Photo from open sources According to scientists from Aarhus University (Denmark), as well as the Swiss Higher Technical School (Zurich), in the next fifty years, accidents at nuclear power plants will be occur at regular intervals, despite all efforts staff serving them.
To assess possible atomic disasters of this kind researchers have conducted a thorough and comprehensive analysis of all already accidents since 1946, and considering how serious explosions and radiation leaks, as well as minor malfunctions in the operation of nuclear power plants and their businesses around the world. Total was Almost one hundred and fifty different incidents were examined. The most major accidents, of course, identified by Fukushima and Chernobyl, in five “leaders” also included a fire at the American Rocky plant Flats “(plutonium production), accident at the Sellafield nuclear complex, as well as a fire at the Japanese Tsuruga reactor.
Throughout this relatively long, painstaking analytical works, scientists came to the disappointing conclusion that probability repetitions of nuclear accidents and disasters can be represented as follows: Fukushima will be repeated in the next half century, Chernobyl – in the coming a quarter of a century, and an accident such as Three Mile Island can be expected already in next ten years.
As for the Chernolskaya NPP, it is still not completely preserved and continues to pose a threat to the environment Wednesday. In order to turn it into one hundred percent safe (with any point of view, including ecological) the system needs about three billion dollars, but Ukrainian officials are unlikely will allocate such an amount to solve this problem, even if they received her, say, from the IMF.
By the way, yesterday, April 26, twenty-nine years ago, just This terrible disaster occurred at Chernobyl. Ukrainian the government “celebrated” this date in a peculiar way. As told to journalists Vladimir Berezin – president of the organization of disabled “Union of Chernobyl of Ukraine”, the authorities in Kiev expelled more than a million Chernobyl residents from the list of beneficiaries, thereby emphasizing that they are not nothing to do with this problem of the Ukrainian people.