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Georgy Kvasha, author of Theoretical History, is neither a prophet nor a a mystic who can look into the future, he is just a politician with amazing intuition and great analytical mind. He is in his time predicted the revolution in Ukraine in 2014, a big conflict Russia with the West, the divorce of Great Britain from the European Union and much another. Therefore, it is interesting to know his opinion on the future in the present moment.
Georgy Kvasha about the USA and China
Since Russia is between two superpowers – China and The United States then on its political and economic life will be affected primarily by these countries. Russia claims historian, foresighted that today settled all relations with China. China is on the verge of serious economic turmoil. A new generation of Chinese is replacing leaders who will soon demand Washington return he stole a trillion dollars from them through US government bonds. Since the States will have nowhere to take it, they will go checked by – try to unleash a mess in China. It will only result to the fact that the dollar will collapse, even without the participation of Russia. True whole world after this, economic shocks await, since after the fall American currency, the global economy will begin to change, Of course, not painless for everyone.
Georgy Kvasha on Western Europe and the East
Leadership in Western Europe, says a forecasting politician, will gradually move to France. In 2017, Germany will begin shake hard that she will no longer have the lead. Ukraine, total rather, it just fell apart, it was just a bargaining chip in confrontation between the US and Russia, but it seems that the United States, preparing us a trap, we ourselves fell into it. And here is the UK must return to freedom from continental Europe, which she lost after World War II.
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Assad’s regime in Syria cannot fall while this country is supported Russia and Iran. Moreover, Iran can also be called an imperial country, according to at least he goes in such a rhythm, pushing his opponent Saudi Arabia. Most Shiites in Iran ideological victory over the Sunnis of Saudi Arabia. And Iran after this should offer its own version of the existence of Islam in modern world.
George Kvasha about Russia
Russia will never be defeated by anyone, says an intuitive analyst. We are now living in a time that works for Russia. What would in the world didn’t do it, everything is good for her. Look how they turned around sanctions against her, who did they hurt? Russia or the West? Same thing in all other aspects. For example, the West is constantly looking for the weak place of Russia: it removes Russian athletes from the Olympics, then trying to confuse maps with the construction of the South and North threads, and so on. And in the end it turns out that Russia still comes out victorious, only in a different direction, for example, as was the case with Crimea.
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This year, Kwasha argues, is the last in economic decline Russia, at the end of his country will reach the bottom and begin to rise from knees – to be reborn. Already 2017 will be a turning point and bring significant dividends when Russians feel the crisis passed and now the country is on the rise, which can not be shaken no world disasters.
Great Britain Time Iran China Russia USA Ukraine