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At all times, people have been divided into those who did not believe in any predictions, considering that the future is uncertain, and those who listened to the soothsayers. We will not adhere to the point of view neither one nor the other, since truth, as always, is ephemeral and elusive to human consciousness. Let’s just get to know statements of the prophets and astrologers, what awaits humanity in upcoming 2016. In any case, it is interesting.
There will be no apocalypse
Immediately I want to reassure our fatalist readers that neither one predictor did not promise in the near future the Apocalypse, therefore, the coming year does not seem to be the end of the world. By nevertheless, serious disasters, both natural and universal, we have to go through this short period.
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The most serious threat is the possibility of World War III. war with the use of weapons of mass destruction, the focus of which almost all the prophets call the countries of the Middle East, where now the voltage has reached such a limit that it is about to result in a global geopolitical conflict. True seer Vanga once wrote that until Syria fell, there would be no war. But the great Michel Nostradamus predicted that in 2016 people on Earth will be massively affected by destructive rays (quite similar to radiation from the use of atomic weapons).
True, almost all the prophets placed great hope on Russia and China, which in fraternal union and with goodwill can quite change the course of historical events and prevent a world carnage. IN In this regard, the United States is no longer referred to as a superpower, since for them 2016 will be fatal when the country finds itself in the deepest political and economic crisis, rapidly losing its influence in the world.
Western Europe, many soothsayers, psychics and even researchers, such as James Hensen, prophesy large natural and economic disasters, namely a considerable flooding parts of the mainland, as well as the collapse of the European Union.
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Predictions for Russia for 2016
The future of the Russian Federation excites not only the Russians themselves, today every earthman realizes that from what Russia will become in the near future, the world order on the whole planet depends.
Astrologer Pavel Globa, who won the trust of people, for sure predicting in 2011 the civil war in Ukraine and the collapse of this country, predicts a rapid economic revival of the Russian Federation. And this will be, he says, all the more surprising that in the world in 2016 the global economic crisis will rage. Against the background of his Russia will strengthen and strengthen its global influence, significantly displacing USA.
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The Eurasian Economic Union will also contribute to this. which is destined to strengthen significantly next year and expand due to the entry of European countries into it. Special this process will intensify after the collapse of the EU, when many countries Western Europe will want to join an alliance led by By Russia.
Much has been said about the greatness and spiritual revival of Russia. Bulgarian seer Vanga, who is also accurate their predictions. In her opinion, next year the Russian Federation is not only will stand on its feet economically, but will also help others countries. But the main thing is that a national idea will appear in Russia, which will unite all the peoples of this great power, which, ultimately, allow her to become the spiritual leader of the whole world. All these changes Wang clarifies associated with the ruler to be named Great.
Nostradamus wrote about the greatness of Russia, calling this country world hegemonic what it will become after 2016. True, medieval prophet warned that this could play a trick with a great power, because it will entail disagreements in society and even coups. In addition, it will be against Russia unfavorable nature at this time, exposing the global flooding the eastern parts of the country, and the central part – massive forest fires. However, Russia will come out of all these trials with with honor!
Predictions of Paul Globa for 2016
Russian astrologer Pavel Globa for 30 years gives quite accurate forecasts for the future. In his opinion, 2016 is a landmark year for almost every country, although, as always, in sight in First of all, the world powers, since fate depends on them the planet.
So, next year an economic and political collapse awaits USA and EU. The economic crisis will result in The United States will begin devastation and political turmoil, while the EU just starting to break up. The crisis in the EU economy is felt Portugal will now announce itself next year bankrupt country, after which the UK will finally decide leave the EU. This will be the beginning of the collapse of this alliance, which will the end of 2016 will cease to exist. Naturally, he will order live long and Eurodollar, countries will again return to national currencies, borders will be closed for visa-free travelers who are already accustomed to move freely in Western Europe.
Russia, as we have already mentioned, will easily overcome the world economic crisis, will strengthen its position thanks to the Eurasian an alliance, opposing NATO with a much more powerful alternative in force. The Eurasian Union itself will expand throughout 2016 years, it will include Gagauzia, Transnistria, and then Novorossia – the union of areas that do not want to live in Ukraine.
In Ukraine itself in the spring there will be another revolution, which will bring to power those who will be ready to cooperate with Russia and Eurasian Union. Western-speaking husk from Ukrainian leaders is simply will fly away.
As for natural disasters, Pavel Globa pointed to possible flooding of Western Europe, as heavy rains will cover the UK, Italy and the Balkan countries in 2016.
A photo from open sources
Predictions of Michel Nostradamus for 2016
The quatrains of the great Nostradamus have more than once opened for humanity pages of the future that came true with amazing accuracy. What did this prophet write about the events of 2016?
Global natural disasters and bloody wars in the Middle in the east, which Nostradamus mentions, will take many lives. The confrontation in this region of the two countries, as well as the situation when people in turbans will literally cut each other, getting involved in this a swara of many other states, perhaps, according to the prophet, spill over into World War III.
In addition, he writes, an event should happen at the end of the year, capable of agitating the entire Islamic world, after which it will begin a thirty year war between Christians and Islamists. As a result her on Earth will remain one religion. But what, Nostradamus, did not specify …
Scientists also saw in the quatrain verses of the medieval prophet global natural disasters that await humanity in 2016 year. Europe will suffer the most, which awaits the great flood already in the spring of next year. Heavy rains for several months will pass in the UK, Italy, Hungary and the Czech Republic.
But in America, destructive tornadoes of unprecedented rage strength. Russia, Australia, whom the strongest forest fires in history are waiting, and not extinguishing them will succeed until the fall.
Wanga Predictions for 2016
Note that a blind Bulgarian seer almost never called exact dates, so she has no specific prediction and for 2016. But Wang talked a lot about what awaits humanity at the turn of 2010-2018. Some of her prophecies have already come true, for example, the global global economic crisis, which, in her opinion will be held in three stages.
Since we have already survived two of them, then, apparently, we waiting for the third, which is designed to overthrow the regime of a unipolar world. Apparently, Wang foresaw the collapse of the United States, after which this power will lose its world domination, losing the leadership to Russia and China. In Europe, the influence of Germany will increase. That Russia will become spiritual world leader, we have already mentioned in the prophecies of Wanga about RF
Most alarmingly, the blind seer spoke of the conflict on Middle East, which may well grow into World War III carnage. Wang even pointed out that the most serious threat in this plan comes from Afghanistan, Iraq and Turkey. These countries may start a war among themselves and use weapons of mass destruction. But this will happen only after Syria falls. However world collapse, said Wang, will not happen, it will be possible thanks to the efforts of Russia and China.
Vanga United Kingdom War Time Italy China End of the World Crisis NATO Nostradamus Pavel Globa Russia Syria USA Ukraine Economy