Lack of the necessary high-precision equipment, with which could have been created numerous ancient Egyptian artifacts, as well as the lack of traces of industrial infrastructure for its production in Egypt itself and beyond indicate that high technology has been introduced from the outside. And here it would not be bad to recall the common among various peoples mythological story about the “sons of heaven”, which, when committed on Earth, a humanitarian mission returns to “its star.” At the turn of the III millennium BC. e. in Egypt almost empty an unexplained technological breakthrough occurred. As if by Egyptian wand in extremely short time build pyramids and demonstrate unprecedented craftsmanship solid materials – granite, diorite, obsidian, quartz … All these miracles happen before the advent of iron, machine tools and other things technical tools. Subsequently unique skills of the ancients the Egyptians just as quickly and inexplicably disappear … Three Granite Statues Of Pharaoh Senusert III. British museum. London A photo from open sources STRANGE NEIGHBORHOOD Take, to for example, the story of Egyptian sarcophagi. They are divided into two groups that are strikingly different in quality of performance. FROM on the one hand, casually made boxes dominated by uneven surfaces. On the other – sanded with incredible craftsmanship of multi-ton granite and quartzite containers unknown destination. Often the quality of processing of these sarcophagi is at the limit of modern machine technology. Sarcophagi different processing quality
Photos from open sources
Photos from open sources Ancient Egyptian statues created from heavy-duty materials. IN Egyptian Museum anyone can see the statue, carved from a single piece of black diorite. The surface of the statue is polished to a mirror shine. Scientists suggest that it refers to to the period of the Fourth Dynasty (2639-2506 BC) and depicts Pharaoh Hafr, who is credited with the construction of one of three the largest pyramids of Giza. But bad luck – in those days Egyptian craftsmen used only stone and copper tools. Soft limestone can still be processed with such tools, but diorite, which is one of the hardest rocks, by no means not allowed. Diorite statue of Khafr. Egyptian Museum
Photos from open sources And these are still flowers. And here are the colossi Memnon, located on the west bank of the Nile, opposite Luxor, – it’s already berries. Not only are they made from heavy-duty quartzite, their height reaches 18 meters, and the weight of each statue is 750 tons. In addition, they rest on quartzite pedestal of 500 tons! It’s clear that no devices for transport would not withstand such a load. Although the statues badly damaged, excellent performance of the surviving flat surfaces suggests the use of advanced machine tools technology. Colossi of Memnon are unique sculptural composition of the times of Ancient Egypt.
Photos from open sources But even the greatness of the colossus fades in comparing with the wreckage of a giant statue resting in the courtyard Ramesseum – the memorial temple of Ramses II. Made from one piece a piece of pink granite sculpture reached a height of 19 meters and weighed about 1000 tons! The weight of the pedestal on which it once stood the sculpture was about 750 tons. The monstrous dimensions of the statue and the highest quality of performance does not fit into well-known us the technological capabilities of Egypt during the New Kingdom (1550-1070 B.C.E.), to which the modern sculpture dates the science. Granite statue in Ramesseum
Photos from open sources
Photos from open sources But the Ramesseum itself is quite corresponds to the technical level of that time: statues and temple the buildings are mainly made of soft limestone and do not shine construction work. We see the same picture with Colossi of Memnon, whose age is determined by the remains the memorial temple located behind them. As with Ramesseum, the quality of this building, to put it mildly, does not shine high technology – unfired brick and roughly fitted limestone, that’s the whole masonry. Such an inconsistent neighborhood can explain only by the fact that the pharaohs simply built their temple complexes to monuments left over from another, much more ancient and highly developed civilization. The head of the statue of Pharaoh Senusert III. Obsidian. XII dynasty. 19 century BC e. Sobr. Gyulbenkyan.
Photo from open sources EYES OF STATUE WITH Ancient Egyptian statues are connected with another mystery. This is about eyes made from pieces of rock crystal that inserted, as a rule, into limestone or wooden sculptures. The quality of the lenses is so high that thoughts about turning and grinding machines come by themselves. The eyes of a wooden statue Pharaoh Choir, like the eyes of a living person, then looks blue, then grayed out depending on the angle of illumination and even imitate retinal capillary structure! Research by Professor Jay Enoch from the university of berkeley showed the amazing closeness of these glass dummies to the shape and optical properties of the real eye.
Photos from open sources
Photos from open sources
Photo from open sources American researcher believes that Egypt has achieved the greatest skill in lens processing 2500 BC e. After that, such a wonderful technology for some reason it ceases to be used and subsequently is forgotten at all. The only reasonable explanation is quartz blanks for the Egyptians borrowed eye patterns from somewhere, and when stocks the technology has run out, interrupted. HOW DO THE GODS LOOKED? The ancient Greek historian Diodorus of Sicily wrote ‘from the words Egyptian priests that mortals ruled Egypt less than 5 millennia. The kingdom of men was preceded by the power of gods and heroes, who ruled an incredible 18 thousand years. Ancient egyptian priest and the historian Manetho also begins his list of rulers of Egypt with dynasties of gods and demigods. If we compare the statements of the antique authors and facts that we have at the moment, it turns out that there was no technological breakthrough. Simply since the III millennium BC. e. in Egypt began to emerge artifacts left over from the first divine dynasties. Not it is possible that the pharaohs purposefully searched, tried to master and along the way to appropriate the preserved fragments of this heritage. About the external the guise of the true creators of ancient masterpieces can tell sculptural images of the daughters of the pharaoh-reformer Akhenaten. The first thing that catches your eye is an unnaturally elongated shape skulls, characteristic, by the way, for other works of Amarn period. This phenomenon has given rise to the congenital disease hypothesis. family of the pharaoh. However, not about any mental disorders in the family a ruler who must inevitably cause such a disease, not mentioned anywhere.
Photos from open sources If the pharaohs really were distant descendants of the gods, it is possible that from time to time they could manifest “divine” genes. Isn’t this the anatomical feature of the gods is associated common in different peoples custom head deformation? Another important and mysterious detail of the ancient Egyptian sculptural canon – absolute symmetry of facial proportions. As you know, in nature not there are symmetrical objects. This rule applies to to the human body. Moreover, experiments have shown that photographs made up of strictly symmetrical halves of one and of the same person, cause a person’s instinctive rejection. Through there is something unnatural and alien to human nature in them. But maybe to be, in the world where the gods came from, other natural reigned the conditions by which “anomaly” has become the norm? However was, we should carefully listen to the words of Plutarch: “In greater blasphemy falls not to those who deny the existence of gods, and he who recognizes them as what they are considered superstitious. ” Alexey KOMOGORTSEV
Time Ancient artifacts Egypt Pyramids Sarcophagi Sculptures Pharaohs