Prophetic drawings of Benjamin Solari Parravicini

The Prophetic Drawings of Benjamin Solari ParraviciniPhoto from open sources

You have not heard anything about the Argentine artist Benjamin Solari Parravicini, who did something incredible in the first half of the past century? No wonder, during his life with his work were only close friends are familiar, and even they say they belonged to these strange drawings with even stranger captions to them are very skeptical.

A photo from open sources

According to the people around Benjamin, all his artistic fantasies made no sense, however this is a mysterious creation preserved due to the fact that many prophecies of the Argentine from Buenos Aires began to come true during the life of the artist. It turned out that Parravicini somehow foresaw events that will happen much later, some already in our 21st century, although he did most of his prediction sketches in the late thirties years of the last century.

A photo from open sources

Say graciously how in 1938 an artist could draw TV? It is clear that in addition to himself, neither a drawing nor even nobody understood his signature. And she was very prophetic:

Under the rule of the home screen from which people will the stream of stupidity and immorality is pouring, humanity will become dumb, mesmerized by this sight, and therefore it will be manipulated everything is easier and easier.

A photo from open sources

With his drawings of 1939, Parravicini predicted the fall of Paris 1940, which will last until 1944, the sad end of Hitler and Mussolini, however, this is much less surprising since at that time already many (far from oracles) foresaw the second world war, and its milestones, and even how it will end.

A photo from open sources

But here is a drawing of Benjamin of 1937, and on it is a man with a beard, which, according to the sketch, will set fire to the Antilles the islands. It is in this archipelago that Cuba enters, but to Fidel Castro at that time it was only 11 years old.

A photo from open sources

And how do you unequivocal drawings of the late thirties with such signatures:

  • Russia will extend its dogma to China, completely subjugating his.
  • The first to fly into space is a dog.
  • Soon, the struggle between the Russians and the Yankees for leadership in space.
  • It will also be habitual to fly airplanes, as now ride on cars and trains.
  • An atom will rule over the world.

A photo from open sources

Now consider the drawings with prophecy signatures concerning already our 21st century? For example, Parravicini clearly draws in 1939 twin towers of New York and signs: to North America twice will make an attack. Notice by then the World Trade Center in New York was not even in plans, not that it was built.

A photo from open sources

Or else: some catastrophic figure with a signature that it Japan and its explosion “F”. Is it foreseeing the tragedy at nuclear power plants Fukushima 1?

A photo from open sources

And this is even more interesting: luminous circles with strange creatures in them from other planets. But it was they who spawned humanity on Earth, which for a long time called aliens gods and angels. And they will come back again and be heard when Russians and yellow-faced will rule the world.

Finally, consider another interesting sketch of Parravicini with no less intriguing comment on it:

Pope will move to America. The world is waiting for same-sex love, the conception of children in laboratories and mutants due to radiation. The most common disease on the planet will be cancer.

A photo from open sources

As you can see, the Argentine artist practically predicted everything very accurate, except for what has not happened yet. At Benjamin is, and in my opinion, the most global prophecy about that humanity will learn to fly to the stars and understand: Earth is the lowest stage of development of the mind in the universe. Sadly, isn’t it? But, apparently, the way it is …

Time Life Artists

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