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XX century has become one of the bloodiest in the history of mankind. Particularly striking are the acts of Adolf Hitler, World War II, Nazi ideology and the crimes of the Nazis. And similar heavy events of world history, some minds foresaw in the XIX century. They predicted the victory of good over the embodiment of world evil. Who is made a similar prediction? XX century marked by monstrous racist wars unleashed by the Germans, wars waged by against individual nations, especially against the Russian people. During World War I Germans destroyed two million Russian soldiers, facilitating the end of tsarism and the coming to power of the Bolsheviks with all flowing. During World War II, Nazi Germany, which became the successor of Germany to the Ludendorfs and other Hinderburgs (Hitler’s predecessors in power), destroys twenty million Russians and Ukrainians in the name of criminal, bourgeois racial theory, originating from Gobino and Chamberlain. It was in the 1870th year, after too easy victory over the amateurish France of the Second Empire, Germans begin to wonder, consider themselves big cones and convince themselves that they must rule the world in their own way, along with fraternal English people, who, however, will twice declare the Germans the war. Chamberlain’s ominous and grotesque theories will turn into Wilhelm II’s handbook, and he’ll even begin to give it away American diplomats, for example, Rowland Francis (future to the American ambassador in Russia during the Revolution). And precisely in this moment of history our dear Ernest Renan, one of the most educated and sophisticated Frenchmen of the late nineteenth century, takes up a feather, to write to the German thinker David Strauss, author The sensational and post-Christian biography of Jesus. Renan loved peace-loving and learned Germany, the birthplace of the artist Frederick and the beginning romantic century. Balzac in one of his works wrote: “This noble Germany, prolific to respectable characters whose peaceful morals never found themselves conviction, even after seven invasions. “However, by” noble Germany’s Bismarck and militaristic Prussia after which the soul and behavior of this country will change to unrecognizable. So, Renan writes two letters in September 1870 Strauss, of which the second is the most interesting for our consideration. At first, he notes that Germany will breathe on incense with its Prussian unification of the country achieved if so to speak, fire and sword. “Germany, entrusting itself Prussian statesmen and military men, sat on a zealous horse, who will take her wherever she doesn’t want to go. “Also Renan sees racial theory inevitably end in wars Hitler type, fighter wars. “Too harsh pronounced division of humanity into races, in addition to the fact that it based on scientific error, and despite the fact that too few countries have a truly pure race, can only lead to devastating wars, to, let me say, zoological wars, similar to those that indulge in various types of rodents or predators for the sake of survival. “And if such an exalted mind as the mind Renana, may write in 1870 that racism has no scientific base, then all other minds will need three quarters of a century to understand it! Indeed, Renan is outraged by the confiscation of Alsace and Lorraine is against the opinions of the inhabitants of these provinces. And in this he sees another problem for Germany, which with the development of pan-Germanism will turn into a new risk for the Slavic world: “Your newspapers do not the mountains notice what rises before their eyes – everything is increasing resistance to the Slavic consciousness of German consciousness, the confrontation will end in a terrible struggle. “However, Renan sees pop-up Slavic danger, rather large sizes, which will undoubtedly justify the German aggressive militarism; in the future he does not see in the Slavs victims of German barbarism. Because behind the Slavs their demography, courage and military prowess, as qualities inherent young race: “A Slav in fifty years finds out that you are from his the name produced a synonym for “slave”: he will see all this long explanation, and yet the number of Slavs is twice as large as yours, and a Slav once drags a herd from Central Asia behind him – former clientele of Genghis Khan and Tamerlane. “As we see, these sayings of the French thinker justify in some the warning manner of the Nazi fears of the Slavic world, having an additional Asian and Bolshevik sound. IN Summing up the history written after 1945, the great historian Rene Grusset regarding the Red Army will talk about restoration of the empire of the steppes, but this time – armored and motorized! But here, it seems to me, it’s still about the ironic image created by Renan’s pen: “former clientele” – sounds pretty strange … Nazis echoes the “Asian” question will turn into their starting point to justify their cross campaign against Russia. It is known that during the war the Germans, like Americans today will see an easier opportunity to create an alliance in the USSR with the border peoples of the country. And this is not the biggest a paradox of all the paradoxes of Hitlerism: in Asia, Hitler took in allies of the Japanese and Indians against white nationalities, almost everywhere there were Muslim guerrillas, and everywhere the whites ruled over him as the “lower race”. So the white race had no more merciless the enemy. Renan also foresaw the victory of the Slavs: “If once the Slavs will come to demand the return of Prussia, in fact saying Pomerania, as well as Silesia, Berlin for the reason that all these names are of Slavic origin, what do you say then? ” And Renan rightly concludes that no nation will suffer that way from this wrong way of bringing arguments, like the Germans themselves. how it is known that by the end of World War II more than ten million Germans will be expelled from their native lands – at the height of the military conflict and in the most severe frost. Here is another humanitarian the calamity caused by this crazy racial war about which Renan so accurately wrote 75 years before it began.
War Time Germany Russia