Russians will begin the degeneration of the whole world: clairvoyant predictions about Russia

A photo from open sources

One of today’s Ukrainian astrologers predicted an imminent the fall of Putin. I confessed that I had looked at the sky for a long time before this. To me liked the comments on his article. In many of them our users predict a very fast fall of the astrologer :). Ukraine always been rich in witches, sorcerers and psychics bred. The servants of Chernobog were called Chernigov. In their honor was even named a whole city – Chernihiv. To me personally more interesting than another kind of prediction. I must say, surprised many predictions of Paul Globa. Slightly mistaken in several dates, months … Although many dates are predicted from amazing accuracy. And even more interesting to read is not today’s foretellers, and clairvoyants from the past, and even from the middle ages. In my favorite magazine “Oxymoron” (do not hesitate to call beloved, because I’m its editor-in-chief) we collected some predictions themselves were surprised to read them. Publish this article. The predictions of the great prophets about Russia in Russia predictions of the greatest prophet of the past century Edgar Cayce they were silent for a long time because he predicted decay Soviet Union, the elimination of the CPSU and all the consequences associated with by these changes, both in Russia itself and throughout the world community. “The hope of the world, its rebirth will come from Russia …” “It is in Russia that a genuine and great source of freedom will arise … It will be a completely different way of being based on the principle that will become the basis of the new philosophy. “Center a resurgent civilization he saw Western Siberia, which will become a kind of Noah’s Ark for people who fearlessly discovered self evolution. “Yes, in Western Siberia there is already an accumulation of clean energy, ”predicted Casey. – She will protect this earth from destroying actions of natural and energy disasters. Western Siberia will remain almost unscathed. “” The mission of the peoples of Slavic Russia consists in a fundamental change in the essence of human relationship. From the East will come liberation from selfishness and gross material passions. Relations between nations will be restored on a new basis: trust and wisdom, “said Edgar Casey. “Each person will live for his neighbor, and this the principle of life was born precisely in Russia, but before it crystallizes, many years will pass, but it is Russia that will give to the whole world this hope. The new Leader of Russia for many years will be to anyone not known, but one day, unexpectedly enters power thanks to power their new completely unique technologies, which no more who will not be to resist him. And then he takes all the supreme power of Russia … “. However, it must be said that Casey himself did not consider the prophecies to be absolute truth, for this, in his opinion, would exclude free will and the power of prayer … When a prophet they asked why he got such an incomprehensible gift, he always He answered with the words of the Buddha: “Never ask why.” But although he unmistakably called the year the Second World War began, its number victims, year, month, date of founding of the state of Israel, gaining India’s independence, time and place of the assassination of US President John Kennedy. Perhaps most impressive is that long before as the ancient scrolls of Qumran caves of Palestine were found, he set out in detail their contents, identical to the translations made modern scientists. He also said that closer to the end of XXI century, the Earth’s climate will radically change – in the Far East and Siberia bananas and mangoes will grow, open spaces of South Africa will cover continuous ice, and the ruler of the world will be the country of the yellow-skinned – China, colonizing with the Americans and Russians the moon, then Mars. This process will end in 3000 with the help of civilizations. other galaxies … “People will live 800 years or more …”. Oswald Spengler (1880-1936), German philosopher and forecaster: “The Russian spirit marks the promise of a culture to come … Russian the people will give the world a new religion. “Jane Dixon (1916-1987), English prophetess: “The hope of the world, its rebirth will come from Russia and will not have any connection with what it is communism. It is in Russia that the most authentic and great source of freedom. … It will be a completely different way existence based on a principle that will become the basis New Philosophy of Life. “Dannion Brinkley, American soothsayer: “Follow the Soviet Union. What will happen to Russian, then the whole world expects. What is happening in Russia is the basis of what will happen to the economic freedom of the world. “Max Handel (1865-1919), German astrologer: “Cosmogonic Concept The Rosicrucians “(1911 edition), Vol. 2, p. 62 .:” So the entry of the Sun into the sign of Aquarius, the Russian people and the Slavic Race generally achieved a degree of Spiritual Development that will advance them much higher than their current state. Music will be a major factor in the implementation of this, for on the wings of music a harmonious soul can fly to the throne of God itself, which ordinary intellect can achieve can not. Slavic civilization will be great and joyful, for it born of deep sorrow and unspeakable suffering, and the law compensation will lead in due time to the opposite. “Alice Anna Bailey (1980-1949), English Theosophist: “The Mission of Russia was born and hatched by its advanced idealists in any regime and when the deadlines are met, it will be revealed in all its strength and glory for the good of the whole world … “.” From Russia – a symbol of world Arjuna in a very specific sense – a new magical will come religion. I mean the emergence of the Great Spiritual religion, which will justify the crucifixion of the great Russian people. “Rano Nero (XV-XVI centuries), Franciscan monk: From his prophetic “Eternal” books ”:“ The religion of fire and the sun in the 21st century recognizes a victorious procession. She will find support for herself in the northern country of Hyperboreans, where she will Appears in New Quality. “Paracelsus (1493-1541), Swiss Alchemist: From the book “Oracles”: “There is one people that Herodotus calls hyperborea. The current name of this people is Muscovy. You can not trust their terrible decline, which will last a lot centuries. Hyperboreans know a great decline, and a huge flowering … In this country of hyperboreans, which no one ever thought of as a country in which something great can happen, over the humiliated and rejected the Great Cross will shine. “Mavis, Italian soothsayer: “Russia is a very interesting country with interesting future. Russians are the most inspired people in origin and destination. It is the Russians who will lay the foundation the rebirth of the whole world. There will be new teachings and trends, and religion undoubtedly it will play its role … Life will become calmer, less people will strive to the capital. The province will come to life. Many new cities will grow on the periphery … Russia and Belarus form one state with a common government … Russia has nothing look at other countries. She has a special future. Then all for Russia will reach … “There is something to think about!

Astrologers Time Life Russia Siberia Sun USSR Edgar Cayce

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