Riddles of History – Puma Punku

A photo from open sources

Puma Punku is unique in terms of its construction, planning and location. This is one of the most interesting ancient sites in the world. and so far no one has solved his secret, and the mysteries of the history of this ancient civilizations are still worried about the minds of researchers. The technological level of these structures is so high that, according to researchers say in some cases ahead of even modern. Building blocks Puma Punku have not only exorbitant weight, but also filigree processing, which in its own fine workmanship not even of today’s processing technology stone based on abrasive methods in contact rotating milling cutter with stone.

The ruins are full of wonders. If you look closely, you can see evidence of the existence of a certain highly developed civilization that surpassed today’s world not only in its giant scale, but also technology. If you look at the stove with double arrow (or triangle), then this is not necessary doubt. What a magic stamp you had to have in order to to print such an arrow in the hardest stone of our planet?

Puma Punku – a megalithic complex of buildings in Bolivia, located at an altitude of over 4 thousand meters next to Tiahuanaco, near the eastern shore of Lake Titicaca.

In a small area of ​​several hectares, huge andesitic slabs, some of which weigh up to 500 tons. Modern archaeologists say the material of these plates is andesite and diorite – originates in the mountains lying 17 km from the place finding these giant ruins. In principle, this is nothing proves, because even modern technology is not capable transport a 500-ton rough stone block terrain. Modern archaeologists cannot intelligently explain how these blocks were cut out, processed, transported, made up in a single structure. The only thing they succeeded – they unanimously agree with the version about the destruction of this megalithic structure as a result of the strongest earthquakes far superior to the modern Richter scale.


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