Of 117 more than ninety predictions of Dannion Brinkley has already come true

Out of 117 over ninety predictions by Dannion Brinkley have already come true.A photo from open sources

Dannion Brinkley was never a seer and a prophet. Just in In 1975 he was struck by lightning – and he miraculously turned out to be alive, having survived clinical death. It is during this “death” that he falls into the upper layers of Genesis, where not only his past were shown to him deeds, but also the future of mankind, at least – the nearest future.

In 1994, Brinkley finished writing and published his book. “Saved by the Light,” in which he described everything that happened to him in time of clinical death. Omit his visions of his past life and Immediately transported to the crystal city, where he was met by the highest entities that personify the brightest characteristics of man, for example, love, gratitude, devotion, and so on. Exactly they showed Brinkley what awaits our civilization at the turn millennia.

A photo from open sources

As Dannion writes in his book, he saw 117 different scenes arranged in ordered boxes. He was shown the election of American presidents, the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant and Japanese nuclear power plant Fukushima-1, the collapse of the USSR, the Gulf War, a wave of immigrants sweeping across Europe, and much more. On the today, according to research experts Brinkley’s predictions, 95 of the 117 events described in his revelations have already occurred.

So now, referring to the book “Saved by the Light,” researchers most carefully study scenes from the last boxes described by Brinkley. According to him, he moved on various points of the planet, watching numerous wars on Earth, floods in some places and drought in others, huge disasters that people suffer

A photo from open sources

At the same time, the Higher powers assured him that the souls of people are consciously descended to Earth, so that through suffering and numerous obstacles, form a bright future, fulfilling the great mission entrusted to mankind by God.

By the way, according to the book of Dannion Brinkley, a feature film was shot (see this video below), but it’s mostly about the afterlife experience, not prophecies. In themselves predictions, we note that there are not only pessimistic notes, concerning the near future of the Earth, but also something encouraging: Higher powers showed Brinkley Russia’s great mission in development of humanity. And this is not the first time that the prophets of the United States talk about the spiritual beginning and the leading position in the world of our country, laying on her the role of the savior of the world. However, they say it not on my own, but simply retell what they ajar …

War Time Life Russia

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