In the 19th century, Rector of Boston University Warren argued that the source of modern civilization is the Arctic region Of the earth. Nowadays, the famous traveler, artist and orientalist Allan Rannu.
Where did humanity come from?
I won’t tell you about the whole of humanity, but as for the peoples, belonging to the so-called Indo-European group, then their roots, certainly in the north – in those places where the glacier reached times of the last glaciation. Oddly enough, this glaciation a relatively small part of Europe was covered: Scandinavia, Kola Peninsula and the northernmost coast of the Arctic Ocean. Moreover, in the postglacial period, from eighth to fifth millennium BC e., the climate in the north was much warmer modern. Birch and spruce trees grew right up to the Arctic coast ocean, only subsequently the tundra spread there.
A photo from open sources
It can be assumed that 30,000 years ago our ancestors settled and much north. Then, as the temperature got colder, people retreated to south, because living on an ice sheet turned out to be practically impossible: look at modern Antarctica.
In the ancient Vedas and Upanishads, as well as in the texts of the Mahabharata it is mentioned that day and night in those places last for several months. The Vedas also tell about the northern lights that are described like the celestial battles of the gods, about lakes, rivers and seas, for a long time chained with ice. The legend of the king of the gods Indra says that Tvashtar (Creator, or Divine Master), angry at Indra, created a huge snake that swallowed the sun (Suryu) and chained all water into stone (ice). Indra, killing a snake, freed daylight there was light, and again streams ran and rivers flowed …
It is appropriate to recall the Pigeon Book, often called Russian The Vedas, which describes a being named Indrik, or Indra cleansing keys and liberating water. In the Vedic sources also mention animals and plants that found only in our strip and to the north: elk, brown bear, white birch, spruce.
German myths describe a certain country of Thule, which was far in the north. This is the land of bliss and grace, where beautiful and wise people. Avesta – the sacred book of the Zoroan-Strians – in many ways echoes the Vedas. It’s clear that they have in common root. But what is most surprising is in the texts of the ancient Tibetan Bon religion there are many references to the northern country of Belaya Tara.
Interestingly, Kalmyks, being Tibetan Buddhists, having accepted Russian citizenship, declared Catherine the Great terrestrial the embodiment of White Tara – the Buddhist goddess of mercy. After the revolution, the Mongols, Kalmyks, Tibetans and Tuvans expected that with The Russian North will come the kingdom of justice and the last will begin a war that will bring liberation to all people. With these expectations By the way, the Bolsheviks skillfully took advantage to get as far as possible spread its influence to the east.
Kaali Lake
A photo from open sources
The ancient Greeks called all the lands north of the Black Sea Hyperborea, mentioning that in the center of it from west to east stretch Riphean mountains. Many myths claim that in the west of Hyperborea once a chariot of fire of Phaethon fell from the sky. In those places with of that time amber is found. Studies have allowed suggest that the myth of Phaeton is about a meteorite, flying over Greece and falling on the island of Saaremaa in Estonia. On the the place of the fall was a round funnel filled with water, – lake kaali.
Where the sun does not set
At the end of the 19th century, an outstanding Indian expert in Sanskrit and the Vedas B.G. Tilak concluded that the ancestors of the Hindus – the Aryans – came from far north, and their own ancestors lived on the banks of the Dairy (Whitefin) sea. Why not remember our White Sea? Besides In addition, Tilak discovered a description of the island of Svetadvipa (translated – country or side of the world), where from the Meru Mountains in the direction of Sage Narada went northwest (his name coincides with the name of one of the main peaks in the Polar Urals). Reaching islands, Narada, offering prayer to God, saw the sky light up multi-colored lights. It can be assumed that we are talking about Svalbard island and auroras.
The Vedas constantly mention the mountains of Meru with the main peak Mandara, from where the rivers flow north and south. The mountains themselves stretch with west to east. At first it was assumed that in the Vedas and Mahabharata Ural mountains are described, but they stretch from north to south and share rivers flowing west and east. So it’s somewhere in in the north seek the watershed of the Black and Caspian Seas and White Sea with the Arctic Ocean.
And this is a chain of small hills, stretching from Karelia to Urals called Northern Uvaly: on one side of this low ridge are the Dnieper, Don and Volga, on the other – North Dvina. Here they are – Mount Meru from Indian mythology. By the way, the highest point of the Northern Uvalov is called Mandara, just as in Rigveda. About the same information is contained in the Avesta. True there the mountains are called Hara (bright, golden, sunny).
I had to be in Nepal, the spiritual capital of the world. IN Principality of Dolpo, located north of the Himalayas, I became friends with mentor of a small Bon monastery in the village of Chkharka. In home this monk lay a bag with books taken out of even more ancient monastery, about 400 years ago destroyed by a landslide. When we sorted through the scattered sheets of ancient manuscripts written in Tibetan and Shang-Shung script, we are talking about the Kailash mountains and Meru.
I asked if Kailash and Meru are the same peak? The fact is that in Dolpo itself there are also the so-called Crystal the mountains. They are considered to be a backup of the invisible axis of the world, whereas Kailash and the mythical Meru are the explicit axis of the world. Lama answered that it’s not one and the same thing, since at Mount Meru the North Star is much higher in the sky than in Tibet, and that the real Mount Meru far north, where the sun stands in the sky and does not set …
Aryan legacy
In the Russian North, physical artifacts confirming the northern the origin of humanity is incredibly small. However, there is folklore, ornaments, symbols, word roots, toponyms. Yes, the same Pigeon Book, Veles book may well be called the Russian Vedas! Besides Moreover, in our and Indian culture there are many common rituals and beliefs. Remember at least Shrovetide with its burning stuffed and setting fire to spinning wheels.
A photo from open sources
The same thing is done today in Indian villages: they burn Moksha – probably an analogue of the Slavic goddess Mokosh. Pillars with faces that Prince Vladimir ordered to uproot after the baptism of Russia, and in our time found all over India. Again, the Slavic supreme god Perun is the same as the Indian Varuna. Both have a hand or a bunch lightning, or a thunder ax in Sanskrit Vajra. By the way, the same the root is preserved in Estonian: vasar – hammer or ax. AND although Estonians do not belong to the Indo-European, but to the Finno-Ugric group, however, they were very strongly influenced by the Aryan heritage.
Let’s look at the Russian word “warrior”, which has an ancient Aryan root “rat”, which means the wheel. Warrior is in fact, a warrior in a war chariot. It is a technique of reference fighting on chariots allowed the Aryan tribes spread all the way to India and Asia Minor (in the latter case they became known as the Hittites).
In Estonian, ratas means wheel. And the Indians have ratna – “a jewel like the sun.” The sun has always been associated with a wheel. The wheel can also be seen on the flag of India. On the roof of each Buddhist monastery is an image of a wheel symbolizing spreading the teachings of Buddha. The analogies are obvious.
Dmitry Sokolov
Water Time Hyperborea Snakes India Islands Plants Sun