Paleozoic stone human brain

A photo from open sources

The paradox of modern science is that for the bulk scientists inexplicable fact has not only meaning, but also a place. Therefore, many striking archaeological finds entering into a contradiction with generally accepted theories of human origin and civilization development, are ignored and in every way hushed up. In their including a silicon human brain found in a quarry Odintsovo village near Moscow in 1925.

Find of an amateur archaeologist

Nikolai Aleksandrovich Grigorovich was a versatile person. Having a medical education, the reference book was listed surgeon, and actually taught pharmacology at Faculty of Chemistry and Pharmacy, 2nd Moscow State University. Also he He was fond of archeology, was a lover of all sorts of rarities and wonders. Having heard that in a career near the village of Odintsovo near Moscow, where clay was extracted for a local brick factory, a tooth was found mammoth, Grigorovich decided to look for the bones of this prehistoric animal.

August 25, 1925 Nikolai Alexandrovich arrived at the quarry. Beginners and amateurs are lucky. In the excavation he discovered a large silicon cobblestone shaped like a human brain. Slightly cleansing the stone of adhering clay, the prospector made sure that the resemblance to the brain is simply amazing: the find was divided in half the furrow passing between the right and left hemispheres, and in the occipital part he discovered a torcular herophili-connection the large crescent process with the cerebellum, as well as part cerebellum.

Silicon artifact (left) and a real human brain (on right)

A photo from open sources

Excited by the startling discovery, Grigorovich wanted to go home immediately to clean and inspect your find in more favorable conditions (in the morning it rained, and boots stuck in soaked clay porridge), but some seventh feeling prompted him to continue excavations. Intuition did not fail: in the same clay pit in the same horizon a piece was found yet one brain – the left cerebral hemisphere.

Discovery N.A. Grigorovich confused scientists. Geologist N.Z. Milkovich, whom Nikolai Alexandrovich brought to Odintsovo quarry, was able to evaluate the horizon of finds as the lower layer of moraine (deposits) of the Almond glaciation, and it is commonly believed proceeded 450-500 thousand years ago. But in that era, as science believed 1920s, half-monkeys lived on Earth, like Javanese Pithecanthropus and the German “Heidelberg Man”. 500 thousand years ago homo sapiens having a brain identical to the brain of modern man, could not yet appear: it was completely contrary theories of Darwinism.

Geologists who deal with this problem, in particular Professor S.A. Yakovlev and Academician A.P. Pavlov, established that “silicon mass found in Odintsov, similar to the human brain”, was brought to Moscow region by a glacier from sediments formed at the bottom of the sea of ​​the Carboniferous period, i.e. 285-350 million years back.

And since the scientist who dared to suggest that at that an unimaginably distant time when even reptiles were not yet there, could if any brains existed, would be immediately sent to crazy house, then geologists concluded that odintsovo finds – This is lusus naturae, a game of nature.

That is, in the limestone of the coal sea by the will of a blind incident Yes, and a stone formed, like two drops of water similar to the human brain. And so twice. Absurd? But still the ancient Latins they used to say: Credo quia absurdum (“I believe, for it is absurd”).

A photo from open sources

And one more absurdity. If, according to geologists, these “cobblestones” dragged a glacier in the suburbs from far away, why isn’t it run them along the way to the smoothness of other boulders, keeping in immunity all anatomical details? And why both “brain” were nearby? Maybe they are here in Odintsovo, and “born”?

However, Professor Yakovlev believed that there was no geochemical conditions. And he came to the disappointing conclusion: “Finds Dr. Grigorovich must be recognized as a nodule in which lusus naturae appeared in such a bizarre form. But if anatomists prove their identity with the human brain, then geologists will have to recognize in them a new miracle of nature, to find an explanation for which we are not able to now. ”

Medics: real, but petrified

The big “brain” had to be investigated and described by myself Grigorovich, and the teacher worked scrupulously over the small Anatomy of the Medical Faculty of the 1st Moscow State University B.K. Ginze, soon become a professor. Doctors concluded that “in both finds we have specimens that have come down to us from prehistoric eras human brain that … underwent a process of soaking silica. ”

It was just very difficult to explain how the substance brain could be replaced by silicon. No, actually numbing – famous process. In museums, many fossil worms and flowers consisting of solid silicon. But our opponents the researchers objected that the brain matter is very unstable, decomposes quickly, and silica fume takes thousands of years.

It is a pity that they, due to almost interrupted contacts with the rest of the scientific world, were not able to get acquainted with notes of the South African anatomist Raymond Darth published in the journal Nature in February and September 1925. He described limestone cast of the brain, moreover, “on the surface of the stone were convolutions and grooves of the brain, blood vessels are clearly visible. ”

Of course, limestone is not a flint, but the important thing is that it turns out the brain can maintain shape for as long as it takes to petrification. Dart was lucky: skull bones were found in the same breed, ideally covering the mold, and its discovery (and the genus was discovered Australopithecus) had to wait for recognition for only 22 years.

And if it’s dummies?

The findings of the doctors were called into question by another an experiment. At one of the finds Grigorovich polished flat pad. Researchers found that furrows and gyrus only the surface of the “silicon brain” is dotted, and then comes monolith. Therefore, they decided that before them is a game of nature.

And no one dared even suggest that these artifacts may be of artificial origin. Let’s say it’s a cast with real brain, similar to the dummy used by yourself scientists comparing the Odintsovo “cobblestone” with the brain of modern person. That’s just who could make such a dummy in paleozoic?

Who inherited on the beach?

Scientists have now concluded that the human race may be much older than previously thought. For example, in 1938 In the state of Kentucky (USA), a section of the upper carbon petrified beach with traces of bare feet (they were left more 300 million years ago).

A photo from open sources

“Each track had five fingers and a distinctive characteristic deflection. The fingers were wide apart, which is characteristic of man, never wore shoes … Like a human foot, foot the creature that left the tracks caved back to the heel, which also looked completely like a person’s, “Professor W. reported. Burroughs, Dean of the Faculty of Geology, College of Berrea (Kentucky).

One critic stated that traces could be carved by people more late time, but they objected to it – under a microscope they are found not traces of the incisor, but subtle features of the compression of sand under the pressure of the feet. Similar traces were also found in Pennsylvania and Missouri.

But who could leave these traces? Our distant ancestors (if you take into account the hypothesis that current civilization is not the first on Earth and – alas! – not the last: all the former ceased to exist due to all-destructive wars of a planetary scale or natural cataclysms such as asteroid fall or pole change)? Or far descendants who arrived in the Paleozoic time machine? Or maybe it’s there were aliens in general who, according to the now popular hypothesis created us and populated the planet with us?

Traces and artifacts like Odintsovo found a lot. AND most of them are ignored by science, since their existence is not fits into no scientific theory and violates the familiar picture of the world. Therefore, Odintsovo finds have been safely forgotten Grigorovich. Now they are stored in the collections of the Museum of History and Moscow’s reconstruction does not cause scientific interest.

Nikolay SOSNIN

Time Ancient Artifacts Stones

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