A photo from open sources
Soothsayers and prophets have lived on Earth at all times. For some their divination was an occasion for deep thought about life, for to others, they were just an opportunity to satisfy their curiosity, but still others didn’t want to hear anything or were too skeptical. But no matter what criticism prophecies, the fact remains the facts – many of them have already found reflected in reality and, judging by what is happening in the world changes, even more of them are destined to come true soon future … There are a number of global predictions that point to upcoming catastrophic changes. Everyone knows Michelle Nostradamus in his “Centuries” predicted uncertainty historical development process since 2001, and Jose Argueles – researcher of pre-Columbian America civilizations – calculated on the foundation of the ancient Native American calendar the onset of the end the galactic wave since 2011, which is life-giving, spiritual substance that comes to Earth from space. Although in counterbalance to this horror and harmony and love of the future can be put the era of Aquarius, which began in classical Western astrology in 2002 year, but something so far is not very noticeable of this understanding and the world between people. At the moment, many seers are known, but I want to hear the voice of other prophets, few people know, but who are worthy of great trust. This special category is shamanic soothsayers (shaman – a person engaged in spiritual practicing and mediating between the world of spirits and the world people). What exactly do they foretell, we will learn further, but for now we will dilute the pumped-up atmosphere with a little narrative of pretty funny messianic teachings that spread in the early 40s XX century. In the history of mankind there have always been enough charlatans and amateurs in any field of activity. And mentoring is on the way to the divine is no exception. Original messiah john Fram, a preacher of new life on the island of Tana, predicted the onset of a cataclysm, if white people do not leave the ancestral lands Aboriginal people. To achieve the departure of strangers, he called for getting rid from money and when the last whites go away, since they have nobody will buy anything, then the ancients will be restored customs, and people will gain all conceivable and inconceivable benefits, inherent, oddly enough, of European civilization. And probably for in order to undoubtedly cause fun in a civilized man, the prophecy says that these blessings will be delivered by plane from America. By the way, it was the expectation of the aircraft that gave it movement named “Cult of the Cargo.” Photo from open sources Well, on the one hand, really funny, but on the other – sad. Hoping for a brighter future, people easily succumbed to the temptation of the simplicity of its achievement. Material values have become paramount for them, and culture, traditions and understanding receded into the background, giving way to an absurd faith in a divine plane. Many centuries ago with most humanity an event happened, very similar to what happened. People, having desired the riches of this world and the kingdom over it, they forgot about nature, choosing a technological path of development. Extensive knowledge of subtle planes of being required constant contact with the spirit (for maintaining and expanding a person’s creative abilities), but this did not give quick fruits and results. Gradually knowledge of the true nature of things began to be lost, and then completely forgotten. This situation persists now – human needs are growing every day therefore more and more to pervert, inventing a “better life” and depleting the power of Mother Earth. But how can you take her life and prosper yourself? Of course not. we are inextricably linked with her and mutually influence each other. Not it’s known what will happen to humanity if it does not change its relationship to nature. Although why it is not known? For example, shaman Cree Agnes Fast Losih in his address to people says: “What does the great Mother Earth dream about when it slowly turns in a dream? There seems to be no end and fae to this dark night. But once in the morning she will wake up, straighten her shoulders, be surprised and angry, because the bones of her body are pulled apart cell by cell. Dark the night within each of us, the night that we cannot know will be broken like an arrow if we do not awaken with it. What does her great earthly body want from us? When she expires purifying herself with blood, will she remember who we are? “Goosebumps run on the skin and hair stand on end from this. But doesn’t it happen similar now? Don’t the media report information on floods, on the awakening of volcanoes, on droughts and on other natural disasters? By the way, very interesting the prophecy about this was made by the shaman Elville, the author nine books about shamanism and spiritual understanding of the world, publishing his works under the pseudonym Olard Dixon. This shaman, plus to all, is the leader of the Raven clan movement, whose teachings distributed from Chukotka to the Kola Peninsula and adherents which are about a thousand people. July 7, 2002 to Elville the vision came: “I saw a giant looking to the North. One leg it stood in Europe, and the other in Asia. And I realized that I am this giant. The sky parted and my hands held out a wooden a bowl filled to the brim with water. I took the cup and water flowed from her two streams. One stream connected with the rivers of Europe, and the other – with the rivers of Asia. Water in the rivers became more and more. Here rivers overflowed, and the flood began. People in a panic ran away looming water, but many of them drowned. Then a voice sounded with heaven: “A warning has come true!” But people were so busy the salvation of his property that no one heard these words. ” Let’s take a brief look at the forecast of events for the 21st century, recorded the shaman Elville, however, without accurate dating when this happens. Prophecies begin with the line: “Creation of the Union of Slavic states and its collapse. “Then follow: the collapse of Russia with the formation of many independent states in the Far East and in Siberia; the collapse of the Russian economy and economic recovery secession states; wars between the separated states and etc. Olard Elville Dixon speaks about the imminent adoption of the law on voluntary death. By the way, among the northern peoples it is practiced until recently, and for some information is taking place now. Old men feeling approaching weakness, they asked their loved ones to strangle them with a lasso, so that the soul forces left to successfully overcome obstacles to afterlife. The shaman writes about the emergence of new, sustainable for exposure to viruses (as a result of mutations already known) and about revolutionary discoveries in medicine and physics; and about creating artificial person; and the discovery on Earth of the presence of other life forms; and the collapse of modern theories about the origin of man; and an increase in average life expectancy with simultaneous declining birth rate … The correctness of the last paragraph confirmed by the words of another shaman – Koryak Kochap Tykentekiev, who said that the strength of the people is not in his multiplicity, and in the health of each of its members. How Nature is responsible for the disrespect of man to the environment. to the world, writes the prophet and clairvoyant Mountain Brotherhood Native American Robert Wolf Ghost: “At the beginning of the XXI century, the world awaits catastrophic changes. Due to the displacement of the Earth’s magnetic poles dozens of volcanoes wake up at the same time. Their ashes for several months, the Sun will close, and the polar winter will begin. Eruption volcanoes in the Pacific Ocean will cause a rise in water up to a hundred meters. Land plunged into chaos, and it will happen very soon. In the beginning there will be three warnings. If humanity does not change its mind and learn to live and to think in harmony with nature, then most of it will die either in fire, or in water. “And as if in confirmation of his words he speaks Koryak shaman Kochap Tykentekiev: “… Only those who remain will be able to start all over again, who has the right to life and continuation kind. Let’s hope they don’t repeat the mistakes and will to honor the laws of the Spirit, because they are given to all for the good. ” information on the displacement of the Earth’s magnetic poles is also found in the prophecies of Olard Elville Dixon, and in the so-called “Message International Brotherhood of Shamanic Clans to the inhabitants of the Earth. “Generally pole displacement as a fact has a scientific justification and confirmed by many scientists around the world. Some of them completely share the opinion of the shamans-soothsayers and, relying on their forecasts give their explanation of the impending danger. For example, Russian scientist A. N. Dmitriev, dealing with issues global ecology, believes that the tragedy will be provoked US industrial power that completely forgot about spirituality and thereby repelled cosmic energy (the very the galactic wave of Jose Arguelles. To the states most likely and the first, and, therefore, the most powerful blow of the natural element will fall. Things will be different in Siberia and the Far East. This the region absorbs the energy of the cosmos and therefore is a favorable place for all forms of life. Maybe with that connected the future prosperity of Asia as a cultural center, on which many prophets insist, and not only shamans. Many are afraid shamans and do not trust them. This is because most are not knows that the philosophy of these mystics is an effective doctrine of forces of Nature, based on knowledge of its deepest aspects. “Judge by actions and tongue,” the wise ones say. Can it a person with “devilish faith”, as some believe, to absorb in yourself the grief of another and “burn” him in your heart, making it easier suffering offended, expecting nothing in return. In that the essence of the whole direction of shamanism lies. The power of shamans is always reflected in incredible stories. They say that a very long time ago they could even fly through the air. The shamans themselves report that this is not idle fiction – just before people lived with the Spirit, and not with machines. Archaeological excavations and anthropological studies have shown that the ancients, without knowing the wheels and iron, nevertheless spent the most complicated brain operations and had knowledge not accessible to modern scientists. This knowledge is new to every new age. given and removed from posterity. Today the shamanistic world is waiting secondary return to Earth of the First Heavenly Shaman. how says the son of a German shaman Vasily Baatagay: “We are waiting little baby with a white eye. Somewhere he must be born soon. “It turns out that higher powers give people the opportunity to improve, time they send a new enlightener of mankind and, as clarifies Elville, he must come from Russia. In the same prophecy it is said of his martyrdom. A similar prophecy comes and from apache shaman John Running, it only appears in even more gloomy light: “Before the end of the World there will be a powerful earthquake in as a result of which hundreds of thousands of people will die. Then start war, and the moon turns red and the sky disappears. A prophet will come and preach a new teaching. For some he will be the messiah, and others will call him the Antichrist. “Well, like that already happened more than once. A vivid example of this is Jesus crucified with the sign “King of the Jews” under the cries and blasphemy of the crowd. Here it is appropriate to revert to the prophecies of Elville, who predicts a shift in focus towards Asia, global the diminishing role of the Orthodox Church, its modification and internal split. So, following the shamanic revelations, we come to the very the edge of the abyss, from the black of which they look at us through the eyes of predators our actions and thoughts. They inevitably come to us, so that to appear in all its awesome greatness. What is capable resist these monsters, if not the fire of Heaven and the water of the Earth, ready to incinerate and dissolve in our actions? That’s what prophesying to us clairvoyant shamans: “To the earth in the North Atlantic, says John Running, a comet will fall. Will begin unprecedented hurricanes and giant waves will fall on all coastal areas, resulting in the deaths of 2.3 million people. The planet will come down from my orbit, I will plunge into ice. All living things will perish. “On the possibility of a space invasion is also indicated by a famous writer Vladimir Khristoforov, the last guardian of the ice sarcophagi – tombs of shamans on the Chukotka Peninsula: “February 1 2019, an asteroid will approach the Earth, which can cause displacement of the magnetic poles and the flood, even if it passes by. ” Humanity, according to shamans, needs a shake to peace updated. Tuvan Shaman from Tos Dzer Society (Nine Heaven) Albina Tava-Sambu says: “The main vice of people is unconsciousness of their actions. They need to stop at least for a moment and think about what they do, remember their roots and go back to nature. “Maybe you should still listen to what we whisper. Space through the mouths of these seers and, joining forces, try avert the danger hanging over the planet that has given us shelter in this a great vast ocean called the universe?
War Water Volcanoes Life Russia Airplanes USA Shamans