Polar bears can die out before 2025

Polar bears can die out before 2025.Photos from open sources of

Modern high-precision satellites allow scientists daily record the effects of global warming on Earth. It turned out that increasing temperature affects the planet far more than you can was to suggest. In particular, climate change has greatly affected on the polar bear population. The conclusions reached by the American specialists were published in the scientific publication “Science”.

Through the efforts of John Whiteman and his colleagues from the University Wyoming managed to find out that in the warmer months, bears forced to suffer from hunger, and global warming is stable increases the duration of summer in the polar regions. Besides Moreover, the area of ​​ice is significantly reduced, the surface of which help predators disguise themselves and hunt. According to the Americans, the less ice becomes, the lower the chances of polar bears to get livelihood. If the warming does not stop, then after ten years, polar bears can completely disappear from the face of the planet. Of course, such a forecast is the most pessimistic, however scientists believe that in 2025 the climate of the earth will be striking differ from the present.

It is worth recalling: some experts are sure that irresponsible human activity is only a drop in the ocean, when it comes to what causes global warming. A significant increase in air and water temperature, according to such specialists, primarily caused by changes in the solar activity. According to some reports, in a thousand years the sun will be so warm our planet that live on its surface large animals, including humans, will be simply impossible.

Global Warming Climate Bears

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