A photo from open sources
Today on the Internet, dozens of analysts make predictions about further development of Russian-Turkish relations. And the prophets and clairvoyants of the past – did they address this topic, and if so, then what did they say about the fate of Turkey and Constantinople (Istanbul)?
Predictions of Orthodox Monks
Seraphim of Sarov (1754-1833), famous for that he predicted both the Civil War and the rule of the Bolsheviks, and the fall of the Soviet regime, predicted the fall of Turkey before greatness and the power of Russia and its division, during which a large part will remain for Russia.
He was echoed by the monk Abel (1757-1841), who predicted the dates of death emperors, surrender of Moscow to the Basurmans and its burning, both world war and civil strife in Russia. For such unflattering for Russian monarchs predictions sat somewhere in Shlisselburg fortress, then in the Alekseevsky ravelin of the Peter and Paul Fortress, then in Solovetsky monastery.
In the pages of his books, Constantinople is also mentioned – without a shadow doubts Abel claimed that the city would return to Christians.
Events similar in meaning were predicted by the hieromonk Agafangel (X century), Cosmas Aetolian (XVIII century, Athos), the old man Martin Zadeka (XVIII c.), monk Anthony Chapelle (1871).
It is clear that Christians were in pain with the capture of the center Orthodoxy by Muslims, and they really wanted to restore former status quo. But did they not pass off as revelations desired?
Here we put in the piggy bank of ancient prophecies about the fate of Turkey the prediction of a Muslim seer whom no one will blame in sympathy for Christians in general and Russia in particular.
The Prophecy of Must-Eddin
16th-century Muslim scientist and astronomer Musta-Eddin deserves respect of the sultan after, not being afraid of the wrath of the ruler, first predicted the death of the vizier, and then the defeat of the Turkish army by the Persian army. Once the Sultan imprudently asked a question about the future of his empire.
He hoped to hear the good news, and Musta-Eddin, as always, slashed the truth-womb: the Ottoman Empire will exist for a long time, but will fall from a great people living “from midnight to the east.” what lies there northeast of Turkey? Armenian people are great people, but not enough to overthrow Turkey. The same can be said about Georgians. And then lies … yes, she is Mother Russia.
Istanbul still remembers Must-Eddin’s prophecy – prosperous Istanbul Turks traditionally bury their dead relatives on the other side of the Bosphorus, in Asian shore, so that in the future the graves of the “faithful” are not stamped infidel Christian giaurs.
Predictions of Paisius the Holy Mountaineer
The last among the prophets to predict the return Of Constantinople to Christians, stands the Greek Athos monk elder Paisius Svyatorets (1924-1994), ranked as a saint in 2015 year. Before becoming a monk, Arseniy Esnepidis (such is the worldly the name of the saint) served in the army, therefore his predictions are set out in the army briefly, clearly, without unnecessary allegories.
A photo from open sources
In his presentation, the Middle East will be engulfed in war, which will be attended by Europe, Russia and China. As a result of the war Constantinople will be surrendered to Greece, and heavy expect Turkey times: part of the population will die, part will accept Christianity, part will leave the country, having moved to Mesopotamia (present-day Iraq).
If Paisiy Svyatorets in his predictions was not mistaken (and he still during the life of Brezhnev predicted the collapse of the USSR), then the world in the near future expect high-profile events and a redrawing of the map of the Middle East (unlikely whether everything will be limited to Turkey).
When will this happen?
I want to reassure those who are already in a hurry to plan a trip to Constantinople on a pilgrimage: “the near future” in the scale of history can mean both 20 years, and 200, and more. In individual the prophecies say that Muslims will reign in the city 600 years If the date of the capture of Constantinople by the Turks in 1453 add 600, we get 2053.
Some of the readers may even live and see everything. with my own eyes.
Posted by Klim Podkova
Abel War Russia Turkey