Thanks to the development of the Internet, information in the new millennium moved to another qualitative level – she stopped in many areas to be the destiny of the elect. In science, such “chosen” were archivists, historiographers, epigraphists with access to archives libraries and to the storerooms of museums. Maybe that’s why a lot remained beyond the scope of their specific research. Photo from open sources Fig. 1 Sundial from Hegra (Museum of the Ancient East, Istanbul) Artifact data, extracted by archaeologists a long time ago and being genuine sensation, artifacts that were not properly valued in the time of their direct detection, at present it is possible find on foreign sites. And such artifacts begin “speak”, our task is not to pass them by call. E. I. Klassen wrote back in 1854: “Monuments will abide forever conclusive evidence: they tell us about actions of our ancestors in our native language, making up the prototype of all Slavic dialects merging in it, as in general source ”
All of the above refers to a find that was made in the beginning of the last century (1910-1919), during the construction of the Hijaz Damascus Medina Railway, passing near the settlement Madain Salih (ancient name Hegra) in Saudi Arabia. Find this is a stone sundial, which scientists attribute to the period Nabatean kingdom. This is one of the few artifacts that were discovered in this place because of systematic no excavations have been carried out. At the moment, this sundial stored in the Istanbul Archaeological Museum, in the collection of the Museum Ancient East under inventory number 7664 (Fig. 1).
Hijaz Railway, built in 1908 (has length of 1300 km, including 740 km in Hijaz), made it possible learn about the Neolithic settlements of people in the area. Before Nabataeans in Hegre lived Likhianites. Nabataean expansion in Sinai The peninsula began in the 3rd century. BC. However they used already caravan routes existing from ancient times through mountains and plains. On the ways of such a caravan route on the Sinai Peninsula huts of the Neolithic settlement, antiquities 4 thousand to AD – round in terms of construction of stone with entrances, oriented towards the setting sun. The same antiquity built open and in Hegre. However, the excavations are still at the very beginning, since the archaeological expedition of French archaeologists together with Arab scientists will continue until 2012, and detailed research results are in preparation for publication.
Much better Hegra is currently explored by Peter – the capital of the Nabataeans. However, as Petra and The Lost Kingdom of the Nabataeans by J. Taylor, Lettering on the tombs in Peter are few, much more of them are in Hegre: “Hidden in the sand in the very center of Hegra, still lie undiscovered remains of houses, temples, streets, market squares, civil and military buildings that were once part of this settlement. Wells, still visible everywhere, provided water residents and passing caravans. Something about their daily lives and you can find out about measuring daylight hours by looking at the Nabataean sundials made from local sandstone that were discovered here … ”
Of the eighty facades of Hegri, 37 have inscriptions, and in 33 of them there are dates – between the 1st century BC to 74 AD These inscriptions are made in Aramaic and indicate their tombs to the owners, they appeal to the gods (Dushar, Khubalu) to protect this property. Hegre also found inscriptions in Greek and Latin. But all of them are subject to strict dating and in detail studied and described in the scientific literature.
The sundials from Hegra are completely unlike Nabataean inscription (pre-Nabataean inscriptions in Hegre discovered fifty).
The watch is a disc made of local soft sandstone on pedestal worn by time. Its dimensions: height – 42 cm, width – 35.5 cm, thickness – 28 cm.The surface showing the time (12, 65 cm is the radius), divided by eleven lines that the master planned to make equally spaced from friend, but in reality the distances are not the same. how affirmed [2: 333], the watches are typically Roman Hellenistic design. The pointer column of this watch has been lost, however if assume that it was equal to the radius of the clock, namely more than 12 cm, then a mathematical calculation shows that the clock was intended for the area south of Mecca and the Medina. What if to assume that the watch was intended for Hegra, then, based on latitude at which it is located should have been 13, 48 cm high.
There is a 29 cm long and 4.5 cm panel on the front of the watch the height at which the inscription is embossed. This inscription is attributed to sources [2: 334] as Aramaic, and it is proposed to read “obvious” letters: mns br nln slm. And this set of letters it is proposed to decipher as the name of the owner of the watch either initiate, not manufacturer. It is proposed to consider a set of letters mns by the Jewish name since the presence of Jews in Madain Salih confirmed by inscriptions on some tombs.
However, we offer a completely different interpretation of letters embossed on this watch.
A photo from open sources
Fig. 2 The inscription should be read from left to right, as the letters P, N, K and sign number 8 are turned to the right.
The inscription is transparent. The first three letters and the last, 10th, are quite recognizable: this is M (1.10); I (2), P (3). The fourth character is the letter N, in which the diagonal and the right vertical are reduced in size and raised. This spelling of the letter N is found in Lycian and Karyan letter. The fifth and sixth signs are the letter I. These letters curved, which is obviously connected with aesthetic perception carver or author of the inscription. Previously similar (curved) the spelling of the letter I was met by the authors in the Venetian and Trypillian texts (functional and aesthetic reason). The seventh sign is the letter V (Y), the left side of which is shown curved, in the same way, like the letter I. The letter V (U) is among the Etruscans, Venets, Umbra, Western Greeks, Carians. The 8th sign is the ligature of the letters C and I, which is the demonstrative pronoun SI. Also, in the form of a ligature, SI demonstrative pronoun is recorded, for example, in the Kari texts Photos from open sources. SI indicative pronoun found in Russian, Etruscan and Lycian languages. Ninth Sign – this is the letter K. A similar spelling was found in the Etruscan text from Steinberg [5]. That is, the noted nuances in the letter chart are not are some special, local, they are found in other neighboring and not so alphabets. In the last letter M below a dash goes to her right leg and is interrupted (see Fig. 1). May be for lack of space they tried to write a ligature of MN (then the last word was to be read as KMN).
In accordance with preserved visible letters, the proposal for stone can be broken into words as follows:
In the archaic alphabets there were no signs for the letters Y, Y. Pisali, instead of ending -TH, -TH ending -AI or -IU, for example, as in Etruscan texts, dare, sinai, siniu, instead of bold, blue [5]. Vowel doubling is also characteristic of ancient languages (Russian, Etruscan, Venetian, Carian). The sound can be very long for example, interjection III or the indicative pronoun IIIIIII [5]. At us in the villages and now, as it were, the words are sung. The word KMN is written with vowels A and E. It was typical for ancient languages to write words with the release of one or more letters. KMN is a STONE. Ancient Russian spelling KAMA, female [7] or KAMA, name.pad, male birth, unit [8: 70].
It is assumed that the stone is a sundial, a hemisphere divided into 12 segments, but then what does the word PEACEFUL mean? WORLD �synonym for the word SUN? The rays on the stone are the rays of the sun and perhaps at this stone, the sun that illuminates the world was worshiped, the light was white, as worshiped Mithra – the god of the sun and harmony. Or is it a stone, about who were reconciled, took an oath of peace. Both of these meanings have of the Russian word MIR (MIR – white light and reconciliation, consent) [7].
As noted above, earlier this area was inhabited by Lichianites, a kind of Arab tribe, as stated in the sources [9]. But if carefully study the ethnonym “Lichianites” – which in scientific English literature sounds like “lihyan”, in Arabic: لحيان), in Greek there is a similar word – Λύκιοι – that is, Lycia, with the inhabitants of this country in the 1st millennium BC Lycians which in ancient texts are called Russian, quite recognizable the word “dashing” [6], then we will see not just a coincidence, but a direct reference to the ancestral home of the Arabian “Likhianites” in Asia Minor – in Lycia.
But even if we continue to follow the tradition established in science to this day, and explore the history of the “Lichianites,” deducing her from the Arab tribes, then we find the following: Likhianites – ancient the Arab kingdom in northwest Arabia, which is known little. Arab genealogy considers Banu Likhian descendants Hothail Adnan Arab rulers northwest of Hijazah. Their cities included Hegra, Al-Ula, Al-Khuraib, Teima. IN currently found in ancient Arabic language, dated 6-4 centuries. BC. Ethnonym “Dedanites” – in English “dedanite” is used for an older period in the history of this kingdom, because the name was given to him by the capital – Dedan, now known as Al-Ula, an oasis located in northwestern Arabia [9].
However, the word “dedan” translates to “low earth”: Dedan (lowland) – the name of two places:
a) (Jer. XXV, 23, Ezek. XXV, 13) – the region of Stony Arabia, to Yu. from Edom, inhabited by the descendants of Dedan, son of Jokshan, son Abraham from Hettura (Gen. XXV, 3);
b) (Ezek. XXV, 13, XXVII, 15-20, XXXVIII, 13) – a country in Arabia near the Persian Gulf, who traded ivory with Tire, ebony and others and populated by the descendants of Dedan, the son of Raama (Gen. X, 7) from the descendants of Hush. In this country for a long time, after the fall of Tire, there was still the city of Dedan, producing an extensive trade in parts and items referred to in Ezekiel The position of these areas is unknown, although they find traces of the name Dedan in present-day Daden, one of the Persian islands the bay. The Prophecy of Arabia (Isa. XXI, 13): In the Arabian Forest spend the night caravans Dedanskie! In the last word, obviously refers to the trading inhabitants of Dedan [10].
And this toponym – Dedan – immediately correlates phonetically and by meaning with another decrypted document – Etruscan text on The stele “Avele Feljuska” from Vetulonia [5: 25], with the word SELVA, denoting the land of settlements in the Etruscan language. But this “land settlements “- the selva is mentioned by AD Chertkov [12: appendix, 30] with reference to Lucan, where this word is used in combination with the word Dodona – Sylva Dodona – the place of settlements of the first Pelasgians. Pelasgians, as you know, before the Greeks inhabited Crete and mainland Greece
Summarizing these facts, it can be noted that the Arabic inscriptions really found in the area, but they appear only in the 6-4 centuries. BC. However, this territory was inhabited. much earlier, as shown above. And the ethnonym “Lichianites” and their early name is “Dedanites”, as well as the toponym “Dedan” itself – “low earth”, in combination with the word selva (selva dodona) – “earth settlements “- all this indicates that it is the descendants of the Lycians lived here before the Arab tribes. Lycian refers to Anatolian languages, and until recently it was considered direct a descendant of the Luvian language. Hetto-Luvian languages were part of Indo-European family of languages. Lycians are considered immigrants with Crete, assimilated partly by the Greeks, partly by the Persians.
So, having considered the available sources about the excavations in Hegre, now known as one of the centers of the Nabataean state, Having examined the ethnonyms indicated in ancient sources, we can to conclude that the roots of the Hegri civilization, which means everything the kingdom of Nabataeans worth looking in the deeper archaeological layers, in Neolithic settlements, in artifacts that are carried on inscriptions in Russian letters, as was shown in this article. AND if the stones of our ancestors begin to “speak” with us through the centuries and millennia, detecting the presence of Rus at such remote territories like Jordan and Saudi Arabia then current Russian rulers should allocate funds for studying not only open artifacts themselves, but also start negotiations with governments of Egypt, Turkey, Middle East countries on participation Of the Russian Federation in archaeological excavation programs in the data regions.
If the ruling elites of the USA, France, Great Britain, Germany level of education and culture allows you to understand the need things like funding expeditions aimed at comprehension of scientific truth for the benefit of all mankind (after all no presence of ancestors of americans can be by definition, say, in the Turkish Chatal-Uyuk), and send their excavation scientists in such remote regions, the lower such educational potential of our ruling elite? And if ours industry produces enough oil and gas for leaders the ruling party stated openly that the country is bathing in petrodollars, why not part of these funds be spent on study of the real situation of Russia in the world – including in Ancient World? For what material they will try to fill compulsory school course “Russia in the world” reformers from education, if our achievements in the world, in politics and in science ended in the last century?
An indispensable condition for the rise of patriotism is pride in the deeds of our ancestors, and the deeper we learn their role and place in history, the easier it will be for us to maintain Russia’s role in the new millennia.
E.A. Mironova, G.G. Kotova
Source: © Trinitarian Academy Praslavian Institute Civilizations – Pre-Slavic Writing
Time Ancient artifacts Stones Russia Sun