Scientists have identified the linguistic “connection” of the Mayan civilization and Russia

Scientists have identified linguisticA photo from open sources

Associate at the National Institute of Anthropology and History of Mexico (INAH) Lopez Luhan unveils new study shedding light on the appearance of the vocabulary quetzalcoatl-tollan which used in the languages ​​of the peoples of Mesoamerica. Surprisingly his an analogue was found in Russia.

A summary of the study is available on the INAH website. Known that the Mayans did not build their cities from scratch. They erected them on the ruins of cities of more ancient civilizations, for example, Olmecs.

A new study provides a detailed analysis of Mayan relics, which indicates that this people borrowed from predecessors not only buildings and architectural style, but also cultural traditions. In fact, the Mayans imitated what they were doing. Olmecs, and also used their temples to hold their ceremonies. And the Toltecs who lived after Mayan.

For example, in Tenochtitlan, as excavations showed, there was a House the eagles that the Toltecs used after leaving the city Tula. This place must be visited before accession to the throne. future ruler. Repentance ceremonies were held there.

Inside there was a hall decorated with images of the gods of death. It was probably used during the Mayan burial ritual. sovereigns. And the Toltecs performed rituals there to honor all previous rulers, from whom power was transferred to their lord as if by inheritance.

This discovery allowed us to explain the long-standing riddle of the vocabulary binomial. The fact is that many peoples of Mesoamerica have a name ruler was added the word Quetzalcoatl. Even in written sources it is found so often that archaeologists often confuse Mesoamerican rulers among themselves.

Explaining this, the Mexican scientist cited Russia and Germany. In these countries, the names of the rulers were derived from the Roman word “Caesar”, the imperial title, that is, the king and Kaiser, respectively.

In Mesoamerica, something similar happened, that is, the word Quetzalcoatl is the title of supreme ruler. He has and another meaning. According to legend, Quetzalcoatl is one of the main deities, “feathered serpent.” His first images relate to 200-150 years BC.

By the way, the Toltec legend says that Quetzalcoatl suddenly appeared in Tula around 980 and ruled there for over 20 years. It’s him taught people math, medicine, astronomy, writing, jewelry weaving, we invented chocolate and a calendar with a cycle in 52 years old.

A new study says that in ancient times the city of Tula bore the name Tollan. Since Quetzalcoatl ruled there, the same word began to denote all the mythical, divine places.

Gradually, the peoples of Mesoamerica began to use it as prefixes to the names of the cities in which the rulers lived – Quetzalcoatli. That is, the city of Teotihuacan was called Tollan-Teotihuacan, the city of Cholollan – Tollan-Cholollan and so Further.

So there was a bin Quetzalcoatl-Tollan, who hinted at that the supreme ruler received his power from the “feathered” of God, and at the same time received the right to reside and govern in Tollan – a place for the gods.

In short, the study explained why in oral legends and written sources of the peoples of Mesoamerica mentioned so many Quetzalcoatley and Tollans, all of which are different centuries.

“All rulers come from one divine line, which Quetzalcoatl began, says Lopez Luhan. – Therefore, in one historical source we find a link to Quetzalcoatl VIII century, in another – on Quetzalcoatl IX or X century. In case of Tollan’s everything is similar. ”

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Russia Mayan Civilization

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