Russia has a great future!

Russia has a great future!Photos from open sources of

The documentary “Russia Tomorrow”, I think, should see every Russian who is not indifferent to the fate of his homeland. And the point is not that almost all the prophets that will be discussed in it, Russia is predicting a great future. It’s just the future It’s not done by anyone, but by millions of Russians themselves, and they must be sure to know what is destined for the country in which they live and for which is sick with all my heart. Perhaps it’s from such a spiritual unity and tension and that bright future will depend on, oh which many seers of the past spoke.

The film begins with a story about the monk Abel, who called the exact date and even the hour of the death of Catherine the Great, for which he was cast to Shlisselburg fortress. But the prophet monk did not predict the future not only of the monarchs, but of Russia as a whole: he will see the completion of the house Romanovs and the execution of the entire royal family, and then a sea of ​​blood, which is waiting for Russia. This he will say about the revival of the country in twenty first century, and he will call the date of the end of the world – 2892.

As you can see, the end of the world is still far away, especially since the monk Abel never mistaken in his prophecies. However not at all long ago, in the last century, there was another no less great fortuneteller, who also was not mistaken in his predictions for the future – American Edgar Cayce. And he is also very much (surprisingly for the American) paid attention to Russia: he said that Russia will save our world, which will be reborn through spirituality and become the greatest power, and it will not be ruled by a politician, but by a holy man. And this the spiritual transformation of the country will begin in 2025.

A photo from open sources

In the film you can also get acquainted with the prophecies Nostradamus, the blind Bulgarian seer Vanga, who also talk about the spiritual world leader – Russia. And finally, very interesting story about the soothsayer Vasily Nemchin, notebook whose prophecies over many centuries (and Nemchin lived in during the reign of Vasily the Second) it appears, then again disappears. The last time she was found in 1989 in Polovetsky monastery archive, however, the Soviet rulers did not like these prophecies, and the manuscript again disappeared. Only fragments survived copies of several pages, and they say that in Russia there will be rule three titans. The first is called Peter the Great, the second falls on our time, it will be tall and beautiful in appearance, light and divine spiritually, it was in his reign Russia will become the center of the Earth, both spiritually and politically.

The film about the future of Russia in the revelations of the prophets is very interesting many facts and details that are better to learn from the documentary project itself, than from his retelling. Enjoy your viewing!

The End of the World Russia Edgar Cayce

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