Prophecies of Monk Abel about Russia

The Prophecies of Monk Abel about RussiaPhotos from open sources of

Despite the fact that some predictions of clairvoyants, to the great joy of skeptics and “learned men” do not come true, in lately many prophecies have surfaced that were or classified or dusted in the archives of the leading countries of the world, including and Russia, and these prophecies are very similar to each other in their vision of our time.

Almost all of them say that people will leave their lands and en masse in long and futile races, and the State Russian will eventually become the center of the new world. Great cataclysms of the twenty-first century, after which greatness will come Russia, predicted and the Russian monk Abel the Cryptographer, who lived in the second half of the eighteenth – the first half of the nineteenth centuries.

He is often called the Russian Nostradamus, because he does not he could only see the future, but he was never wrong in his predictions. For example, at one time he accurately indicated the date of death Catherine II, after which he fell out of favor and was thrown into the dungeon.

Abel left the descendants a unique icon of the Blessed Virgin Mary, on the fields of which he entered his prophecies. The icon was written the sealer’s cell-man the icon painter Lazarus eight months before the death of the Empress, after which Abel and his assistant fell into Peter and Paul Fortress.

A photo from open sources

Monk Abel’s prediction about Russia

Some of the prophecies written on the icon came true during his lifetime Abel, moreover, day after day, others a little later, for example, about the second the invasion of our country Batu in the middle of the twentieth century, which will be put to shame by the Russian people. There are global foresights, for example, about the End of the World, the date of which some researchers defined as the year 2780. The fact is that Abel used it completely different chronology, and such that its interpretation is very difficult – you can count this way and that.

On a unique icon there is such a prediction of Abel that on the day Birth of the Blessed Virgin Mary, that is, September 21, will come to Russia the great king “double his name before the gift of the saints.” And finally researchers determined: Abel predicted that in 2024 to the throne Russia will rise the blessed king, who will lay the foundation the greatness of the country. Today, this date excites many, and not only in Russia itself, as the term for the presidency is nearing Vladimir Putin. And it is not yet known whether he will run for another term or is looking for a replacement, which is already in full swing trumpeting the media.

And as for the other predictions of Abel concerning our time, then, reading them, one gets the feeling that you just look report from the world’s hot spots. Amazing

Avel Time Russia

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