will be alone. Traveling with fellow travelers is unlikely whether it will be pleasant and productive. However, if those whom you take with you, they will not talk, laugh loudly and distract you from communicating with the car, then everything will turn out well. The main thing is to behave in the “seven” restrained and decently. Number car 8 Car with Number 8 will be for you confirmation of your status and not even so much a means movement as much as a specific accessory. Investing in it money, you want to get a kind of return from him. He must will emphasize your importance and amaze others with your solidity, even if in fact it has compact size and cheerful coloring. However, whatever his characteristics, he will attract financial luck to you, somehow way to help earn or “introduce” you to those who make You have a chic and advantageous offer. The main thing is to relate to the car “eight” as a full-fledged business partner, not to admit familiarity and in time to carry out all preventive work. Car Number 9 A car with Number 9 is calm and intelligent, he is unlikely to cause you road problems, although overtaking is better not to get involved. “Nine” timid by nature, in it more feminine than masculine qualities, and therefore relate to her stands as a beautiful lady – to look after, spare her nerves and feelings, protect from stressful situations. Your typewriter will like if you decorate her salon with plush toys and fragrances in beautiful boxes, but aggressive things and colors are desirable to avoid. You, in turn, get the skill from your car subtly feel the situation, intuitively evade danger and cleverly maneuver not only on the road, but also in life. Will add to you “nine” and romanticism, and good luck, especially if you tune in to it wave, you will listen to her desires and satisfy her needs. A car is a thin thing, and only “thick-skinned” people they think that this is just a pile of iron. Actually among metal and parts lurks a kind of soul, and when you consider this, then your trips will become much more comfortable and, most importantly, safer.
Time Life Russia