Secret notes of the person who saw future

Secret notes of the person who saw the futureA photo from open sources

For the first time, these recordings were released in the late 1920s. Author claimed that being in a coma-like state for a year, I saw the Earth of the future – 3096.

Teacher from Germany

In 1922, he taught students at the University of Athens German is a certain Paul Dinah. According to the recollections of students, it was 36-year-old modest and very cautious person, participant in the First World War II.

In 1921, Dinah became a victim of lethargic encephalitis when man for weeks, or even months, lies silently and motionless. Paul lay in a Geneva clinic with such a “living corpse” almost a year before the doctors managed to return him to a full life. The doctors, weakened by Dinah’s disease, recommended changing the climate, he followed the advice and ended up in Greece.

Chubby notebook

In 1924, Dinah considered that his health had recovered, and decided to return from Greece to their homeland. In the middle of the office were open suitcases, boxes – the German collected and packed. Helped him Georgios Papahacis, one of his favorite students. Supervised Teacher Georgios packed his archive.

“And this is not necessary to pack,” said the German, seeing in his hands student’s thick notebook. “And what to do with her?” – “Throw it away. Or take it for yourself, try translating it into Greek – get great practice. “So in the hands of young Georgios was this amazing manuscript.

At first, Papahatsis thought that the German was, among other things, a graphomaniac and tried himself in the literary field in the genre gaining at that time fiction. However, as we move in translation, I increasingly caught myself on the idea that the writing is not fiction, but diary records, memoirs.

Notebook Content

Plunged into a lethargic dream, Paul did not disconnect from the world, but found himself in the body of a stranger. It was Andrew Northam, living on earth in the year 3096. People of the future noticed that the body Northman was captured by a different consciousness and took a kind of Dinah patronage. It was very welcome – without their help, Paul was hard to navigate the world of the fourth millennium.

The people around understood the state of Dinakh, he was constantly with him. an escort named Stefan responding in detail to numerous guest questions from the past. During the year, Dinah lived in 3096, until the doctors woke him up and brought him back to the 20th century.

The ups and downs of the diary

Georgios worked on the diary for more than 14 years, before Second World War. I was in no hurry with the publication for the same reason on which Dinah was silent too – was afraid of ridicule and accusations of madness. In the late 1920s he organized the publication of a novel. “Valley of Roses”, in which in literary form he spoke about his teacher and gave excerpts from his diary. Roman quickly disappeared from sales, even too fast. Still bibliophile lovers like nor tried, could not find a single instance.

A photo from open sources

In 1979, already becoming a recognized scientist, Papahacis decided on second attempt. The diary with his comments was printed in small circulation. The story of “Valley of the Roses” repeated: the book didn’t even hit to the store shelves. The entire circulation was bought up in the bud and was gone. Only in 2015, probably the only survivor surfaced instance. Someone really didn’t want Dinakh’s memoirs to become widely available.

But Papakhatsis tasted fame in full measure: the scientific community gave him a severe obstruction, put forward proposals for Papahacis excommunication from scientific activities as “offended by his trick the high rank of a scientist.” Memoirs Dynaha again fell out of sight for several decades researchers.

In 2015 they were remembered, they again began to carefully read and to study.

A photo from open sources

What is written in the memoirs?

First of all, humanity, despite all the storms and thunderstorms, will survive (at least in 3096 it will still exist), people do not degrade into savages; civilization will not be destroyed. Demographic degeneration does not threaten us, on the contrary, in connection with overpopulation will begin large-scale construction of underground cities. Here are some more predictions.

2016-2018 The world will be on the brink of war, but will be able to happily escape her.

2018 year. Interstate borders in their previous understanding will cease to exist.

2020 year. A new banking system will appear. The cost of electronic money will be tied to electricity and natural resources.

2025 year. Natural resources will redistributed, private property abolished.

2030 year. Humanity will learn to manage spiritual energy. Everyone will become a telepath and will be able to send and receive messages by the power of thought.

2050 year. A new kind of energy will be discovered – “spatial energy”, in connection with which the use will cease natural resources.

As you can see, predictions for the near future are not at all differ from the forecasts of leading experts. However the further along time Dinah left in the description of the future from the XX century, so his record became less and less intelligible.

Humanitarian Dinah honestly admitted that many of the explanations Stefan did not understand. It’s natural to imagine that near you turned out to be a man thrown after a thousand years, say from 1016 years (Russia still does not know the Tatar-Mongol invasion) – how many would he understand from your explanation? Therefore, Dinah tried to expound everything seen and heard within the limits of his knowledge, and their he was clearly lacking.

Today, experts from of various fields: from futurology to quantum physics, trying solve the “riddles of the memoirs of Dinach.” What is hidden behind the terms “eterodynamics”, “spatial energy”, “spiritual energy”, “underground Sun”, “underground atmosphere” and many others? Professionals are looking for the slightest clue to help translate these poetic images in formulas and scientific terms. Wish them good luck.

Posted by Klim Podkova

War time

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