A photo from open sources
Blessed Pelageya was born in the village of Zakharovo, Zakharovsky district Ryazan region in 1890. She was blind from birth, and already at the age of 3, the Lord gave her the gift of insight. Highly many people received from the perspicacious girl Pelagia edifying warnings and warnings, although here I will show a very small part. The blessed righteous woman and the great ascetic died prayer book of Pelageya Ryazan slevenka in 1966. Blissful was a great prayer book and fasting.
A photo from open sources
When she needed to learn something or for someone ask, she prayed all night Seraphim of Sarov, and the saint helped her.
Now I will give some of her predictions.
1. In recent times, for every Christian there will be a hundred or more sorcerers! Oh what a passion!
2. The discerning girl Pelagia warned: to bookstalls and do not get close to the newspaper! How many books of sorcerers and sorcerers under the guidance of Jews are released all over the world ?! Soon and we will be in piles!
3. In recent times, the whole nation will be sick, what will be mortality! All for the fact that people will not be baptized with a cross! There will be no sickness from God! Make a conclusion for yourself …
4. Grandmother Pelagia the perspicacious said that the time will come when there will be a great number of patients with head cancer; said without headdress woman should not walk. Wearing masks is not allowed or distortion of the image of God in the face, the presence of idols and dogs in house, different fortune-telling and charm. She said such mothers awesome! In hell there is a special place for such mothers.
5. She also said that female lipstick often contains canine fat. If the house is consecrated – the Lord settles, and if the dog is allowed the grace of the Holy Spirit goes into the house. Whose dogs live in one indoors with icons, he should not be allowed to Communion!
6. Even in my youth I wanted to become a priest. But a visionary Fields didn’t bless me. She said that is approaching us at a time in which it will be impossible observe neither monastic nor priestly vows; what if ordained, then you won’t be saved!
Therefore, in my address Pelagia said: ten miles from priest (i.e. from the dignity)! And work yourself, and pray earnestly, not only during the day, but also at night. At night a little, and then a lot. Soon the seal of the Antichrist!
7. Blessed Pelageya Ryazan talked about the last times many. There will be great sorrow when the servants of the Antichrist will deprive believers food, work, retirement … There will be a moan, cry and much another … Many will die. There will be no food, there will be no water, heat unspeakable, pangs of animals, at every step there will be stranglers hanging … You need to pray a lot so as not to live up to those terrible days, and especially read Akathist to the holy seven youths of Ephesus.
8. Most people in the world with hunger will receive from Antichrist print, very few will regret it. This seal will permanently seal received it for the grace of repentance, that is, they can never repent and go to hell! Food for those who print is enough for of Antichrist for only six months, and then their great sorrow. They will begin to seek death and will not find it! – said the blind Pelagia Ryazan.
9. The blessed pelagia said that the Russian people would be strangled by all means. And Adventists – the Satanic faith – a green street! There will be so many suicides in our country! Still to come. Hunger, and with hunger – cannibalism! War, and then choose the Antichrist.
10. Put all care in order for the Lord to deliver from Sodom sin. Satan will command the clergy to shame this sin and monasticism. The blind Pelagia spoke a lot about this sin, but I then did not know the meaning of the word. It will be distributed in on a large scale, this is sodomy!
11. The discerning girl Pelagia said that all evil that will be concentrated in Russia, the Chinese will sweep. Bitterly she cried about Russia: what will happen to her, what misfortunes befall her!
12. What will happen to Moscow? – In an instant underground. What with St. Petersburg? – That will be called the sea. And what about Kazan? – Sea – said Pelagia what was shown to her.
13. The angel of the Lord informed the great ascetic Pelagia that that Lenin’s soul will appear to her in six hours. Angel warned her that his appearance is such that anyone, if he suddenly sees, then from fear and horror – death at once. She prayed fieryly for six hours kneeling and bowing to the Lord to strengthen and lead imminent death.
The soul of Ulyanov told Pelageya that she was sick, hot, and asked help: only you know everything about me, you can help!
Blessed Pelagia replied that she could ask the Lord to resurrect him for three days so that he tells the whole world what is hell, and repented of his deeds publicly. Then God will have mercy on him. But Lenin giggled and said no! And then he disappeared.
13. What will happen on Russian soil ?! What a sorrow looming ahead of us ?! said the perspicacious girl Pelageya. – Witchcraft will cover all of Russia.
14. Now Petersburg has become a satanic lair. So much brought in sorcery that will fail and the sea will form on this place. What will they call him? ..
15. Kazan and other cities will be in the bowels of the earth. – said the righteous Pelagia the perspicacious.
16. She was revealed from above that at the end of time she would remain on white there are only seven temples, seven sanctuaries! The Lord himself will protect them until His Second Coming. That is, they will stand firmly in right faith. And in other places they will beat so hard that it’s barely alive will stay. Then there will be a special cruelty over the believers, such that even the holy fathers could not describe! Then come to Zaraysk.
17. Indifference of the clergy to others, indifference to what is happening and other scary words said the ascetic Pelagia about the priests. From her words I was terrified, even entered with argue with her! .. But she said to me firmly: listen and be silent, otherwise will be made sin to you, and the Lord will not forgive.
18. Many times repeated God’s mistress Pelageya:
1. The rich priests crucified the Lord!
2. Wealthy priests overthrew the King !!
3. Wealthy priests will lead us to the Antichrist !!!
19. Pelagia predicted that people would soon not know how to pray, and will not pray. She said she would be soon world faith, and that our clergy will be for her restore and prepare temples! She said that the bishops will allow to preach with us the Seventh-day Adventists who screw hell and deny the Life-giving Cross! That’s what our goal will be clergy: open all doors to the Antichrist.
Blessed girl Pelagia said that the Church used to cook people for heaven, and now for hell! The priesthood and the people do not know how cross yourself. Everything is done intentionally! Most clergy do not have reason, God and people do not love. Everything is done by the priesthood so that the people prayed casually, somehow, although all the strength in the godfather a sign!
Priests set an example to the people – how to live without a godfather signs, said Pelagia the blind. Thus, they betray the people Satan And how many serious sins are there in the people ?! And they are silent! An exception is a rarity.
Even spiritual institutions prepare priests for hell! What, can it be worse? She told me that the rich the clergy is always justified without shame and conscience in her words. They climb out of their skin, they say that they are good.
The current priesthood – bliss said to all troubles – blessed Pelagia Ryazan. Once Praskovya Semyonovna found crying his nephew – the Monk Seraphim of Sarov. And he is his Auntie explained everything. His answer was then printed in the third volume. Priest’s Handbook:
By the coming of Antichrist Christians will not be because of priests understand the true teachings of Christ – said the blessed Pelagia Discerning.
20. Blessed Pelagia predicted that in recent times there will be an increase in pension, and explained that it is – to come soon antichrist.
21. The high priests with the help of the landowners overthrew the king – said Pelagia Ryazan. For this they suffered blood, torment, death. Them fate beyond the grave is eternal fire. Say: Not true ?! Yes true! The priesthood for a long time chopped that branch on which it sat, and therefore, – said blessed Pelagia, – a great many clergy accepted terrible torment, and, despite the martyrdom, went in hell! After all, they freed the earthly throne from the Anointed of God – for the antichrist. Christians, conclude. Instruct friend friend, edify one another – these are the words of the Apostle (1 Theo. 5; 11, Heb. 3; 11, 10; 25).
22. The righteous girl of God Pelagia said that it is possible to save Russia from the Antichrist, that everything is in the hands of the patriarch and bishops, but they – for godless power!
Imagine, said the perspicacious Pelagia, we were priests under the kings! But they could not find the life of Truth. Life in Truth, in Christ, will be found after the resurrection from the dead of St. Seraphim of Sarov! ..
23. Sorcerers killed our King-Father and captured over us power, said the blind Pelageya Ryazan, “they are disguised as Germans, Poles, Russians captured all the wealth of Russia, so that choke the Orthodox people to exterminate the Church.
24. When I die, she said, the Antichrist is born.
25. Pelageya Ryazan said that the Bishops of the Russian Orthodox Church will depart from the truth of the Orthodox faith, will not believe the prophecies about the resurrection of Russia! To expose them will be the Monk Seraphim of Sarov was resurrected from the dead.
26. Blessed Pelagia the perspicacious predicted that the Antichrist will be announced from America. And the whole world will bow to him, except the royal Orthodox Church, which will first be in Russia! And then The Lord will give his little flock victory over the Antichrist and his kingdom.
27. And finally, her last prediction:
Pelagia of Ryazan indicated that Antichrist will be around the world reign 8 months before the Lord God reveals in Russia of His Chosen One – the Tsar-Victor
Judge for yourself.
You will find this prediction in the memoirs of the servant of God Peter about blessed old woman Pelageya Ryazan “. He wrote down and compiled K. V. P. 1996, Exaltation of the Cross Text was published in the journal Life. eternal “N 18 for 1996
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