A photo from open sources
Ancient ruins were found during the expedition, aiming which was the search for the legendary city of “Divine Monkeys”. Immaculately preserved ruins of an ancient settlement were discovered by expedition members in an uninhabited, remote area rainforest Honduras. Ever since the lost city its inhabitants left, more than a thousand years have passed. Most likely for us will remain an unsolved mystery of who his townspeople were, on which they communicated in the language, in what they believed and for what reason they disappeared without a trace. However, there are many mysteries in the world – for example, despite living literally next door to the Mayan civilization, we know little about this a mysterious and long-lost culture. What to say about people who in history left no trace. In the ruins cities archaeologists have discovered a repository with various artifacts and stone sculptures, including in the cache were small carved vessels and figures depicting the head of a jaguar. Since the work excavations of an abandoned city are still underway, the location of the ruins kept secret in order to avoid the raids of treasure seekers.