A photo from open sources It seems that the world is looking forward new end of the world, because there is information that they call one or another date of the approaching Apocalypse. AND often this information refers to big authorities.
For example, from somewhere came the prophecy of St. Matrena, who Christians still call the Matron of Moscow, the blessed Matron or more affectionately – Matronushka. In life, this blind woman was a seer and a doctor. During World War II to her women came to find out the fate of her husband: where and how is he, will return home. And Matronushka always said the truth, whatever it was not bitter. And she was never wrong in her predictions.
The video suggested recently found the prophecy of St. Matron about the end of the world. He is a saint says that soon all people will die, die without war, and then will be resurrected, and there will be another life on Earth, and people will be different, and they will begin to love each other, as it should be true to human society.
And supposedly called the date of the end of the world – 2017. But it sounds from the mouth of the creators of the video is somehow unconvincing: is it possible date, or blessed Matron, the date of the Apocalypse is not called at all. However, it is immediately assumed that in 2017 year, in the month of February, a comet may approach the Earth, perhaps it will bring us cosmic death when everyone dies without war.
Well, wait and see. The previous end of the world in 2012 was much worse – survived. We survive and this …
War Life End of the World