Scythian harp will be recreated in Altai and forced to play

In Altai they will recreate the Scythian harp and make it playA photo from open sources

This unique harp, which delighted the hearing of the Scythians in the 5th century before AD, archaeologists found in 1947 in the Altai Mountains – directly during excavations of the Pazyryk barrow. And so now, after 70 years, Altai scientists and musicians have decided not just recreate this musical instrument as it was two with half a thousand years old, but also make him play.

As the agency “Interfax-Siberia” for these purposes already a special music studio-studio was created in the republic. The first step in recreating the unique harp was to study the original, which is stored in the Hermitage, then the music studio will experimental work with the sound and enrichment of the Scythian harp new acoustic properties.

Note that attempts to recreate a unique Scythian harp undertaken before, but not one of them was crowned success. As the organizers of the new musical studio workshop, the cause of the failure was a complete discrepancy materials from which the instrument was recreated to the original. Now Specialists who will deal with this archival and arduous business, visited St. Petersburg (in the Hermitage), studied the harp before the smallest details (even what its strings are made of), and because there is full confidence that the unique Scythian harp, finally, it will be recreated and will sound like “sang” for many centuries back.

After the harp is recreated and presented, in Altai plan to create an experimental music venue for learning to play the instrument. And finally in further harp await exhibitions, presentations, participation in international festivals and celebrations where this musical instrument will not just a decoration of events, and a kind of “lively voice” from deep antiquity.


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