Prophecies of a Clinical Survivor Boy death

Prophecies of a boy surviving a clinical deathA photo from open sources

It turns out that not all people experiencing clinical death, rush to the light or fall into the abyss of darkness, some into it time meet with higher powers that show them future.

This is exactly what happened to a ten-year-old boy from the USA, Jeremy. This glorious little boy almost drowned, but doctors still several days maintained life in his body artificially, and then, realizing that it was useless, they turned off the device. But happened a real miracle: the boy suddenly breathed on his own, moreover, waking up, he did not lose a grain of his intellect, rather on the contrary, he returned from the other world renewed and enlightened.

A photo from open sources

Jeremy lived after that for another three years, having died only in January of the current. All who watched his return and subsequent short life, and especially with his parents the impression was that the boy was returned from the next world only then to convey the information that he received from the Higher forces. And also then, to reassure parents who are now understand that their son is not dead – he just returned to God, with which at the time of clinical death Jeremy had a meeting.

He woke up then and talked about this amazing meeting – and it was the brightest story that they were listening to relatives, then thousands of Americans, and now tens of thousands Internet users. Apparently, Jeremy met with himself Jesus Christ, and in that crystal and perfect world where he got for a while, many truths were revealed to him and even the future of our planet. Here is a brief summary of how the boy spoke about this:

Now there is a lot of talk in the world about aliens, about why they don’t come in contact with us, but they have long come, just not the way we imagine it, because they are demons, and they only need the energy of people, the energy of hatred and suffering, why do they do everything possible so that everyone lives in suffering and eternal struggle with each other. However, soon to Earth even more powerful demons will appear, and a terrible war will occur between those and others in which people will be used as cannon fodder in the army of its current alien the hosts.

But his parents, like most Americans, said boy, the majority of the world’s population have nothing to fear, because before this, an unprecedented nuclear war will begin, and therefore, when on New demons will invade the earth, we will all be in heaven. true those who remain will not be envied …

You can, of course, perceive all this as a fairy tale, as delirium consciousness of a child whose brain was paralyzed, practically dead due to too long a lack of oxygen. But something in our the world is actually wrong. Reptilian aliens about whom today almost all ufologists know, they are very similar to demons, described by the boy, and the political situation in the world is such that world-class nuclear slaughter can begin at any time. well and the invasion of new demon aliens can also be imagined easily, like a fall, for example, to Earth of a giant asteroid or super-powerful flash on the Sun, which in the blink of an eye will burn everything living on our blue planet …

War Time Life

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