Shaman Barnashka and his predictions about Russia

Shaman Barnashka and his predictions about RussiaPhotos from open sources of

Today, there are many spiteful critics, for example, in Ukraine, who do not believe in the great mission of Russia, although almost all the famous seers, be it Nostradamus, Casey, Wang and many others talked about this. And they attributed this heyday of Russian society and the formation of a mighty Russia is not to some kind of distant for us the future, namely the first half of the twenty-first century.

Among such prophets was a famous Buryat shaman Barnashka, who lived at the turn of the nineteenth – twentieth centuries. He was so famous for his incredible ability to see fate of every person that people from all around came to him, and even from distant provinces, although at that time they were not so developed communication, and the shaman himself traveled constantly, why meeting him was not easy.

Barnashka could easily communicate with the subtle other world, and therefore, he unmistakably determined what kind of person came to him, with what problems, and what awaits in the future. However, he could to model the future, and therefore take away from the unfortunate misfortune and help him to take the true bright road. Of course, in the Almost everyone knew him in Buryatia, and the glory of this great the prophet was passed from mouth to mouth.

However, the great shaman went down in history because practically accurately predicted the fate of not only ordinary people, but also rulers, states and the world at large. He saw iron birds (airplanes), carts without horses (cars), a network of wires entangled Earth, said that Russia will soon wait a hundred years the test of suffering that begins with the 1917 revolution, for which will be followed by a terrible war for Russians, stagnation, restructuring and new trials.

A photo from open sources

However, one hundred years after my death, said Barnashka, Russia will become the most powerful power in the world, and it will be highly spiritual society, before whose greatness all bow other states of the world. They not only recognize the primacy of Russia, but they will also strive to build life in their lands in the likeness of Russians.

It is difficult to say how true all the predictions of this prophet and holy fool (some considered him to be just such), because at that far away, many did not even understand what he was talking about, and his words about the future were passed down from generation to generation orally form, overgrown with legends and enriched by folk speculation storytellers. However, the greatness of Russia, which Barnashka saw, all the descendants of the shaman spoke, and none of them doubted that it the prophecy is as true as all its other predictions of the world scale.

By the way, the shaman Barnashka died around 1925, so less than ten years are left to the true greatness of Russia, especially recent events convince us that both Casey and Wang and this the Buryat shaman was not mistaken in their predictions about the most the mightiest power of the world …

Vanga Time Russia Edgar Cayce

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