Riddles of ancient Tauris: a map of the starry sky, which is 30 thousand years old

Mysteries of ancient Tauris: a map of the starry sky, which is 30 thousand years oldA photo from open sources

Ancient Tauris, or Crimea, which has always been a mystery to scientists for seven seals, still keeps many archaeological and historical riddles that we want to tell you about. One of them – an amazing starry sky map that baffles modern researchers of antiquities: after all, she is 30 thousand years old.

A photo from open sources

This fantastic map was discovered in 1928 in one of the caves. on the outskirts of Simferopol, a local teacher-historian Anatoly Stolbunov. A map of the sky was carved on the scapula of the mammoth, which roamed the Crimean land, as scientists have determined, 30 thousand years back. Later Zaporizhzhya astrophysicist Chernov recognized on This map contains 16 constellations of the Northern Hemisphere, as well as 102 stars, which really exist. But how could they know about all this? ancient inhabitants of Tauris?

By the way, Anatoly Stolbunov, in addition to the starry sky, found in ancient caves near Simferopol dozens of other drawings, made on the walls and bones of animals. Among them, by the way, very mysterious compositions on which it was possible see animal people and bird people. In addition, the ancient inhabitants Tauris depicted in these figures two different types of people, clearly Cro-Magnons and Neanderthals. Therefore, even a history teacher then realized: this is an amazing discovery, because it proves that both of these species of ancient inhabitants of the Earth existed simultaneously and interacted with each other, and therefore a reasonable person could not come from a neanderthal man.

Artifacts found by Anatoly Stolbunov refuted (according to to a lesser extent, cast a serious shadow of doubt) generally accepted theory of human evolution, so the history teacher ran into complete misunderstanding, or even real resistance from official Soviet science and local authorities. The real one has begun Harassment of a local historian who allegedly went about his own business. Trying defend his discovery, Stolbunov was able at that time only publish several small press notes, of which a voluminous and informative article is still considered “Civilization Chokurchi “, published in the newspaper” Soviet Crimea “.

A photo from open sources

All artifacts found by the local historian were sent “for further study” in Novosibirsk. Further their traces are lost. According to one version, the artifacts returned to the Crimea, but the Crimean museum workers and historical fonts claim nothing they’ve never seen anything like it …

Next time under the heading “Mysteries of ancient Tauris” we We will tell you about another secret of this amazing peninsula. We assure you, there are many of them in the Crimea, look to confirm this at least a small documentary presented below…

Ancient artifacts of Crimea

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