Prophecies of Tibetan Monks

A photo from open sources

Time goes ahead and soon will be a year from the fateful date 21 December 2012, to which the ancient Mayans appointed us the end of the world. When the doomsday did not happen, everything is progressive mankind joyfully opened champagne and immediately tried forget about a terrible prophecy, like a bad dream. In vain!

The translation of the fateful date from the ancient calendar to the modern one could give a significant error, and the frequency increasing every year natural disasters cannot but cause alarm. True, no matter how the weather on the globe changed, instantly the apocalypse still doesn’t will come.

Therefore, the author of the article, like most of the inhabitants of the planet, plunged into his affairs, recklessly forgetting a terrible prediction. AND suddenly this summer on one of the analytical sites I saw scanned photos of a memo from the first years Soviet power, compiled somewhere in the bowels of the OGPU. True number and the document header were retouched, so determine secret document or not, by whom and when it was drafted, was impossible. At the same time, the text of the note itself was directly it is visible quite clearly and caused a certain interest, because in it was said that the monks of Tibet allegedly told expedition, consisting of employees of the OGPU, about the end of the world, which really happen, but in 2014.

Tibetan secrets

The memo summed up the famous expedition from ten people led by Jacob Blyumkin that was sent in 1925 in Tibet in search of artifacts of previous civilizations Earth and City of the gods. A lot has been written about this expedition today. books, however, the author of the article first encountered a claim to authenticity by a document created directly in the bowels of that organization that sent its employees to Tibet.

Today it’s no secret to anyone (and this is confirmed by the text notes) that a rather expensive expedition was organized by order of Dzerzhinsky himself and consisted exclusively of employees of the special department of the OGPU, led by no less legendary explorer of the sacred secrets of humanity Gleb Bokiy.

It follows from the note that the main purpose of the expedition was not to prove the existence, and to clarify the geographical coordinates location of the city of the gods and get technology previously unknown weapons of terrible destructive power. It turns out that in existence no one even doubted the city at that time! Interesting that the leaders Nazi Germany, too, more than once sent to these places secret expeditions – and with the same goals.

The note confirms the well-known in a number of publications in the media information that initially Blumkin tried to perform under the guise of Mongol lama, but in Lhasa was exposed. In the document it is said that the mandate signed by Dzerzhinsky and saved him from arrest addressed to the Dalai Lama XIII. Amazing but a spiritual leader Buddhists gladly received Blyumkin, considering the appeal to him one of the leaders of the Soviet Union is a good sign.

Blumkin from an illegal tourist instantly turned into an important guest. However, the Chekist did not forget for a minute about the task of the center. AND bargained from the Dalai Lama to visit underground structures under the palace Potala, in which, according to the monks, was the City of the Gods with wonderful mechanisms – bargained for a promise to deliver the government of Tibet on credit a large batch of arms and open credit line in gold.

In the city of the gods

After a kind of initiation, Blumkin accompanied thirteen monks in January 1926 finally went down to mysterious dungeon. The note details the path OGPU employee on a whole chain of underground labyrinths with complex lock system. To open this or that door, monks each became in a certain place and in the process of roll call pulled metal rings hanging from the ceiling on chains, only after that the door rattled open.

Doors, as well as the monks accompanying him, Blumkin, if you believe note counted thirteen. From secret halls with mechanisms Gods showed him only two. In one of them was a certain a machine that the monks called “vajra.” Outwardly, she represented huge forceps, which, according to the monks, appeared in underground tunnels for 8-10 thousand years BC. e. Using this machine gold was evaporated at a temperature close to solar – 6-7 thousand degrees. Visually, according to the monks, the process was as follows: gold flared up and turned into powder. This powder is the elite of ancient civilizations. added to food and drink, thereby extending her life by hundreds years. Using the same powder, the ancient inhabitants moved huge stone blocks, however, technology, as it happened, is not preserved.

The cycle of death of civilizations

According to Blumkin, the monks told him that in the underground the halls store artifacts of all previous civilizations of the Earth, which it was five. Each of them died as a result of global natural cataclysm caused by the passage of a planet near the Sun, three times the size of the Earth and, accordingly, with a large the amount of heat and water on its surface. Frequency of passage this planet through the solar system was, according to the monks, about 3 600 years. Anyone who is a little interested alternative history of the Earth, it will immediately become clear that we are talking about the planet we know as Nibiru.

This planet, as Blumkin was told, rotates, unlike Earth, clockwise, so when these two celestial come together bodies powerful electromagnetic flux creates on our planet large natural disasters. The monks noted that every fourth rapprochement with this planet causes a Flood on Earth, destroying all life, including the next human civilization. In this case, the wave rises to seven meters, and its speed is 1 LLC km / h. The last, third cycle planet entry into the solar system was observed in 1586 BC. e., and the fateful fourth, which should destroy our civilization, causing a new global flood, should happen in 2009-2014. Moreover, according to the monks, in 2009 the sinister the planet will reappear on the approaches to the solar system, and in 2014 will approach the Earth at a critical distance.

The note says that the monks of Tibet knew about the prophetic calendars of the Babylonians, Mayans and Aztecs, which ended with this date. The difference in one or two years may have arisen due to numerous translations of ancient calendars to modern ones. Gene pool humanity, like its technology, will once again be saved monks in the underground city of Antarctica and Tibet who interconnected by underground passages, as indicated in a note.

Interestingly, the monks talked about the pole change during flood. So, the first, most ancient pole, according to their information, was on the site of the modern Easter island, and it is possible that its idols are images of the inhabitants of the legendary Arctida, or hyperborea. The new North Pole after apo-kalypsis 2014 should become North America.

The final part of the note states that, according to Blumkina, Japanese and German intelligence also became owners information transmitted to him by the monks. Therefore it was urgently needed organize a new expedition to Tibet, focusing on his need governments in arms and gold. Such an expedition was organized, however, it was not Blumkin who headed it: he after the attempt escaping abroad in 1929 was arrested and perished in the dungeons Lubyanka. The head of the next expedition was a certain Savelyev. In this theory fits perfectly the construction of the Nazis in Antarctica of the mythical New Berlin at the end of the war. Maybe, members of their expedition to Tibet really managed to get the same information that Blumkin.

The final part of the note talks about the preparation plans. Saveliev’s expedition to Tibet. True, nothing about her for certain it is known. However, today, on the eve of 2014, this is not so important. If the note is reliable, and the monks of Tibet were not mistaken, then now it’s far more important to understand if Nibiru really exists, and if yes, then where is she at the moment.


Unfortunately, the monks were not far from the truth. Back in 1982 Numerous scientific publications of the West announced that NASA recognized the existence of another planet of the solar system. Through NASA’s infrared artificial satellite discovered a huge object near the solar system. The object was so huge which exceeded in size even Jupiter. The cosmic body moved with side of the constellation Orion, which is known to appear in mythology of many ancient civilizations of the Earth as the birthplace of the gods. FROM of that moment, NASA employees often retired and claimed the press that the governments of the largest powers in the world know about Nibiru and even preparing to evacuate to underground shelters, however, so as not to cause panic, do not spread about it. However, these words are not confirmed, but not officially disproved.

A photo from open sources

The rest is assumed that Nibiru is wandering planet that revolves around the so-called dark stars or brown dwarf. Periodically this planet is like testify mythological texts of ancient civilizations and modern astronomers passing through the solar system in the area Jupiter. Modern research confirms that the rotation of Nibiru carried out in the opposite direction, unlike the main the masses of the planets of the solar system, which periodically changes the trajectory Nibiru, and at the same time brings destruction to our planetary the system.

At the same time, modern researchers argue that fiery red Nibiru with its companions passes through The solar system is fast enough – it’s getting away from it several weeks to several months. It is assumed that planet from which only asteroid belt has remained between today Jupiter and Mars, died due to a collision with Nibiru. Red an alien caused a change in the inclination of the axis of rotation of some planets, and a number of the largest craters arose due to a collision with companions of Nibiru.

Astronomers have suggested that it will be possible to telescope from Earth observe Nibiru starting in mid-May 2009, but only in Southern Hemisphere, as Tibetan monks spoke of this. From the middle in the summer of 2011 it should have been visible to people of all continents. Armageddon was scheduled for December 2012, as it and the ancient Mayans predicted. At this time, Nibiru was supposed to sizes in the sky equal to the Sun and cause on Earth a number major natural disasters. However, this, as we know, is not It happened.

In February 2013, researchers predicted the passage of the Earth between Nibiru and the Sun – it was then that they should have changed geographic poles of the Earth and the Flood. However and this did not happen. Scientists expected that since the summer of 2014 Nibiru will begin to exit the solar system, and troubles will begin go to naught.

So what do we have in the bottom line? Information of the ancients only half confirmed? An unknown planet was discovered its path was traced to the entrance to the solar system, on the Internet even walked photos and videos of Nibiru, but only before the moment she was supposed to be visible to Earth unarmed the eye. Then silence. Since Nibiru did not appear in the sky, then there’s only one conclusion – the trajectory of its movement changed, and she went away from the solar system.

Dmitry SOKOLOV, “Secrets and Mysteries” Antarctica Ancient Time artifacts End of the World NASA Nibiru Sun Solar System Tibet Maya Jupiter Civilization

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