Photo from open sources
… In the air there is a premonition of misfortune, namely – of the Third World war. What will happen to Russia and to all of us? That’s probably why many people are increasingly turning to prophecies, of which today are very a lot – from oracles with world names, let’s say Nostradamus, and ending with less eminent seers – all kinds of magicians, sorcerers, psychics. Of particular relevance in this regard represent prophetic words about Russia of the holy elders – these God’s saints, who through prayers and their righteous lives received from the Almighty the gift of penetrating thought and vision into the future. Why did they leave behind this interesting legacy – predictions about the current harsh time, and what awaits us in front.
If to someone in the prophecies of the elders some things seem familiar, for example, something like that said Edgar Cayce, Wang and even wrote Nostradamus in his mysterious quatrains, this is not nothing surprising. All prophets without exception, even elders Hopi Indians scooped their knowledge of the future from one source – the information field of the Earth, or, as I call it scientists, Noosphere. Another thing is that every prophet translates what he received information in its own way, depending on the time in which he lived, language, level of spirituality and much more. No wonder the saints people talked about the fate of Russia about the same thing:
Paisy Afonsky: Russia will become the spiritual center of everything of the world. This will be achieved thanks to a talented leader, who will be one with his people. But with Europe, a compromise is will not be found, which may well lead to a military clash; Seraphim of Sarov: the peoples of the whole world will still envy prosperity of Russia, they will even hinder this (again because of envy), but they can’t do anything wrong with her, because Russia will protect the Higher forces; Avelius: Despite Today disagreements and even enmity, Slavic states certainly will unite, creating an invincible empire – bright and spiritual; Ignatius Brianchaninov: anyone who wants evil for Russia brings closer Apocalypse itself; Ambrose Optinsky: Russia has a special way in this the world, and therefore everyone who tries to lead her astray satanic novice; Anatoly Optinsky: wars and riots in the world will still be, however, after a serious disaster in China, the world God’s appearance will be given, after which Russia will become the earth the promised; Theophan the Recluse: a completely new Russia will be created, in the best tradition of spiritual Christian faith, namely faith, and not churches; Paisiy Svyatorets: I foresee military events in the Middle East, in which Russia will take part, however, after this will begin its unprecedented flowering; Nikolay Guryanov: after Yeltsin Russia is waiting for a military ruler, and therefore the power will be running, but then the Tsar of the Orthodox comes, I somehow will not live to see these bright days, and you will certainly see everything with your own eyes (watch a documentary about this amazing old man).
You notice that the saints talked about almost the same thing some of them, like Nikolai Guryanov, are even relatively accurate call the time of these glorious changes for Russia – with the advent of a true spiritual leader, the Tsar of the Orthodox, who, judging by everything will replace the current Russian president.
A photo from open sources
Whether all these prophecies will come true is hard to say, but the relevance of this information lies precisely in the probability such an outcome that we all, Russian people, should sacredly believe in, thereby really bringing it closer. According to your faith, they will be given to you, says one of the main sayings of Jesus Christ. By the way all esoteric teachings that are open to the general public today, they say the same thing – we and only ourselves, with our thoughts, words and, most importantly, sincere aspirations form the future. So we will believe in the words of the wise elders and try as soon as we can, bring the bright future of Russia closer!
War Time Nostradamus Russia Edgar Cayce