Secrets at the bottom of the main waterway Of Ukraine

At the bottom of Slavutich resting the teeth of a mammoth, wagons, ships, churches and even cemeteries

What secret treasures are stored at the bottom of the largest river Ukraine, few people know. Even at the Ministry of Infrastructure, to which all the country’s water bodies are controlled, they don’t know how much there are sunken boats there, not to mention the real ones treasures lost by the Vikings, Scythians, Cossacks for hundreds of years back.

But professional divers who constantly explore the bottom ancient Slavutich, find all new objects. “Most often at the bottom The Dnieper we find the remains of ancient animals, in particular the teeth of ancient animals, we believe that mammoths, skeletons and teeth are tours (ancient bulls), which are 3-4 thousand years old, often they are found in the area Dnieper in the section from Dneprodzerzhinsk along the Dnieper riverbed to the side Zaporozhye. But to establish the reliability of these findings we have not yet managed. We handed them over to employees of various Ukrainian institutions, they are now establishing to whom exactly the ancient remains belong. We keep some as trophies at home, ”said Today. diver Andrei Vorobyov.

But, experts say, the biggest problem underwater peace in the Dnieper – “metalworkers” who prey on any metal objects, including historically important, and cut them mercilessly, in order to then make a profit by handing over the find for scrap. “There are many remnants of floating marinas in the river, including wreckage from the time of the Great Patriotic War wars, for example, a barge or a landing boat that took participation in the crossing of the Dnieper during the liberation of Zaporozhye “, – said the diver Roman Likhatsky.

As for the small finds that have historical value (coins, ancient amphoras, anchors), then divers give them to local museums in Zaporozhye and Khortitsa. According to submarine enthusiasts, the state such expeditions do not finances, although diving is quite expensive. Only the cost of professional diving equipment costs $ 4-5 thousand. And because many of the secrets of the Dnieper have not yet been solved.

Wooden ship on the underwater cliff

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Vessel. A wooden ship requires a detailed study.

There are many ships and rafts in the Dnieper under water, which crashed on the rapids of a river. Their remains are still under water. One of them is located in the area of ​​Lenin Island in Zaporozhye, which formed after the construction of the dam. Previously held there section of the river, called the Wolf’s Throat. Before construction Dneproges it was the narrowest and deepest part of the Dnieper – the width the channel did not exceed 160 m, and the depth – about 59 m. “At a depth 31–35 meters lies a large sunken wooden vessel. I discovered its recently. It requires study. The age of the vessel is not known, but, presumably, it was built at the end of the 19th century. The ship lies on rock with a slight roll to the port side. The bollard was well preserved mounting rings for rigging. One side of the ship is fully visible, “- says Bataev.

Kichkassky bridge blown up by Old Man Makhno

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Bridge and wagons. Rest at a depth of 55 meters.

Kichkassky bridge in the Zaporozhye region was built in 1904. IN at that time he served as the only railway artery, connecting the south of Ukraine with the center. During the civil war the bridge was considered a strategically important object, since transported troops and ammunition, the wounded and medicines. In 1920, when retreating under the pressure of the Red Army, Old Man Makhno blew up his. Then along with a part of the metal bridge into the 55-meter the echelon of the river left a whole train. “Now at the bottom lies the railway canvas and six broken wagons, of which only wheels, but they have no historical value “, – said the diver Roman Likhatsky. According to him, there are several versions of what was in the cars – some claim that they were filled with grain, the second insist that passenger cars and they transported the wounded, but at the time of the explosion nobody was It was.

Mystic Bulba Grotto, island and church

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Foundations of an underwater temple.

Legends of numerous churches have been circulating among divers for a long time. which are at the bottom of the Dnieper River. But after scanning the bottom it turned out that these weren’t such legends. In underwater pictures, made in the region of Dnepropetrovsk, clear outlines are visible the foundation of the Christian temple, which, as you know, to this day are built in the shape of a cross from east to west.

“After talking with the local population, it turned out that before the flooding the village of Augustinovka was located here (the Dnieper riverbed between Dnepropetrovsk and Zaporozhye) and at this place was a cemetery. Therefore, we can assume that in its territory was a chapel or a small church, “says Yuri Bataev.

On this section of the Dnieper, experts are trying to find the mystical Taras Bulba cave, which according to legend has a small opening in human growth, through which you can get into enough a spacious room that can accommodate about 10 people. But the most incredible thing is that in the middle of the cave there are carved from stone table and bench. Rumor has it that this creation is the work of hands. prisoners who escaped from prisons.

Ukrainian divers also explored the island of Perun. He by small and reminiscent of the description of a huge monster, which settled head north and tail south. But after the construction of the Dnieper Hydroelectric Station the island was flooded and now it is accessible only submariners. In addition, the island has a cave, which called Snake.

Barge and landing boat

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Barge. The sunken ship rests at a depth of 10 meters.

Off the coast of the island of Khortytsya, near the granite quarry, on at the bottom of the Dnieper is a barge that sank during the war. “Nasal the part is at a depth of 10 meters, “says Yuri Bataev. The vessel has three holds (each equipped with two hatches), separated among themselves with waterproof partitions, but get inside difficult due to the small diameter of the openings. Another interesting object for research – the area where Soviet troops forced The Dnieper during the liberation of Zaporozhye from the German invaders. At By scanning the bottom, researchers have identified eight unknown objects. One of them turned out to be a Soviet landing ship of the time of the Second World War 6-8 m, which lies at a depth of 12 m.

Cossack manor-fortress of exiles from the battlefield

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At a depth of 13 m. Windows most likely served as loopholes for defenders of the Cossack fort.

On the island of Kukharev, which is now flooded by the waters of the Dnieper, there is a building reminiscent of a manor house or a serf construction. The length of the walls of the “underwater mansion” – 70 m, height – 3, thickness – about a meter. True, some of the walls are already a little destroyed, but the building was clearly a fortress because it has square windows measuring one meter per meter, which tapers somewhat inside the building and, most likely served as loopholes.

The estate is located at a depth of 13 m, and the object is not completely investigated. Historians are sure that it was after the abolition of Zaporizhzhya Sich on the island settled Cossacks who were engaged in domestic farm and cultivated land, kept an apiary and fished. AND, naturally defended. Rumor has it that the Cossacks lived in the estate the names of Wenger, Mayborod, Korchkar, Babak, in whose honor and were named local tracts.

Water measuring post of the Russian Empire

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Tower of imperial times.

A two-story old tower of red brick, divers found in 2011 in the Zaporozhye region. It is 300 meters from coast at a depth of 27 meters (rises above the ground by 7 m, diameter of the structure – 6 m). It produced water meters observations, and more than a hundred years ago she was on the banks of the Dnieper. The tower was flooded after the Dnieper was built and rose water level. Inside the tower there is a doorway and two windows on the second floor. “Water measuring post operated during the time of the Russian Empire. With it was used to control the water level in the Dnieper back in 1881, ” – says the diver Yuri Bataev.

Sunken ships

Under water in the Kiev area are still ships floating workshops, restaurants and even hotels.

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1. Pontoon – Rusaniv Strait, near the Venetian islands.

2. Floating workshop (Right bank, 50 m from the parking entrance ships).

3. Floating restaurant “Gold Coast” (Left Bank, Rusanovsky strait).

4. The hull of the vessel (near the Dolobetsky island).

5. Ship hull (sleeve of Dolobetsky island, not far from Podolsk-Voskresensky bridge).

6. Floating hotel (near Trukhanov Island, below Podolsky railway bridge).

War Water Time Mammoths Bridges Islands Caves Ukraine

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