Coin from Illinois Photos from open sources In 1871, an employee of the Smithsonian the institute William Dubois reported discovered at a significant the depths in Illinois are several objects made by man. One of these items was a round copper plate similar to a coin (Fig. 6.3), found in the town of Lawn Ridge, Marshall County. In a letter sent to the Smithsonian Institution, J. Moffit (J. W. Moffit) said that in August 1870 he drilled well “ordinary drill for soil” and at a depth of 125 feet (38 meters) “drill stumbled” on an object resembling a coin. Round a coin-like plate was reportedly removed from a depth of about 114 feet when drilling a well in Lone Ridge, Illinois. According to the Illinois Exploration Authority, the age of the deposits in which the “coin” was found is in limits from 200 to 400 thousand years (reconstruction). Before reach a depth of 125 feet, Moffit drilled several layers: 3 feet of soil; 10 feet of yellow clay; 44 feet of blue clay; 4 feet mixed rock consisting of clay, sand and gravel; 19 feet purple clay; 10 feet of solid subsoil Brown color; 8.5 feet of green clay; 2 feet of vegetable humus; another 2.5 feet of yellow clay; 2 feet of solid subsoil a yellow stratum and finally 20.5 feet of mixed clay. In 1881 A. Winchell also described a subject similar to on a coin. In an excerpt from a letter from W. Wilmot (W.H. Wilmot) bed sequence is slightly different from indicated by Moffit. In addition, Wilmot claims that the “coin” was found while drilling a well at a depth of not 125, but 114 feet (35 meters). Based on Winchell’s sequence message Illinois Exploration Authority estimated the age of the sediment at a depth of 114 feet, formed, according to these data, in the Yarmouth interglacial period, those. “about 200-400 thousand years ago.” According to W. Dubois, The “coin” was an “almost round rectangle” with roughly depicted figures and inscriptions on both sides. Inscription language Dubois could not determine. In its appearance, this subject differed from any known coin. Dubois concluded that The “coin” was made mechanically. Noting her the same thickness over the entire area, he expressed the opinion that it “passed through a mechanism similar to a rolling mill, and if the ancients Indians such a device and it was, then it should have prehistoric origin. ”
Open source photos Dubois also claims to be pointy down the edge of the “coin” indicates that it was cut with either scissors for metal, or stamping. From what is said begs conclusion about the existence in North America of civilization at least least 200 thousand years ago. According to popular belief, creatures smart enough to make and use coins (Homo sapiens sapiens), appeared on Earth no earlier than 100 thousand years back, and the first metal coins went into circulation in Asia Minor in the eighth century BC Moffit reports other items. material culture found in nearby Illinois Whiteside County, where workers retrieved from depths of 120 feet (36.5 meters) “a large copper ring or hoop, like those that are used today in shipbuilding … Ibid. a certain object similar to a boat hook or a hook was found. ” Mr. Moffit adds to this: “Many ancient objects were found at shallow depths. Harpoon-shaped iron cutter was extracted from a clay layer 40 feet (12 meters) from the surface. In many places, stone pipes and pottery were found on depths of 10 to 50 feet (3-15 meters). “In September 1984 authors received a letter from the State Geological Survey Illinois, from which it follows that the age of sediments at a depth of 120 feet in the White Side County fluctuates greatly: in some places it it doesn’t even reach 50 thousand years, but in others it lies at these depths 410 million years old Silurian stone foundation. The image of the face on the shell, England (1881) In the message, represented in the British Association for the Advancement of Science “in 1881, H. Stopes, F.G.S. (Fellow of the Geological Society) (a member of the Geological Society), described a shell on the surface of which has a hole and an image of a human faces. The shell was found in the host rocks of Red Rock (Red Crag), whose age is 2.0 and 2.5 million years old ….
Ancient artifacts