Six thousand years ago on the coast of the Persian Gulf there was a Sumerian civilization that left many clay tablets dotted with cuneiform. These tablets brought to us myths, historical chronicles, codes of laws, economic documents, personal letters.
A photo from open sources Entire libraries of clay tables were found by archaeologists among the ruins of Nineveh, the capital of Assyria, and in another large ancient city of Mesopotamia – Nippur. But despite on such a seemingly huge amount of information in history Sumerian civilization remains a lot of mysteries. And one of them connected with the texts of clay tablets … Judging by the decrypted texts, the ancient Sumerians possessed detailed information about Universe, stars and planets, possessed extensive knowledge in astronomy, mathematics, medicine, metallurgy, agriculture. Six thousand years ago, they knew that the Earth revolved around Of the sun. It was the Sumerian astronomers who divided the sky into twelve zodiac signs. They knew all the planets of the solar system and the history of their occurrence. But for example. Uranus was “officially” discovered in 1781, and Pluto – only in 1930! As they say clay tablets, 4 billion years ago in our solar system invaded an alien from the depths of space – Nibiru, wandering the heavenly body the size of the earth. As NASA experts calculated from the data clay tablets, the celestial body moved at a speed approximately 65 thousand kilometers per hour. Around the sun at that time (Apsu) were contacted by Mercury (Mummu), Venus (Laham), Mars (Lahmu), the planet Tiamat with its moon, Jupiter (Kishar), Saturn (Anshar), Uranus (Anu), Neptune (Ea) and Pluto (Gaga). They all moved in circumsolar orbits counterclockwise. When the mysterious Nibiru entered the limits of the solar system, he fell into the gravitational the field of the Sun and, captured by it, entered an unstable orbit, turning clockwise and being exposed gravitational fields of other planets. In turn, under the action Nibiru’s gravitational field on the solar planets closest to it systems began to occur cataclysms. Hardest hit Tiamat. It began powerful tectonic processes, which in As a result, the planet was torn into two. One of them, along with Tiamat’s satellite, the Moon, was thrown into another orbit and continued her life under the name Earth. Another part of the deceased the planet fell apart and formed an asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter. What about Nibiru? Under the action of forces caused by disaster with Tiamat, he also switched to a new orbit, to the very the periphery, and became the tenth, most distant planet of the Solar system. In science and science fiction literature it is accepted call transpluton. Maybe this story is just more one beautiful legend? But in 1766, a German astronomer, physicist and mathematician Johann Titius formulated, and another German astronomer, Johann Voda, substantiated the so-called “Titius-Bode rule.” it the rule determines the pattern: at what distance from the sun must be the planets of the solar system. So this regularity provides for the existence between Mars and Jupiter “planet N 5”, which actually is not! What rule “Titius-Bode” is true, subsequent discoveries of Uranus, Neptune proved and Pluto. After all, in 1772, when Bode announced the results of their calculations, these planets were not yet known to astronomers. And so Uranus was discovered in 1781 – the rule “works”! Then for the first time the question was raised about “planet N 5” … The first wide discussion Problems took place at the Astronomical Congress in 1796. “Planet N 5” began to search intensely, and on New Year’s Eve XIX Century Italian astronomer Giuseppe Piazzi discovered it. But this it turned out to be not a planet in the “normal” sense, but a celestial body extremely small sizes. The tiny planet was called Ceres. IN In 1802, her “sister” was discovered – Pallas, two years later – Juno, after another three years – Vesta … So it gradually became clear that between Mars and Jupiter, where by all accounts should there is “planet N 5”, a lot of tiny circles around the Sun planets – asteroids. And immediately the question arose – how was formed this “swarm”? This question was already asked by the German astronomer Heinrich Olbers, who discovered Pallas and Vesta. He was the first to suggest that “planet N 5” exploded, giving rise to clouds of asteroids and space dust. About clay tablets of the ancient Sumerians, telling about The disaster that happened to the planet Tiamat was not yet known. But the ancient Greek myth of Phaeton, the son, was well known in Europe Of the sun. One day, Phaeton without permission brought his father’s golden chariot, harnessed by a pair of fire-breathing horses, and rushed through the sky, but not managed to control the frantic horses, failed to direct the chariot along father’s path, burned all life on Earth and died himself, incinerated by lightning. This event caused a catastrophe on Earth … In In the early 1970s, the estimated mass of planet N was calculated. 5 “and the time of its destruction – 16 million years ago. But what caused the destruction? There are still a lot of ambiguities. Hypothetical “planet N 5” since the time of Olbers is called the Phaeton. But, It turns out that the ancient Sumerians also knew its other name – Tiamat. AND the Sumerians knew that in the crash that happened to Phaethon-Tiamat not the golden chariot is to blame, but another celestial body – Nibiru, it the same is probable Transpluton. So far, all attempts to discover it ended with nothing, although the presence in the solar system of some kind extraneous gravitational field unrelated to famous planets, celebrated a long time ago. In the 1980s american Pioneer and Voyager spacecraft as they approach the boundaries of the solar system suddenly began to deviate more and more from design trajectories. Calculations showed that deviations are caused by the presence of a gravitational field of unknown planetary mass, which should be located beyond the orbit of Pluto at a distance of about 50 astronomical units. And in 1997, American astronomers announced that they had discovered a small planet located on the periphery of the solar system. Not yet named space the body, perhaps, should be considered the Sumerian Nibiru, tenth planet of the solar system. Newfound Astrophysicists from Cambridge planet number 1996TL66 is massive enough and has 490 kilometers across. It revolves around the sun elliptical orbit, approaching it at a minimum distance at 35, and moving away to a maximum distance of 130 astronomical units (one astronomical unit is equal to the distance of the Earth from The sun, which is 150 million kilometers). It is significantly farther than the orbits of Pluto and Neptune. Already detected several such bodies in an area called the Cooper belt, which is located far from the so-called Oort cloud, where comets are “born”. The discovery of a small planet on the edge of the solar systems may bode many new surprises … Authors: Nizovsky A.Yu., Nepomnyashchy N.N.
Time Universe Moon Mars Neptune Nibiru Pluto Sun Solar Sumer Jupiter system