A photo from open sources
The secrets of the Egyptian pyramids have been haunting the minds for centuries researchers and all those interested in Ancient Egypt. Especially a lot of puzzles hide the three pyramids that are located in Giza, not far from present Cairo. On a rocky plateau deserts they stand, casting clear shadows on the sand, – three huge geometric bodies, impeccably regular tetrahedral pyramids, which are considered to be the tombs of the pharaohs of Cheops, Chefren and Mycerin. The largest of them – the Cheops pyramid (Khufu) – is called Great pyramid. In 1864, astronomer Charles Piazzi Smith put forward the assumption that the Cheops pyramid was built to translate into In this form, a number of aspects of ancient, very perfect knowledge. At followers appeared trying to unravel the mystery of this Egyptian pyramids. There was an assumption of uniqueness Cheops pyramids among other monuments of ancient Egypt. His supporters argued that it was built by the will of a higher mind aliens from worlds with more perfect than on earth, civilization. It was assumed that in the design of the pyramid, its the parameters are encrypted ancient prophecies that subsequently formed the basis of the Old Testament, predetermined the future history Christianity and predict the second coming of Christ. When measuring the very pyramid of Cheops it turned out that the perimeter of the pyramid of Giza, divided by double height, gives the exact number “Pi”, with accuracy to one hundred thousandth. Interestingly, a sacred measure of the length of Egypt, those. pyramidal inch (oddly equal modern English) there is one billionth of the Earth’s orbit, passed by her in 24 hours. The sum of the two diagonals of the Egyptian pyramid, expressed in inches, gives the number of years during which the northern the pole of our earth makes one complete revolution. Pyramid volume multiplied by the specific gravity of the stone of which it is made, gives theoretical weight of the globe, etc. Now there are many theories about how these Egyptian pyramids were built. According to by some authors, the Cheops pyramid was built by aliens; by versions of others, blocks were transferred to their places using magic crystal. In the 1980s, Robert Buvel, Belgian civil engineer, drew attention to the stellar analogue of the circuit mutual arrangement of the pyramids of Giza. Relative arrangement three stars in the constellation Orion, forming a kind of belt at the waist human figure, exactly repeats the layout of three The largest pyramids on the Giza plateau. Great pyramid and similar the size of Chefren’s pyramid take the place of the two brightest stars the belt of Orion, Al-Nitak and Al-Nilam, and the smaller pyramid of Menkaur offset from the axis of two neighboring, just like the third and smallest the star of the belt is Mintaka. Such an obvious analogy threw a straight line a challenge to orthodox archeology, arguing that religion is at the core the Egyptians lay worship of the sun, not the starry sky. However It was, the presence of the phenomenon is impossible to deny. Graham Hancock, author Traces of the Gods, working on an alternative interpretation history of the ancient world, believes that the observation of Buvel allows dating the pyramids is by no means 2500 BC. e., and about 10,450 BC e., when the outline of the belt of Orion is exactly corresponded to the arrangement of the pyramids. Pyramids – one of numerous evidence in favor of the existence of that long the era of some advanced civilization. Meanwhile, the specified era fits into the time frame of the legendary Atlantis, although no one undertakes to claim that built the early pyramids civilization really was the Atlantean civilization. Interesting data cited by American scientist John Anthony West, who drew attention that at two objects – the Sphinx and the Temple of the valley, located at a distance of several hundred meters from each other, There are distinct traces of severe water erosion. Giant figure Sphinx is located in a hollow of a steep slope, made of rock whom she was carved. Such a hollow is very fast filled with sand, and the likelihood that in arid conditions Desert sand was washed away by rain, extremely small. But it was not always. Sahara area began to turn into a sandy desert only at the end of the last ice age, and another 12,000 or even 10,000 years ago there was quite abundant rainfall, which could cause West erosion. West’s observations were recognized by almost 300 geologists, participants Congress of the American Geological Survey society. The construction of the pyramids was such a large-scale enterprise, required such efforts from the entire community, such costs temporary and material resources that must exist serious reasons for their construction. The fact of construction was to bring to the community the favor of the gods in one or its other form. Ancient sources have no shortage of evidence of fireballs falling from the blaze, incinerating and burning everything around. It may well be that erecting pyramids at different points of the globe, people wanted to ask higher powers to stop the destruction of civilization and cease to bring down flaming from heaven blocks. Another mystery of the Egyptian pyramids is that two the largest pyramids were built, apparently, in two steps. After the start of construction, for some reason, the work stopped and renewed much later. Why did you make such a conclusion? AND engineering logic and common sense suggest that as the pyramid increases, the size of the limestone blocks should to decrease. But during the construction of the Great Pyramid, for example, in the first 18 rows of blocks are really gradually reduced in size, and to 18 row each weight does not exceed several tons. However, already at 19 a number of masonry blocks again increase sharply in size, although they are already had to raise to a height of over 30 meters! Why? Here not all the secrets and mysteries of the Egyptian pyramids are listed. Yet for a long time they will excite people, prompting new research.
Egypt Pyramids