In the last two decades, the Southern Urals has been archaeological sensations are both “Mustached mounds” and island dolmens Faith, and the Elk geoglyph. All artifacts found are unique, and in some degree became the basis for the revision of dogmatic views on the ancient history of the South Urals, which completely ruled out even the fact the existence of something like that. And now another find, which clearly does not fit into the classical model and threatens turn into a new sensation! On the territory of the Chelyabinsk region search engines discovered stone structures resembling pagan the shrines of the ancient northerners – seids! Seyd in the area Alexander hill Photos from open sources Somewhere on the Kola Peninsula You won’t surprise anyone with such stone structures. There scientists are already long ago came to the conclusion that such structures were erected Sami people in the second millennium BC. They served as peculiar shrines where people sacrificed. animals. However, members of the Mysterious Urals movement found similar formations in the southern Urals near Zlatoust in the area of the Alexander hill. They have been seen before, but many scholars believed that megaliths have a natural origin and formed as a result of the descent of the glacier. At Chelyabinsk seekers a completely different opinion. – Assuming that thousands of years ago the mountains were higher, wider and generally larger, then the fall of such a massive plate would not remain for her without any consequences, most likely – the array would have split, – says the member Mysterious Ural movement Andrei Lyubushkin. – Also, surprising amazing symmetrical arrangement disproportionate plate, if by chance it was moved a little bit to the right or left, it is unlikely that she could resist, but view that the object has survived to the present day – almost perfect location, which is also an indirect sign of artificial the origin of the object.
Photo from open sources Now in front of South Ural researchers have a very important task – to carry out a detailed analysis of the South Urals seids and compare them with megaliths in Karelia and in other northern regions of Eurasia. All of them are united by a number of factors, many of which stand on the verge of science, mysticism and science fiction. For example, some seids have a psycho-emotional effect. on people, others, according to ethnographers, healed diseases, and still others, and at all – they sang. The wind passed under a large boulder, and created the impression that someone is singing in high and beautiful polyphony. -Depending on the strength of the wind and the incline of the unstable the tone of sounds also changes – this find is actually confirms the possible use of seids and as resonators acoustic vibrations – a necessary “option” of any significant religious object, – shared Andrey Lyubushkin. – Difficult imagine what was going on in the heads of the Sami when the stone began “sing”, how can one not believe in the power of the shaman and the fact that their stone “really works.”
Photos from open sources According to the seekers, their group will continue to collect information, because if it is confirmed that strange stones “on a stand” – these are saids similar to northern ones, then such the fact will turn the idea of scientists about the life of the peoples inhabiting South Urals thousands of years ago. Perhaps this sensation will not smaller than the find of the famous geoglyph of moose or dolmens on Faith Island. Help Turning to the topic of seids, you should notice that this name is not quite accepted in Russian literature correctly. Sámi among the Saids most often called sacred places natural origin – rocks, lakes, mountains. Therefore, for example, correlate with the cult of stone additions, the mention of the cult of Seyds will be incorrect, but despite this discrepancy, in view of established tradition and to avoid confusion, under the term seyd here they will be understood as stone additions. Stone seids to date, are the least studied cult-historical monuments of the north of the European part mainland. Seydi are several types of stone additions, most often of which there are large boulders, mounted on several small support stones and boulders marked on top with one or more smaller stones – rounds. The main difficulty in the process of researching these objects lies in the actual absence of written sources and archaeological finds near the objects of research. Mountain side Kivakka (Karelia)
Photos from open sources In this connection, the scientific community is still not yet reached a certain consensus on the issue of dating origin of seides, but foreign researchers tend to attribute their appearance by the Bronze Age, approximately, by the middle of 2 thousand years before AD For the first time in Swedish archeology, seids as altars mentioned in Gunnar Westin’s History of Upper Norrland, his work was published in 1962, despite the fact that then no finds near the seids were made, but nevertheless these the constructions were attributed by the researcher to the period of the Bronze Age, since they were located near the burial grounds of this era. In 1968 Evert Bodow in his work “Ancient Settlements on the Coast Of Ingermanland “calls seids” horizontally located altars. “The seyds he studied were also located near stone mounds of the Bronze Age. However, Bodow is more careful in conclusions about dating and relates them “to the time from the early bronze century to the Iron Age. “In Russia, dating of seids is from Neolithic before the beginning of a new era. Seid on Mount Vottovaara
Photos from open sources in the Russian North the most studied complexes of seids on the mountains of Vottovaara, Kivakka and Kuzov Islands. Seid complexes of the Kola Peninsula in view of remoteness and inaccessibility of many of them remain poorly understood. Thus, we can conclude that at this the moment historians cannot give an exact answer to the question of whether who built the seids, not about when the megalith was built. Question about Seyd ethnicity also remains open, while there are references to seids in the folklore of all the peoples of northern Europe – Saami, Finns, Karel, Swedes. In the Russian part of the range only minor folklore preserved mentions of the cult of some of them. We can only conclude that the seids were significant for a rather narrow ethnic group having general religious rules. Researchers noted that the seids have a similar “architecture”, apparently, the placement of the boulder was determined by the specific “task” of the seid, its purpose of which the spectrum was extremely wide … Seid anomalies In the worldview the ancient Sami Saids were the abode of spirits that endowed the stones all sorts of supernatural abilities. According to formulations of the famous scholar of Sami shamanism Nikolai Volkova: “.. Seids as a material expression of ancient beliefs Sámi were equally common among the Sámi of Russia, both foreign and foreign. Seyd was usually the object of veneration of all village and was apparently associated with veneration the ancestors of the ancestors. There is reason to believe that the distribution of seids depended on the distribution of hunting and fishing grounds. There are mentions that with the occurrence reindeer breeding the beneficial influence of seids is also common on flocks of tamed deer. The indicated seides are located near the Sami fishing and hunting grounds. Original seids were undoubtedly tribal fetishes. As the patrimonial Seydi lands turned into family fetishes. Seyd, unlike material objects of magic, is an object of worship and veneration … “. In the legends there is no mention of how and who built saids, there are no references to turning to a seid by applying “magic” – which is commonplace enough for the traditions of the northerners. there is information about the rituals, and it is from them that you can do conclusion that seids were built in “before mythological” times. IN confirmation of this bold theory can be accepted not only the absence official science has accurate stone dating information giants, but also the essence of cult rites, so in ancient legends about Seydi mentioned episodes about the need to present Seyd human sacrifice however the rite of human sacrifice is absolutely not typical for the Sami, and later at all was replaced by a ritual of animal sacrifice. So free the approach to the cult ritual suggests that the cult of Seyds is not originally belonged to the Sami, but was adapted religious cult rite adopted from other ethnographic groups. If you look at the magic of seids from the standpoint of modern knowledge about nature and man, in the first place it is impossible not to draw attention to some abnormal phenomena associated with seids. TO such may include the subjective sensations of some mental the effects of both positive and negative, strange problems arising with photo and video equipment. Mostly with such “tricks” researchers encounter on the so-called “Plateau Seid “located on Mount Vottovaara. Probably anomalous activity is due to the fact that the complexes were located in called “places of power”, places where unusual Earth properties associated with its geological structure. Considering geological features of the Kola Peninsula can, for example, explain the healing properties of some seids (about which rumors) the release of weakly radioactive natural gas from the bowels of the earth radon, which has a beneficial effect on the body. Interesting feature of the effect of seids on the human psyche can to trace in the statistics the spread of “shamanistic disease”, the so-called flickering (psychosis, expressed in spontaneous falling into a trance, as individual individuals, and at the same time whole groups of people) earlier common in Scandinavia and Karelia. Seid on Mount Ninchurt Murmansk region
Photo from open sources By the way, as the researchers are sure shamanism, it is people who are subject to fencing shamans selected in future students, who later became servants of the Seyd cult. Perhaps the cause of the abnormal effects on the psyche is due to exposure to humans in polar conditions of rare earths and radioactive ores. It is not clear how the “builders” knew the exact the coordinates of the construction of the seyd in order to compare it with the “place of power”. However, in addition to technology and the human psyche, there are interesting facts, indicating the impact of seids on the environment. For instance, on the slope of a small hill in the center of the Kola Peninsula there is some strange saids around which no reindeer moss grows. In the tundra you can find similar bald spots in which sometimes stagnates water and for this reason the moss does not grow, leaving stony or soil bottom, but in this case the reason is seid. In a different case a huge seid in the form of a cubic placed on an edge stone, unstable balancing leaning on a small boulder, has some effect on the grass growing under its slope about a meter from the megalith itself – the grass grows at an angle, copying the slope of the seid, as if its growth goes along some hypothetical “lines of force” of the boulder. Dowsing studies conducted by the candidate of medical sciences S.N Zelentsov at the seids located in the Seydozer area in the Lovozero tundra allowed identify the presence in the studied areas of the so-called GAS “geoactive zones”. Dowsing revealed areas with a diameter of 2.5-3m around a seid in which bio-frames deviate. Supporters “optional” methods of cognition hastened to declare Said generator of powerful energy fields. But experience with bio-frame of everything only indicates that cult stone structure located at the intersection of groundwater flows. In this case, dowsing studies indicate the difference “something” from the background, but it’s hard to say the differences of “what”. Using dowsing is somewhat akin to using electricity: not everyone who turns on the light bulb knows the theory occurrence of current in conductors, but everyone knows its effect on tungsten spiral in a glass flask. In addition to dowsing deviations, it was revealed that one of Vottovaara’s seids is and the source of the magnetic anomaly is the compass needle around this seyd literally moving in a circle. Is the stone itself magnetic an anomaly or simply placed above it remains unclear. But the very fact of the connection of various kinds of anomalies at places of worship stone additions suggests a much greater knowledge ancient, including the magnetic properties of the Earth, than we used to thinking, because to place a seid in the right place, you need to was to pinpoint a specific point and not be mistaken how the ancestors achieved this – unknown. Most likely the explanation of the seid phenomenon lies in the consolidation of several areas: the impact of special geological factors, the impact forms and dispositions on the human psyche and nature. Quite it is possible that the impact of geological factors combined with any cosmic rhythms, for example: phases of the moon, the equinoxes, multi-day polar dawns, and specifically amplified by seids as some prehistoric “technical devices. “As you know, some Western European megaliths menhirs and cromlechs at sunrise of the first rays of the sun certain “sound” in the ultrasonic range, it is possible that polar seids were built taking into account such opportunities. Seydy Kola Peninsula
Photos from open sources
Photos from open sources
Photos from open sources
Photos from open sources Acoustic properties of seids confirmed by a find in the summer of 2004 in the area of the Karelian city Kem expedition “Petrozavodsk Academy of Meganoscience”, so called the “singing stone” – an ancient seid mounted on the top of the hill so that the air currents passing under the stone emitted sounds reminiscent of singing. Depending on wind strength and inclination unstable stone changes and the tone of sounds – this finding actually confirms the possible use Seides and as resonators of acoustic vibrations – necessary “options” of any significant religious object. Hard to imagine, what was going on in the heads of the Sami when the stone began to “sing”, like here Do not believe in the power of the shaman and the fact that their stone “really works”! IN In general terms, the ancients possessed knowledge and understanding of the properties of the earth, allowing them to create practically universal complexes for human exposure, so it’s possible in certain days could be cured of diseases, in others chat with the spirits (again, a hint of Sami “dimming”), and in the following is better not to appear at all, or to be limited. It is possible that the seids used in much the same way as in modern medicine uses radioactive elements, x-rays, ultraviolet – destructive in essence, but in certain conditions healing. Perhaps knowledge of these “certain conditions” is the basis of understanding of seids, subsequently lost. And the cult that came down to our day there is nothing but an attempt to resuscitate a cult seides. Judge for yourself in the traditions the main properties are given of seids, their features, for example, it is forbidden to some seids to approach – atavism of knowledge about the cyclical nature of the “work” of seids. TO others need to make sacrifices for good luck in hunting and health – remnants of knowledge about the strengthening and healing effects complexes on the body and psyche before the hunt. Near the seids you can’t make noise – if you consider that unstable saids could be resonators of acoustic vibrations, infra- and ultra-sound, like other megaliths, this ban is quite explainable: an outsider noise could disturb these vibrations with undesirable consequences for visitor. The list goes on …
Geoglyphs Stones Megaliths Islands Russia Shamans