Prophecies about Russia. Count Cagliostro.

A photo from open sources

Few in the last decades of the eighteenth century used Europe is as huge as Count Cagliostro. Glory the famous magician and diviner was equally loud in enlightened circles of Paris and Rome, Berlin and Vienna, Petersburg and Moscow … But this glory was different: some believed any word Cagliostro literally idolized him, while others considered the count deft adventurer and quack mystic. Nobody was there we know when and where Cagliostro was born, how he spent his childhood and youth. Yes, and the count himself in his notes wrote: “Not my place birth, neither my parents are known to me. “True, further Cagliostro He said that he spent his childhood in Medina, in Arabia. There he supposedly under the name Arahat lived in the palace of the eastern ruler of Yalahaim. Mentors taught him physics, medicine, botany, several Eastern languages. When the boy was twelve years old, he was under the supervision of the main mentor went to travel. Three years Cagliostro spent in Mecca, then visited a number of Asian and African countries. He was in Malta, where, according to the mentor, Cagliostro was born into a Christian family and orphaned almost immediately. The mentor did not give him any other details. From Malta Cagliostro went to Sicily, then traveled to Naples, Rome, where he was introduced to the local nobility, and then to the Pope himself. Further, the notes of Cagliostro speak of his countless wanderings. in Europe, about the thousands of patients who, in a thirst for healing, flocked to him from everywhere. But researchers biographies of Cagliostro lead and other versions of its origin. Many believe that he was born 8 June 1743 in Palermo in a wealthy Sicilian family, and his name was then Giuseppe Balsamo. Parents, devout Catholics, gave a boy to seminary, from which Giuseppe soon fled. But him caught and placed in a monastery near Palermo. Over time the future magician and sorcerer fled from there too. In Palermo, he kidnapped gold from a wealthy jeweler and moneylender, after which for many years traveled to different cities of Italy. At this time Giuseppe times twenty changed his name and finally took the name of his aunt – Cagliostro, adding the count title that he did not deserve. True, later Cagliostro repeatedly hinted that he got a title in a mysterious way. Cagliostro biographers admit that he is very much traveled. Traveled to different countries of the East, really visited Malta, in many European cities, especially Italian. Italy was not then a single state, and relocation, for example, from Naples to Florence or from Venice to Rome was travel from one state to another. In Rome Cagliostro met a girl from a simple family Lorenza Feliciani. She became his wife, and since then the spouses disguised as pilgrim pilgrims traveled around Europe together. Stepping in one from German cities to the Order of Masons, Cagliostro acquired influential friends and patrons in high society. Moreover, having made a trip to Egypt and having been in the secret halls of the pyramid Cheops, Cagliostro declared himself the great head of the oldest in the world Egyptian Freemasonry. His fame grew, expanded and the circle dating. One of the many brochures about him contains a story about how in Holstein Cagliostro met even more a mysterious man than himself – with the Count of Saint-Germain. Judging in all, Cagliostro regarded Saint Germain with the greatest respect and prayed to dedicate it to all the sacraments that the Count Wizard possessed. From Saint-Germain Cagliostro went to Courland (so called western part of Latvia, which later, in 1795, became part of Russia), aiming at Petersburg. Most likely to make a trip Count Saint-Germain advised him to Russia, who, according to Baron Gleichen, visited St. Petersburg in June 1762 and preserved friendly relations with Prince Grigory Orlov. In the end February 1779, Cagliostro and Lorenza arrived in Mitava, the capital Duchy of Courland. Very detailed about the stay of Cagliostro in Courland tells a book printed in 1787 in Petersburg, – “Description of the stay in Mitava of the famous Cagliostro on 1779 and the magical actions he performed there, “by the author which was Charlotte-Elizabeth-Constance von der Recke, nee Countess of Medem. Her sister, Dorothea, was Married to Peter Biron, Duke of Courland. However, the reliability of these notes is very doubtful. The fact is that at first Charlotte was completely influenced by the mysterious Count. But then she disliked him just as much. And what and in what can a woman who is disappointed in him write about a former idol? The answer is clear. Nevertheless, information about that period of life of Cagliostro little, and therefore each source is interesting to us. In the capital Cagliostro of Courland found a fertile field of activity: here Masons and alchemists lived, however, of an amateur level and very gullible, but belonging to high society. Cagliostro subsequently was so sure of his good disposition to him Courland supporters that in an exculpatory note issued by him in 1786, referred to them as witnesses willing to show in his favor. The then Courland Oberburggraf Hoven considered himself alchemist. In Mitau, Cagliostro pretended to be Spanish colonel, while secretly informing local freemasons that he had been sent their lords to the North for matters of great importance and that in Mitau he was entrusted with appearing to Hoven as a great local master Masonic lodge, and said that in the founded by him, Cagliostro, lodge women will be allowed. Lorentz, for his part, is very contributed a lot to her husband. In Mitava, Cagliostro acted as preacher of strict morality towards women. Wherein, According to ill-wishers, in the light he kept himself awkward. Some believed that he was like a discharged footman. Many noted his lack of education and gross errors in writing. It was claimed that in French he spoke poorly, consuming a lot of rude, vulgar expressions. Literary italian language he did not own and spoke a hissing Sicilian dialect. However, all these misses were explained to him and his admirers for many years living in Medina and Egypt. He behaved, and with this everyone was agree, impeccably. He didn’t indulge in either gluttony or drunkenness, no other excesses. He preached abstinence and purity of morals and the first set an example. To questions about the purpose of the trip to Russia Cagliostro replied that, being the head of Egyptian Freemasonry, he had the intention of extending his teaching to the far northeast of Europe and to this end will try to establish in Masonic lodge, in which women will be accepted. Regarding his medical knowledge, Cagliostro reported that, having studied medicine in Medina, he vowed to wander for a while in the white light for the benefit of mankind and without bribe to give back people what he received from them. He treated Cagliostro with blows and essences, and his confidence gave patients hope and vigor. In his opinion, all diseases come from blood. But gradually Cagliostro in Mitava began to take on more and more mystery. Charlotte von der Recke he promised that she would talk with the dead, which in time will become a spiritual messenger on other planets that will be elevated to the rank of protector of the earth ball, and then, as a student tested in magic, it will ascend higher. Cagliostro assured his disciples that Moses, Elijah and Christ were the creators of many worlds and what is the same able faithful followers and followers will make him giving people eternal bliss. As the first step to that, he commanded that those who wish to have communication with the spirits must constantly confront everything material. His students of higher degrees Cagliostro began to teach magic science and demonology, choosing to explain the text of the book of Moses. At this, from the subsequent point of view of the damsel Charlotte von der Recke, he allowed the most immoral interpretations. Pragmatic people but in gullible at the same time, Cagliostro attracted with a promise turn all metals into gold, increase the volume of precious stones. He said that amber could melt like tin. Abilities Cagliostro to mine gold was confirmed by the fact that over time long stay in Mitau he did not get money from anywhere, not presented bankers with bills, but meanwhile he lived luxuriously and paid generously and even forward, so that any thought of his self-serving disappeared calculations. In Mitau, Cagliostro performed various miracles. Showed in the decanter of water what was done far from here. Promised and even indicated the place where a huge treasure was buried in the vicinity of Mitau, guarded by spirits. Talking about the upcoming trip to St. Petersburg, Cagliostro was a political agent, promising to do a lot in favor of Courland at the court of Catherine II. With him to Petersburg, he and called the girl Charlotte, and the father and family, as true Courland patriots also tried to persuade her to travel to Russia. Cagliostro’s interest was simply explained: it was not disadvantageous for him show up in St. Petersburg, accompanied by a representative of one of the best Courland families, and moreover, who went with him at will parents who were highly regarded in Courland. With his parties, girl von der Recke (as she claims in her notes) agreed to go with Cagliostro to Petersburg only if Empress Catherine II becomes the protector of the “box union “in his state and” will allow himself to devote himself to magic “and if she will order Charlotte von der Recke to come to her capital and be the founder of this lodge there. With the then pretty close ties between Mitau and St. Petersburg Cagliostro stay in this city was to prepare public opinion in North Palmyra for his arrival. In Mitau, Cagliostro in the von der Recke family announced that he is not a Spaniard, not a count of Cagliostro, but that he serves Freemasonry under the name of Friedrich Gwaldo and must hide his real title, but what, perhaps, he will lay down in St. Petersburg not his name and will appear in all greatness. Moreover, the magician pointed out that his right to he did not base the count title on the breed, but that this title has mysterious meaning. According to the girl von der Recke, all this he did so that if in Petersburg it would be revealed imposture, it would not have made any impression in Mitau, as he warned in advance that he was hiding his real rank and name. The location of the Courlandians to Cagliostro was so great that, according to according to some information, they would like to see him as their duke instead Peter Biron, who were unhappy. There is speculation that Cagliostro led in Mitava some political and not unsuccessful intrigue, the denouement of which was to come in St. Petersburg. Disappointed subsequently in his idol, Charlotte von der Recke calls Cagliostro a deceiver, “who made a great opinion of himself” in Petersburg, Warsaw, Strasbourg and Paris. According to her, Cagliostro spoke in thin Italian and broken French languages, boasted that he knows Arabic. However located at time in Mitawa professor at Uppsala University Norberg, long living in the East, discovered complete ignorance of Cagliostro Arabic language. If a question arose that Cagliostro could not give sensible answer, he or he spoke to his interlocutors incomprehensible gibberish, or got off with short evasive the answer. Sometimes he became furious, waved his sword, uttering some spells and threats, and Lorenza asked those present not approach at this time to Cagliostro, as otherwise they terrible danger from the evil spirits surrounding this her husband’s time. But here is what we read in the notes of Baron Gleichen, published in Paris in 1868: “A lot of bad things were said about Cagliostro, I want to say good things about him. True, his tone, grip, manners revealed in him a charlatan, full of arrogance, claims and arrogance, but it must be taken into consideration that he was Italian, doctor, Grand Masonic master and secret professor sciences. His conversation was usually pleasant and instructive, his actions were distinguished by charity and nobility, his treatment did no harm to anyone, but, on the contrary, there were cases of amazing healing. He did not take payments from patients never. “Another modern review of Cagliostro was published in The Gazette de Sante. There, by the way, it was noted that Cagliostro “spoke almost all European languages ​​with amazing all-encompassing eloquence. “And again, we see before us as if not one Cagliostro, and at least two. Departing from Mitau to Petersburg, Cagliostro as a preacher of Masonic philanthropic-political doctrines counted on a supportive welcome from the side of Empress Catherine I, who managed to compose herself in educated Europe opinion as a bold thinker and liberal sovereign. As a doctor, empiricist and alchemist, holder of philosophical stone and life elixir, Cagliostro could count on the fact that in the upper St. Petersburg world he will have both patients and no less fans than in Paris or in London. Finally how magician, wizard and sorcerer, he seemed, most likely, could find for fans and fans in huge, ignorant masses Russian population. Even just confining Masonic activity, professor of secret sciences supposed to meet in Petersburg a lot of sympathetic persons. Historian and researcher Longinov in the work “Novikov and the Martinists” wrote that Freemasonry in Russia was brought by Peter the Great, who founded the Masonic in Kronstadt the box and the name of which was used by the Masons with great honor. However the first historical mention of the existence of Masons in Russia refers to 1738. In 1751, there were already a lot of them in St. Petersburg. IN They appeared in Moscow in 1760. From the capitals Freemasonry spread to the provinces, and Masonic lodges were opened in Kazan, and since 1779 in Yaroslavl. Petersburg masons burned the desire to be consecrated to the highest degrees of Freemasonry, and therefore, presumably, the appearance among them of such a man as Cagliostro, was supposed to have a strong influence on Russian Freemasonry. On such background and appeared in St. Petersburg Cagliostro, accompanied by Lorenza. Here he mainly expected to draw attention to himself the empress. But, as can be seen from the letters of Catherine to Zimmerman, he does not managed not only to talk, but even to see her. Charlotte von der Recke, who, presumably, was closely following trip Cagliostro to St. Petersburg, writes: “About Kaliostrov stay in Petersburg, I don’t know anything true. According to rumors, however, it’s known that although he could have there with various wonderful inventions some time to deceive some people, but mostly the intention was wrong. “In the preface to the book of Charlotte von der Recke it is said that “everyone knows how great a view he made about in many people this deceiver in St. Petersburg. ” unknown by a footnote (probably a translator) is added: “Between Cagliostro failed to fulfill its main goal in St. Petersburg intentions, namely to assure Catherine the Great about the truth of art his. This incomparable empress immediately penetrated the fraud. And then that in the so-called notes of Kaliostrov (Memoires de Cagliostro) mentioned his affairs in St. Petersburg, has no basis. If you need proof for this, that Catherine the Great is explicit an inappropriateness of any extravagant dream, they can be assured of that two comedies written by her skillful pen: “The Deceiver” and “Seduced.” The first is displayed at the Cagliostro Theater under the name Califalkerzston. New embossing of the two by the author and the content of the glorious comedies will make them even more famous in Germany. “In the Introduction to that the same book, in a letter from Strasbourg to the author of the “description” it is mentioned that Cagliostro publicly announced his acquaintance with Empress Catherine II. The following is a footnote in which the following is said: “… This great Monarchine, which Cagliostro so cruelly wanted to deceive, his intention remained in vain. A that in this argument is written in the notes of Kaliostrov, all this fictitious, and in one way one of his most important enterprises, for whom he was sent from his elders, he failed; from maybe he was forced into money in Warsaw suffer a flaw, and various deceptions for their content get money. “From other information borrowed from foreign writings about Cagliostro, it follows that he appeared in Petersburg under the name of Count Phoenix. The most powerful prince at that time Potemkin gave him special attention, and for his part Cagliostro managed to some extent mistreat the prince with his stories and arouse in him curiosity for the secrets of alchemy and magic. However, Potemkin’s close attention to Cagliostro was explained not only interest omnipotent nobleman in magic … Let us turn to one of episodes of the stay of Cagliostro in St. Petersburg. Feast in the magnificent house of one of the most prominent St. Petersburg aristocrats, Elagina, was in full swing. But the guests also eagerly gathered because the owner invited the mysterious Count Phoenix to the evening. Cagliostro himself perfectly understood the difficulty of his position among this alien society. He only recently considered Russia is a barbaric country, believing Russians to be completely savages. But he already managed to verify his mistake. A warm welcome to him Yelagin and his circle of close friends engaged in “secret” sciences, did not deceive the count and did not mislead. Cagliostro understood that the society of the northern Russian capital is far from only the Elagins and the like, that in general the northerners are much cold-blooded, skeptical, judicious and thoughtful than his hot compatriots – addicted Italians, frivolous French and dreamy, mystic-inclined Germans. But Cagliostro He believed in himself, and the difficulty of the task only encouraged him. At he had far-reaching goals, and he decided by all means to triumph over Russian coldness. He understood what would be met as a charlatan and magician, but after a few hours the opinion of him must change. The fight has begun. Toward the end of dinner, Earl of Phoenix fascinated almost the whole of the assembled society, became a center, absorbing everyone’s attention. If he played a role, then he played it impeccably. First of all, all sorts of melted and completely disappeared doubts about the aristocracy and the truth of its origin. The most incredulous people rejected the assumption that he was not at all foreign count, and a rogue and an adventurer. Grand Masonic Master lodges was the personification of the most elegant and well-mannered socialite. At first he kept himself restrained and with magnificent dignity, weighing every word. But finally made everyone want him to talk. And when I felt this is a common desire, talked entertainingly, cheerfully, witty about a wide variety of subjects. It seemed his every word, accompanied by a gleam of eyes and a most dazzling smile, possessed a special attractive force. And hundreds and thousands of words formed a thin, invisible web that entangled everyone and everyone. Making sure that all bias against him disappeared, he turned the conversation into mystical soil and boldly set about act in a familiar environment. Everyone was interested in stories about what kind of power a person can get over nature, to what degrees, he can subordinate to himself the laws of nature and dispose of them at its discretion. – You say that we are blind, that we are connected time and space, – said the Earl of Phoenix, – and you want me I will prove to you that you are mistaken, you want, I will prove to you that you can to see without being embarrassed by space, you can, staying here among us, see what happens far, anywhere, wherever you want place of the globe? The dining room perked up. Lunch was over. Society in a hurry to go to the living room, where the experience was to happen. Which experience? What will it be? Everyone was extremely excited condition. Count Phoenix approached one of his young aristocrat and offered her a hand. She obeyed mechanically she obeyed, because she barely kept on her feet, in her head there was fog, thoughts were confused. Huge living room windows were hidden behind deflated heavy curtains. Extensive room with high stucco the ceilings all shone with light from a lit chandelier and numerous candelabra. The eyes of all focused on the Earl of Phoenix and to the girl. A mysterious alien brought his lady to a chair in the middle rooms, asked to sit down and then turned to the owner, who turned out to be beside him: – I ask you to order a low table here and carafe with water – nothing else is needed. This requirement right away was executed. All with amazement, and some with bated breath they were waiting for what would happen next, what role can a decanter with water play? The girl sat motionless, with a frozen gaze wide open, almost stopped eyes; her hands were powerlessly lowered, only the chest breathed quickly and impetuously. – I ask you to look closely at this carafe is on the water! Earl Phoenix said loudly. – think something you would like to see, or rather think about someone you would like to see. Dwell on this thought forget everything else and look at the water. Having said that, he went around the chair on which she sat raised his hands and touched her lightly shoulders. – Look at the water! He said imperiously. She obediently fulfilled his order, began to gaze, without stopping, to look at carafe with water. – Think of someone! – more imperative, yet he demanded more imperiously. – Look and say aloud all that you see. Everyone in the room froze. A minute passed, another. – Now you see! He announced in his loud, imperious voice. – What you see? “The road …” she said muffledly. – Take a closer look … look! – The crew … the carriage rushes in six-speed … – Who is in the carriage, who? Look! She apparently peered, tried to discern who in carriage. “Is there anyone in her?” – Yes … I see … someone … – A man or female? – A man … alone … – Do you know him or not? – Wait … here now I see … yes, I know him … this is Prince Potemkin … Present involuntarily stirred. “Where is he going?” – kept asking Count Phoenix. – Take a look at the road. “He’s coming … he’s coming here … he’s close …” very close … – Look … – The carriage turns … the carriage drives in … here the prince comes out … came out … At this time the doors of the living room opened and a loud voice announced: – His Grace, Prince Grigory Alexandrovich Potemkin. Some of the ladies screamed, all gathered gathered to fuss. Elagin hurried to the door. Count Phoenix triumphantly looked around at everyone. IN the majestic, powerful figure of Potemkin appeared in the doorway. – Here, Ivan Perfilievich, – he said, referring to the owner, – did not think to be with you today … About three hours, as I arrived from Tsarskoye, I thought rest, but it became boring, I remembered what you have today some kind of performance … tricks or something … well, I went. What is u are you going Everyone heard these big words. No one naturally did not dare to think that Cagliostro with Potemkin could be in collusion. Count Phoenix made the impression. Cagliostro for the first time saw Potemkin and now carefully peered at him, trying immediately understand it, understand so as not to make mistakes. He is came to Petersburg mainly because of Potemkin. Potemkin assigned the main role in his plans. “So this is your magician?” Well, show me it, see what kind of bird, said the brightest Elagin – let me see if he will lead me … but I would like spent – death is boring! .. Potemkin missed all that day, from the very in the morning. He had already risen from his left foot. Everything angered him, everything it seemed to him vulgar, stupid, annoying, completely meaningless. A here before him now bowed down to smithereens, showered with precious stones man. Elagin represented a visiting magician. “Earl Phoenix – damn knows what! ..” Potemkin looked, saw a beautiful, energetic face, alive and penetrating black eyes, staring boldly at him. He is careless nodded at the respectful bow of a foreigner, grinned contemptuously and thought: “However, there must be a sham!” Count Phoenix is ​​not at all embarrassed, although the meaning of Potemkin’s grin and even the essence of his thought were clear to him. In his melodious voice, in beautiful phrases he expressed to the Russian nobleman that he was proud of the honor of being him presented and will do everything possible so that not in words but in prove his deep respect to him. Potemkin did not find need to stand on ceremony and respond to courtesy with courtesy. He was boring. If they show something interesting – great! And if not, he will leave to be bored to another place … Potemkin almost put it that way, demanding that he be shown something interesting. Then the count Phoenix has embarked on its original program. – Your Grace, he told Potemkin, you accept in vain me for a magician or something like that. You very soon make sure of your mistake. Now you want to see something emerging from a number of familiar, daily phenomena. If you want me I’ll show you a lot of this, but in everything you need gradualness, sequence: I will not start showing, but my wife. – Your wife… Countess Phoenix … where is she? – said Potemkin with such a smile, which could destroy everyone. But Count Phoenix she is not at all not destroyed. With a graceful and dignified gesture he indicated Potemkin on Lorenza, who was sitting nearby and calmly staring at spoken. Potemkin looked and saw a beautiful woman. is he immediately, in the blink of an eye, made a proper assessment. She is completely met his taste. He just preferred the wrong one, moody beauty. The Most Serene quickly approached Lorenza … Another minute – and he was already sitting next to her. Expression of boredom and proud contempt escaped from his face … She chirped him something on her strange, funny and cute French, and he carefully listened. Potemkin smiled kindly, patronizingly and affectionately. The lovely sorceress bewitched every minute more and more his. “Well, Your Grace, you wish my wife to show anything interesting and worthy of your attention? Asked the count Phoenix. – She already showed me the most interesting and lovely – proved herself, ”said Potemkin, not taking his eyes off Lorenza. Count Phoenix bowed, thanks for the compliments. And now on a mocking and contemptuous smile flickered across his lips. – You are very kind, prince, – Lorenza laughed, while velvet her eyes mysteriously and strangely looked at the brightest – but if my the husband promises something, then he fulfills the promise, and when he I need my help, I help him … My friend, – she turned to her husband, – if you wish, you can start the experiment. The word “experience” instantly flew around the living room. Count Phoenix leaned towards his wife, laid her hands on shoulders. Then Potemkin and everyone close by heard how quietly but imperiously he ordered her: “Sleep!” He pressed her eyes with index fingers, then opened them again and stepped back. Lorenza as if dead. Her eyes were open, but their eyes became very weird. The husband approached her again, lifted her from the chair. She remained motionless, petrified like a statue. She produced such a special and terrible impression and at the same time was so it’s a pity that many became hard and unpleasant. Count Phoenix feeling the general mood, quickly put his wife in a chair and closed her eyes. Then he turned to Potemkin, Elagin and everyone gathered: “I ask you to leave her for a moment and follow me.” All moved to the next room, with the exception of two ladies who did not reduce Lorentz goggles. Count Phoenix locked the door behind him and said: – We left her sleeping, but this is a special dream, during which man shows such abilities as he did during has no wakefulness. You make sure my wife though, apparently, and sleeps, but sees everything with her eyes closed, that she can even read the mind of a person. – As if? – exclaimed Potemkin. – Since you first loudly expressed doubt in words mine, Your Grace, I’ll ask you to be sure. Be like that kind, come up with something, decide what my wife should do, and she will guess your thoughts, will fulfill everything that she will be mentally ordered by you. What do you want to order her? – This is my business! – Potemkin grinned. – Yes, but in this case no one but you will take part in the experience, and in general, it seems to me, the experience will be less convincing. I warn you that I will not follow you, I will stay here and let someone guard me. Potemkin surrendered. – Good! – he said. – Let’s decide this way: Countess Phoenix owes us first of all to sing something, she probably has a lovely voice … – You will to judge this, she will sing to you … – I do not want to trouble her at all, but therefore, let her, having finished singing, leave the living room on the balcony, pick a flower and give it to me … See … it’s all very not difficult. Only you, sorcerer, stay here. – Not I’ll only stay here, but I allow you to tie me up and guard me at least to the whole shelf – I’m not moving … Go, Your Grace, come and ask if she sees you and your thoughts? Then blow in her face. She wakes up and does everything. “This is interesting,” said Potemkin. – My sovereigns, let’s go, let someone stay with the sorcerer. However, no one wanted to stay. But Potemkin looked at everyone, frowning, and a few people remained, and the rest came out, locking the doors behind him. Potemkin went to Lorenza and admiring her with a lovely, frozen face, she said to her: “Dear Countess, see are you me – Yes I see you! Whispered her pale lips. Then he thought about what she should do, and asked: – See are you my thoughts – I see … He blew into her face, she made a movement, opened her eyes and looked around in amazement for a few moments. Finally she completely came to, rose from the chair, wanted to go, but suddenly stopped and sang. Her voice was not strong, but sonorous and gentle. She sang an old Italian barcarole. All listened to her with pleasure. Potemkin stood in front of her, straightening in all his mighty growth, and admired her. Barcarole is over. The last sound froze. Lorenza grabbed her head as if she remembered something, then quickly went to the balcony, opened the glass the door returned a few moments later with a flower in her hand. She went to Potemkin, smiled beautifully, looked into his eyes and filed a flower. He kissed her small, almost childish hand … the living room rustled and moved. Everyone was amazed, admired, almost all the ladies were simply terrified. Potemkin thought, walked away from Lorenza and sank heavily into a chair. So, Cagliostro with his spell, and more with the help of the charms of Lorenza he managed to charm the omnipotent courtier. Why did Count Phoenix fail to become a noticeable phenomenon in life not only Russia, but also Petersburg? According to the historian Khotinsky, “the charm of this kind did not last long, since the direction of time was the most skeptical, and therefore mystical and spiritualistic ideas could not have a big move between St. Petersburg to the nobility. The role of the magician was ungrateful, and Cagliostro decided limit your sorcery only to healings, but healings whose miracles and mysteries were to arouse amazement and talk. “With the opinion of the historian Khotinsky about unfavorable for Cagliostro mental mood of the then Petersburg nobility can only agree with some stretch. There were simply no strong minds among the nobility. One of the most notable people of that time senator and hoffmeister, state secretary Empress I.P. Elagin was an ardent supporter of Cagliostro, which, according to researcher Longinov, seems to have lived in Elagin’s house. The skepticism of the then Petersburg society was fake and, in all likelihood, would soon disappear if Cagliostro managed to live longer in St. Petersburg, taking advantage of the attention the empress. Moreover, skepticism dominated much stronger in Paris, but there he did not interfere with the enormous success of Cagliostro. So that, without a doubt, the failures of Cagliostro in St. Petersburg depended on other, more significant reasons. Cagliostro came to Petersburg not as a charlatan doctor, like other people who went there foreigners who traded in the medical profession and printed about imagine high-profile advertisements in St. Petersburg statements. “So, during his stay in the northern capital living on Bolshaya Morskaya at his excellency Count Osterman, the brothers Pellier – “French eye doctors” – announced that they are “their art confirm daily, returning sight to many blind. ” recommended to Petersburg residents safety from all diseases of the drop, which “are also quite decent to persons in written affairs and petty exercises by the practitioner. “And arrived at Petersburg from Paris dentist Schobert, announcing wonderful means for healing teeth from various diseases, among other things, and “from air strike “, in this way he advertised his methods treatment: “Mr. Schobert, in conclusion, caresses himself with the hope that malleable and poor condolences favors adhere to his intentions by notifying this notice to his acquaintances, in order to bring to the poor the ability to use thereof. “Cagliostro did not advertise himself in this way, although, as appears from various sources, he not only treated patients free of charge, but even provided them with financial assistance. Cagliostro in Petersburg did not give any private announcements at all, considering this below your dignity. At that time they believed in the possibility of the most incredible discoveries in the field of all kinds of healings. So in the time spent by Cagliostro in St. Petersburg at St. Petersburg statements, in the section “Miscellaneous News”, it was reported that “glorious a ladies’ Parisian tailor named Dofemont invented to make cases (corsets) for women’s dresses are superbly profitable and found a means to destroy the humps in people, and the Paris Academy of Sciences, Faculty of Medicine, Academy of Surgery and Tailors Society in Paris approved this new invention. “According to Khotinsky, Cagliostro did not wait long to show “the most striking example his transcendental art and diabolical impudence and courage. “Prince Dmitry Ivanovich Golitsyn, a noble master the court of Catherine And, the only son Andrei, baby ten months old. Fairly venerable age parents, including spouses, Princess Elena Andreevna, not allowed to hope for the appearance of another heir. Feelings parents were understandable, everything was tried. All the best St. Petersburg doctors recognized the child as hopeless – he discovered angina pectoris. Parents were desperate when one of the doctors – Schobert – it occurred to him to advise they turned to Cagliostro, which they then began to talk about in Petersburg different miracles. The invited Cagliostro announced to the prince and Princess, who undertakes to cure a dying baby, but with that an indispensable condition for the child to be transported to his apartment and made available to him in full and without account, so that no stranger could visit him and so even the parents themselves refused to see a sick son until he recovered. No matter how these conditions were severe, but the extreme situation forced agree to them, and the child, barely alive, was taken to an apartment Cagliostro. Over the next two weeks, Cagliostro on excited parental requests invariably replied that the child’s day from day to day everything is better. And finally announced that since there is a strong danger passed, then the prince can look at the baby. Date lasted no more than two minutes, the joy of the prince knew no bounds, and he offered Cagliostro a thousand imperial gold. Cagliostro flatly refused such a gift, announcing that he heals for free, from humanity alone. Then Cagliostro demanded from the prince in return for any remuneration only strict performance of the former conditions, that is, non-visiting of the child by anyone from outsiders, assuring that every look cast upon him by another person, excluding only those who take care of him directly will harm him and will slow recovery. The prince agreed to this, and the news of the amazing art of Cagliostro as a doctor quickly spread throughout throughout Petersburg. The name of the Earl of Phoenix was on everyone’s lips, and the sick, from among the nobility and the rich, began to turn to him. A Cagliostro managed to gain with his disinterested behavior with patients self respect in the upper classes of St. Petersburg society. Accepted believe that Cagliostro cured Count Stroganov from a nervous disorders, healed Yelagin, Buturlin and many others. AND finally saved the cancer of college assessor Ivan Islenev, subsequently to the joys of a completely drunk man. After gentlemen to Cagliostro began to seek the help of footmen, cooks, coachmen, postal workers and maids. Once he healed even in the distance, sitting Potemkin’s in the palace and not getting up from his chair. But back to the story with the baby, the son of Prince Golitsyn. The child remained with Cagliostro more than a month, and only recently has father and mother been it is permitted to see him first briefly, then later on, and finally without any restrictions. And then he was returned to parents completely healthy. Prince’s readiness to thank Cagliostro the most generous way increased even more. Now he offered him no longer one thousand, and five thousand imperials. Cagliostro did not agree for a long time accept the gold offered. Finally yielded to the requests of the prince, stipulating that he can take money only for use on charity goals. A few days have passed since the return to the child’s parents, when suddenly a terrible thing crept into his mother’s soul suspicion: it seemed to her that the child was substituted. Khotinsky noticed on this occasion: “… of course, this suspicion was rather shaky grounds, but nonetheless it existed and a rumor about it spread at court; he excited in so many former distrust of the strange person. “Cagliostro lost his favor the yard. And this meant the collapse of his entire Russian campaign. It could be Depart from St. Petersburg. And how did the story end with Golitsyn’s child? There is a version according to which Cagliostro confessed to Sozonovich, his adversary according to the famous Petersburg duel that really replaced the child. Chances are the baby didn’t stay alive – he died that day, when he was transferred to the house of Cagliostro. Trying to resurrect a corpse already Cagliostro did some burning experiments on him, promising that the child will rise in due time. In the meantime, in order to console parents, they were presented with a living and healthy baby, but completely alien. Apparently, Cagliostro was guided simply feelings of compassion and philanthropy towards the Golitsins. At this visiting magician had no doubt that over time parents will accept and love a new child, if only because they don’t have had his own. Indeed, the same version claims that spouses The Golitsins soon did not cherish souls in the newfound child … the story of Cagliostro’s stay in St. Petersburg, Khotinsky says that Cagliostro, not being a jealous husband, noting that Prince Potemkin loses his former confidence in him, decided to act on the prince through the beauty of his wife. Potemkin became close to her, but on such rapprochement looked very unfavorably from above, and by then the story of the baby arrived in time. Then Count Phoenix and his wife was ordered to immediately leave Petersburg, and he was provided for travel costs quite a large amount. What is the reasons for the failures of the famous wizard? Was he all-powerful? IN a small book published in Paris in 1855 under the title “The Adventures of Cagliostro”, there are a number of additional information about Stay Cagliostro in St. Petersburg. So, it says that, Arriving in St. Petersburg, Cagliostro noticed that his fame in Russia is not at all as large as he thought before. therefore Cagliostro, as an extremely sharp-witted person, realized that in such circumstances it is not profitable for him to flaunt himself from the first times. He behaved extremely modestly, without any noise, betraying himself not for the miracle worker, not for the prophet, but only for the physician and chemist. He led a solitary and mysterious life, and yet such an image behavior even attracted attention in St. Petersburg, where famous foreigners were in the foreground not only in high society, but also at court. At the same time, he spread rumors about miraculous healings performed by him in Germany no one else by known methods. And soon in St. Petersburg they started talking about him as extraordinary doctor. For its part, the beautiful Lorentz managed to to attract the male half of the Petersburg nobility and, using this, told amazing things about her husband, as well as about his almost four thousand years of existence on earth. In the book, compiled from the manuscript of the valet Cagliostro, another is mentioned a way to attract the attention of the heroes of our story. The beautiful and young Lorenza told the visitors to the count that she over forty years old and that her eldest son has long been listed as captain in the Dutch service. When the Russian ladies were amazed the extraordinary youthfulness of the beautiful countess, she noticed that against the action of old age her husband invented the right remedy. Not the old ladies who wanted to grow old were in a hurry to buy for huge money bottles of miraculous water sold by Cagliostro. Many admirers of the magician, if they did not believe in the elixir of youth and life Cagliostro, were convinced of his ability to turn any metal into gold. Among these fans was the state secretary. Elagin. In relation to St. Petersburg doctors, Cagliostro acted very diplomatically, refusing to treat those who came to him patients, referring to the fact that they do not need his help, as in Petersburg and without him enough famous doctors. But such bona fide refusals only increased perseverance Cagliostro patients. In addition, at first he not only refused any reward, but even he helped with money poor patients. The book “The Adventures of Cagliostro” is very detailed tells about the love affairs of Prince Potemkin with his wife Cagliostro. It is suggested that these adventures were the reason for the rapid expulsion of Cagliostro from St. Petersburg, as well as child substitution. Rumors began to circulate about such a substitution in Petersburg, and Empress Catherine II immediately took advantage of her in order to to force Cagliostro to immediately leave St. Petersburg, then as if the real reason for removing the magician was as if love Potemkin to Lorenz. However, it can be assumed that mission failure Cagliostro in St. Petersburg is caused by other reasons. One thing the fact that Cagliostro came to North Palmyra is not just a doctor or an alchemist, but a mysterious politician, head the new Masonic lodge, should have told him that he wrong in his bold calculations. At that time, Empress Catherine II did not look too favorably at secret societies, and the arrival of such a person as Cagliostro could not but increase it suspicions. The book “Secret History of Russia” contains detailed information about the relationship of Cagliostro and Elagin. From this source we learn that, having met with Elagin, Cagliostro informed him about opportunities to make gold. Despite the fact that Elagin was one of the most educated Russian people of that time, he believed the magician, who promised to teach Yelagin this art in a short time and at low cost. Against Cagliostro was one of Elagin’s secretaries: “It’s enough to talk with Count Phoenix once for the full conviction that he is a brazen charlatan. “Elagin, however, continued to trust Cagliostro. And the secretary of Elagin began to spread rumors around Petersburg about drove a charlatan, than much undermined his credit in a society in which Cagliostro found others fans. Among them was Count Alexander Sergeevich Stroganov, one of the most prominent nobles of the Catherine’s court. Extremely unfavorable for the position of Cagliostro in St. Petersburg a statement printed in Russian newspapers also acted Norman’s Spanish envoy stating that no Earl of Phoenix on Spanish service was never a colonel. This is official the statement exposed Cagliostro as an impostor. However the story of This is not confirmed by further research. In the only then the Russian newspaper “St. Petersburg News” no the announcement by don Nor Mandez is not found. All over probabilities, this story was invented after the departure of Cagliostro from Petersburg its ill-wishers, like many other tales. By the existing rules at the time, everyone leaving Russia for I had to publish the border three times in St. Petersburg statements “information about his departure. And so in the” Additions “to The 79th issue of Vedomosti, released on October 1, between two the notice of departure abroad – the butcher Johann Gottlieb Riot and Shoemaker Gabriel Schmit – declared departing Kalliostros, Gishpan colonel living on the palace embankment in the house of Mr. Lieutenant General Villera. “But if about imposture Cagliostro was announced in St. Petersburg, then he could not have appropriate this rank. Subsequent similar announcements in numbers 80 and 81 of the Appendices also refute the story that as if Cagliostro lived in Petersburg under the name of Count Phoenix and as if he would have been expelled from there suddenly by special order the empress. Meanwhile, he left the Russian capital in general order, although perhaps not without some coercion. Judging by the time of Cagliostro’s departure from Mitava and the first publication of his departure from Russia, we conclude that Cagliostro lived in Petersburg for about nine months. During this time spanish a messenger in Petersburg could request and receive the information he needed about Cagliostro. At that time, news from Madrid came to St. Petersburg for about a month and a half, as is clear from printed in the “St. Petersburg Gazette” political news. But the fact is that no announcement from Norman against Cagliostro is not found in Russian newspapers. Not in others stayed in favor of Cagliostro’s stay in St. Petersburg circumstances. No matter what, as a freemason, he could not meet a favorable reception from the empress, she must was not too trusting to treat him and as a follower Count of Saint Germain. The latter visited Petersburg in 1762, and Catherine considered him a charlatan. Not achieving brilliant success in higher St. Petersburg society as a freemason, doctor and alchemist, Cagliostro I couldn’t count on the attention of the public in St. Petersburg, just as it was in the crowded cities of Western Europe. For the Russian common people, Cagliostro as a medicine man and sorcerer was alien figure. According to Baron Gleichen, Cagliostro was short, but had such a look that she could serve a model for depicting the personality of an inspired poet. In the French newspaper “Gazette de Sante” wrote that the figure of Cagliostro bears the imprint of not only the mind, but even genius. Getting dressed Cagliostro magnificently, strangely and mostly wore an oriental costume. IN important occasions he appeared in the clothes of the supreme head of Freemasonry Great Copt, which consisted of a long silk dress, similar to a priestly robe embroidered from shoulder to toe hieroglyphs and girdled red sash. With this he put on a garment of folded Egyptian dressings over his head, the ends of which fell down. These dressings were made of golden brocade, and fixed on the head with a floral wreath showered with precious stones. A ribbon of emerald color with letters and images of beetles sewn on it. On the belt woven of red silk, hung a wide knightly sword, the hilt of which had the shape of a cross. In such magnificent dresses, Cagliostro should have seem simple Russian people rather important master-general, but not a sorcerer at all. In addition, it is known that the Russian people are always He preferred as a sorcerer-sorcerer an “ardent peasant,” and than the more ugly and sloppy he is, the more it inspires confidence. Also to gain the glory of a healer, it was necessary to be able to speak in Russian. As an overseas doctor, Cagliostro in Petersburg could find for himself a very limited practice, and a dangerous rival for him there was even the famous Erofeich at that time, who successfully treated not only commoners, but also the Catherine nobles and also discovered a kind of life elixir that subsequently held onto a name by the name of the inventor. Despite all efforts avoid clashes with St. Petersburg doctors, Cagliostro still was persecuted by them. Baron Gleichen mentions that the court doctor of Grand Duke Pavel Petrovich called Cagliostro to duel. “Since the summoned to a duel has the right to choose a weapon, – said Cagliostro, – and since now it’s about superiority opponents for medicine, then instead of weapons I offer poison. Each of us will give each other a pill, and that of us who will be the best antidote, will be considered the winner. “The duel is not took place. Although, according to another version, this doctor is Sozonovich really came to Cagliostro with his own made poison, on which the visiting magician suggested that he drink a certain golden the pill. Taking the poison in front of each other, the opponents dispersed. Sozonovich was soldered with milk and hoped for a miracle. And a miracle happened. Cagliostro sent him a note in which he kindly informed that, seeing Sozonovich’s passionate desire to fully serve medical science, Cagliostro gave him a medicine that only increases … male potency. With for its part, it was not difficult for the column to deftly literally change to the eyes of the enemy a poisonous drug on a ball of chocolate. To the duel Sozonovich called Cagliostro allegedly just because of the replacement of the baby. They said that just before the departure of Cagliostro from St. Petersburg the empress’s famous doctor, Englishman Rogerson, compiled a note on the ignorance of the “great chemist” and his arrogant deceit. In general, doctors did not favor the new competitor. Dangerous adversary medical Cagliostro’s practice was Mesmer. Information on Mesmerism – This New miraculous power – began to penetrate into St. Petersburg precisely at that the time when Cagliostro was here. So, at that time in “St. Petersburg Gazette” described in detail “about miracles produced by means of a magnet by a glorious doctor mister Mesmer. “” And now, “added the Vedomosti,” is another doctor, Geneva doctor in medicine Garey, especially practicing research different actions of the magnet, publishes a book about it. ” passion for magnetism, with unlimited belief in it the mysterious and healing power of the elixir of Cagliostro and his magic could seem like trifles that couldn’t stand any comparison with the new one, uncovered by Mesmer supernatural power. Cagliostro could to foresee that under such unfavorable conditions for him he does not will be successful in St. Petersburg, which is why he chose to leave soon, so as not to ruin your reputation completely. Compelled hurry to leave Russia, Cagliostro did not have time to visit Moscow; but, in all likelihood, he would not have met much success there either. This conclusion suggests itself from complete indifference, which, naturally, Moscow masons showed up for Cagliostro’s arrival Russia. Moreover, the arrival of the Great Copt had even a negative impact on Russian freemasonry, since Cagliostro is even more strengthened a dislike for the Freemasons of Catherine II. In the year 1780 the empress published a book entitled “The Secret of the Anti-Absurd society. “For mystification, it was published in Cologne in 1750 year. It ridiculed Freemasonry and its secrets in general. In order to finally uproot those roots of Freemasonry which, in the opinion Catherine II, could leave Cagliostro in Russian society, she wrote a comedy called “The Deceiver.” She was presented for the first time on stage on January 4, 1786. It shows the absurdity and harm of the desire for spirituality, for interpretation inexplicable, to hermetic experiences, etc. In this comedy in the image of Kalifalk-Gerston was deduced by Cagliostro, whose ventures compared with the ideas of the martinists named in the comedy “monkeys.” For the same purpose and in the same year, the Empress wrote and another comedy is Seduced. Both comedies have been translated into German. Be that as it may, but, leaving Russia, Cagliostro finally managed to slam the door loudly. The police reported that the count Phoenix left Russia at the same time after eight in different places the boundaries of the outposts and at each left his own painting! After a visit to Russia, Cagliostro continued to travel. in Europe. After truly triumphant successes in Paris, he decided finally you can begin to implement a broad plan, a long time ago him conceived. He made a bold project – to recruit among Parisian nobility and the rich a special box of selected Masons, strictly limiting the number of its members. To all the members of the mysterious box he guaranteed 5557 years of life! However, Cagliostro framed the achievement longevity with conditions that hardly anyone could satisfy. Admitted to the box was to have at least fifty in thousands of francs, and most importantly – from birth to initiation to remain and remain pure and immaculate to such an extent that poisonous and unceremonious slander could not touch him. At the same all those who entered should have been single and childless. General the number of members could not exceed thirteen. With such a margin reservations any failure was easily explained. Moreover dedicated passed a number of complex rites, posts, baths, diets, bloodletting, etc. every fifty years everything followed repeat for forty days, and the person was reborn, younger. Of course, the wizard who handed out the Methuselah years to everyone willing, should have expected the question: did he take advantage your wonderful recipe? Cagliostro hundreds of times calmly answered this delicate question: “I was born two hundred years after Flood. “So he was friendly with Moses and Aaron, participated in the orgies of Nero and Heliobal, took Jerusalem with Gottfried of Bouillon. In a word, not a single one could do without it any wonderful historical event. And he is open talked about it. Passion for the almighty magician was to such an extent general, that the call to join his box instead of thirteen hundreds of job seekers poured. He was begged to increase the number of members, but he thought majestically. And in 1785, detractors of Cagliostro managed to get him arrested on far-fetched charges. But french the court acquitted him. The couple moved to Rome, where at the end of 1789 their arrested – now for belonging to the Freemasons, which in Catholic Rome was considered divine and punished by mortal execution. Roman curia sentence they had to wait almost one and half year. Cagliostro was offered a choice: public renunciation of Freemasonry and other misconceptions or shameful death. He chose first, but renunciation did not bring him freedom. August 26, 1793 Cagliostro died in an Italian prison and was buried without a funeral service. When two years later Napoleon Bonaparte’s troops entered Italy, it turned out that no one knew where the grave of Cagliostro was. This has generated a lot of rumors and speculation. They said, for example, that Cagliostro, having killed the priest, changed into his dress and fled. A sometimes they say that to this day he continues to travel around light, preferring to avoid noisy European cities … How today we shade an amazing and contradictory personality Cagliostro? Of course, he had unique abilities, could penetrate the secrets of the present and future, not subject to the majority other mortals. Even during the life of the count, his prophecy about the French Revolution and the destruction of the Bastille Fortress Prison, which he spent more than six months. Many other his predictions. But sometimes Cagliostro was changed by exposure, he lacked wisdom and peace. Every now and then in his actions crept in ambition, greed and vanity. And he is towards the end of life slipping faster towards where I started – to fraud, albeit on a different level, furnished with magnificent scenery. And secret knowledge alone could not only stop the fall Cagliostro, but only with grim inevitability brought the inglorious the end, as if taking revenge on the great magician and sorcerer, who turned out to be unworthy of his greatness.

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