Incredible finds of archaeologists, even made relatively long time, excite scientists, and do not leave indifferent public consciousness to our time. Included in the list of such items and the famous “Sabu drive.”
A photo from open sources
This artifact received its name from the name of ancient Egyptian Sabu official buried in mastaba – Egyptian tomb the period of the Early and Ancient kingdoms, that is, even before the era the construction of the pyramids. Mastaba Sabu is nearby Egyptian village of Sakara. Famous Egyptologist Walter Emery excavated the tombs of this village. And in 1936 from the tomb Sabu was removed artifact, still haunting all who He is interested in archeology and the history of mankind.
Sabu disk is a circular projection product made of black stone and metal, by some strange logic called a plate. The stone part of the disk consists of three having a complex bend petals, bending along the edges to the center. In the center of the stone there is a cylindrical hole resembling a sleeve. Metal part products is a wire about one centimeter in the diameter connecting the petals and giving the product a general shape circle.
A photo from open sources The purpose of an incomprehensible artifact immediately caused a lively debate in the scientific community. Like a plate drive Sabu it was impossible to use. In terms of modern logic, the disk could not be part of the lamp. Maybe about him other similar artifacts could tell, however their not. Sabu disk is the only find of this kind in the world. Theoretically, by analogy with modern technology, a disk could be part of a device for mixing certain liquid or bulk products. However, no evidence of Do not touch the disc with chemicals or abrasives. detected.
Sabu disk is a round stone “plate” with a diameter of 70 centimeters, with three curved blades. In the middle of this plate has a sleeve. It was this detail that allowed researchers to make the assumption that the disc is part of some larger and a complex mechanism.
A photo from open sources The original theory of the purpose of the disk Sabu was invited by the famous Swiss writer, filmmaker and Ufologist Eric von Daniken. In his opinion, the artifact is very strong resembles an airplane propeller. Official science was taken aback at first, but later attacked with criticism of the theory of Daniken. Were produced numerous calculations proving that an aircraft made from stone cannot fly. Why did researchers find that the corpus the aircraft must be made of the same material as his screw – few people understand. Modern turboprop airplanes, for example, for the most part have lightweight aluminum case and screws made of more durable and heavy metals. Along the way, it was proved that a plane made of gold cannot fly either – there is such an artifact. The official science glanced triumphantly “defeated” opponent. However, Daniken stated that he never claimed that the Sabu drive was used as a screw aircraft, and suggested looking for a clue to its appearance existing until our time on the islands of Papua New Guinea Cargo cult. The cult of Cargo is one of the youngest religions in the world. Cult followers worship planes. First cult Airliners were recorded in 1885 in Fiji. However it became widespread in the middle of the twentieth century on Papua New Guinea. Stone Age Aboriginal Islands practically did not meet not only with the achievements of civilization, but and with white people. Until the beginning of the war with Japan Americans did not begin to build airfields on the islands.
A photo from open sources savages charmed watched as on runways sit “iron birds”. But not even yourself planes aroused the main interest of the natives. More of them interested in extracting from aircraft in huge quantities products and various useful products. Unlike European or American boys, Aboriginal fighters didn’t like fighters, they loved only transport aircraft. Part of the goods brought in various ways fell into the hands of savages and caused mystical worship. Aborigines experienced real horror when the war with Japan is over. This fact itself, most likely, is conscious. savages did not reach. They saw only terrible consequences: white people disappeared, and the aircraft so much needed by the papua people stopped land. Then the savages began to build from coconut leaves palm and straw runways and equip them with “accurate copies of “radio towers. Even the aircraft themselves from the same materials became massively made savages. The purpose of the cult was the hope to lure cargo planes. Many Papuans still hope so. It is in this psychological phenomenon that arose during the temporary the contact of civilizations on completely different stages of development, and suggests looking for clues to the mysterious artifacts Eric Von Daniken. He claims that ancient civilizations Earth had no aircraft and space ships, but they everyone saw it.
A photo from open sources According to Daniken, about 14,000 years ago aliens arrived on Earth with mysterious goals. They are used planes, helicopters and spaceships. Shocked by the power and technology of aliens, mankind began to deify aliens. When they just as suddenly disappeared, people began create some conditional copies of what they saw. And destination Sabu drive – not to serve as an airplane propeller, but the cause of the “golden airplane” not flying. The task of these items is to portray what people see in as objects of worship. This theory can fully explain most artifacts not available at the time of their production technologies, and drawings spread all over the Earth, similar to images of aliens. By the way, made by German engineers from modern materials a copy of the “golden plane” was supplied engine and not only flew, but also demonstrated aerodynamic performance is not worse than that of modern aviation models.
War Time Ancient artifacts Stones Aircraft Japan