Scientists have shown what happens if ice will melt at the poles of the earth

Scientists have shown what happens if the ice melts at the poles of the EarthA photo from open sources

We’re almost used to the news that ice caps on the south and north poles of the earth are gradually melting, threatening serious consequences for our planet. And what will happen to the Earth and to us, living on it if the ice in the Arctic and Antarctic melts all?

For information, the Earth today has about 30 million cubic kilometers of ice. If it melts at the same pace as it is now, it will take at least 5 thousand to turn it into water years, so we like the Flood are not threatened, although the increase one meter of the world’s oceans – this will be real for many countries disaster.

In total, the water rises to 70 meters, if all the ice that is on the planet suddenly melts. True, experts do not have a single opinions, is this possible at all, if with the planet, of course, not something catastrophic will happen.

We invite you to watch a very interesting video about what we wait if such a fantastic scenario does happen. Waiting for us or our descendants does not matter, because, according to the theory of reincarnation, we are constantly being reborn. But because there is no guarantee that any of us living today will not find in his next reincarnation, the Ecumenical Flood, about which stated in this note …


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