In 1975, in many Siberian cities, samizdat came out book of the Irkutsk ethnographer and local history candidate of philosophical sciences Artemia Polotsky, in which prophetic predictions were set forth Siberian shamans and Old Believers regarding those cataclysms that ever shook our world, and those – coming – that are accepted call the “end of the world.” Photos from open sources More than 30 years ago A. Polotsky for the first time told Soviet readers about the legendary Mayan calendar and tried to interpret the Bible in terms of its view of time, given to humanity. The entire contents of this book, which has done then a lot of noise in Novosibirsk and Irkutsk, Tomsk and Kemerovo, Omsk and Barnaul, I was led to what in the history of the Earth was several cases when as a result of a planetary cataclysm all living things were destroyed, replaced by new species animals and new races of people. The author argued that in the future such disasters will not pass our planet, but will be repeated with frightening cyclic -I mo, which he brought out as a result of many years research. In his theoretical calculations A. Polotsky relied on the collected ethnographic material, legends and legends of indigenous peoples of Siberia. Also in his work he refers to the famous and seventies in those parts of the old believer Egor Kukhlin, who lived a hermit on the banks of the Yenisei River on the border of the Krasnoyarsk Territory and Tuva ASSR and had a reputation as a healer, prophet and sorcerer. IN in particular, Artemy Polotsky leads in the book “fable” I mountain Kuhlina, in which the Old Believer says that “darkness will come from heaven, shrouded in smoke and fire, demonic darkness will come out of the womb of the earth, and when they go towards each other, there will be no life neither the weak, nor the poor, nor the rich, nor the free bird, nor the beast in cage. “A terrible invasion by the Old Believer predicts when “The sun will be closed by three moons and cold and dark will come on Earth three whole hours. “What told the Terrible Cave A. Polotsky, assuming that in this case a prolonged solar an eclipse, which usually lasts from a few seconds to a few minutes, calculated that a similar time phenomenon could occur in the summer of 2038. It was at this time that the axis of the Earth, the Moon and the Sun coincide in such a way that the moon covers a daylight on an abnormally long period of time. A similar phenomenon has happened. only during the time of the power of the Byzantine Empire and shortly before the fall of the last ancient Egyptian kingdom … The popular science work of A. Polotsky is not without many mathematical and historical inaccuracies however some Siberian scientists with a whole A number of his hypotheses agree. So, an employee of one of research institutes of the Siberian branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences D.M. Mezentsev, who studied at the end of the 80s of the past century as part of a group of scientists wedge-shaped inscriptions in the cave Terrible in the Tigirek mountains of Altai, I came to the conclusion that these inscriptions are a kind of chronological description of the past and upcoming events. In the mid nineties having developed a special computer program, he processed using it cave inscriptions and received quite interesting results. IN in particular, cuneiform writing says about pale-faced people who will come on the side where the sun sets, and eight will reign centuries. Ancient forecasters described the appearance of large hydroelectric power stations – Bratsk and Sayano-Shushenskaya – narrating about that “big water, backed by a stone wall, will close the forests, swamps, steppes and mountains. “In wedge-shaped inscriptions it is said about natural cataclysms. In particular, they talk about major earthquakes. 1936, 1989 and 2000, as well as taiga fires raging in these parts in the mid-twenties of the past and at the beginning of this centuries. Cave inscriptions also predict that as a result a cataclysm in about 2115 the Sayan and Altai mountains go underground, on the site of Lake Baikal a huge gaping sand basin. Conducted radiocarbon analysis of open images showed that their age is approximately 25-30 thousand years, which in time refers to the ice age of the upper Pleistocene. 11the cuneiform writing is not about its graphic nature corresponds to none of the currently known writing groups. Conversations with a shaman. Tomsk famous in the first half of the 20th century. researcher of culture and life of the Siberian peoples Igor Savenkov in 1958 in his memoirs described “evening conversations” with Umgala Butyashev – a Buryat shaman, healer and fortune teller, occurring in the autumn of 1947 in the village of Ubekma, in the southeast Storm. Umgala Butyashev performed for I. Savenkova in the traditional in a fabulous manner epic folk tunes, as well as going into face, as if communicating with the spirits of deceased ancestors who believed the shaman has a lot of interesting things. In addition to the usual for that time favorable prophecies about the future of the country and people, Butyashev said to the guest that the spirits warn him of the bad times that will come at the end of the 20th century and will last three twelve-year cycles. The end of this difficult time period will be marked by a series of wars between East and West, which will be stopped by the gods, descended from heaven. Human cruelty will be punished fierce cold, from which water freezes in ponds, will die harvests and famine comes. After all the trials on Earth will be reborn the half-human demigod race that dominated the planet in time immemorial. Two hundred years to happiness With the “gods, descended from heaven, “a lot of things are connected among the Siberian peoples legends. In particular, representatives of the northern peoples of Siberia – Ulchi – back in the middle of the 20th century there was a legend about a hero Dovget – the son of an earthly woman and god, who came from heaven in the “fiery pitcher. “A more warlike tradition exists among Chadobsky (Angara) Tungus, according to which in time immemorial Dwarf tribes from the southern mountains attacked their people. Elders Tungus tribes turned for help to the gods, who, having appeared from heaven in thunder and lightning, turned enemies into stinking ashes, perished in the depths of the holy Baikal. In one of the Khakass legends say that at a time when rivers, mountains and steppes were chained in an ice shell (ice age), in the sky there was a terrible battle of the gods. Evil deities were defeated, and on prosperity came to the land again. However, as follows from tradition, they will return when “the sky falls to the earth, and the earth rises to sky “(change of magnetic poles). Krasnoyarsk enthusiast researcher Stepan Dmitrievich Markov, over twenty years collecting the predictions of the most diverse peoples of Siberia, the Far East, as well as Central Asia, in 1999 amounted to chronological sequence of prophecies. According to her since 2000 to 2035 on the Eurasian continent, as well as in the waters washing this vast territory will happen at least one and a half thousand natural disasters. Of these, the most destructive will be 2010 earthquake with an epicenter in Northern Mongolia, in 2022 year – at the southern end of the Kuril ridge, in 2030 – The Philippines. Tremors will cause powerful tsunamis, the impact of which the islands of Taiwan, Sakhalin and Hokkaido will be affected. Due to underground natural disasters in northern Mongolia will significantly change the Sayan terrain and the outlines of Lake Baikal. According to S.D. Markov, after slight warming at the very beginning of the 21st century since about 2010 by 2040, a significant decrease in temperature should not be expected only in Eurasia, but also on the entire planet. More likely during this period just come the so-called “small ice age”, from which will affect the southwestern regions of Europe and Africa. Temperature cataclysm will lead to a decrease in numbers humanity for 1-1.5 billion people. However, after 2050 the temperature on the planet will begin to rise. But it will not bring long-awaited prosperity. Long-term droughts that have begun will lead to mass hunger. The area of deserts on the planet will increase more than four times. Dry and hot periods on Earth may drag on for more than a century and a half, which will also lead to significant reduce humanity. And only since 2200 has changed externally and internally the human race will enter a long period well-being. Source: “Secrets of the twentieth century. Golden series” No. 22-s 2011 year
Water Time Ice Age Moon Caves Siberia Sun Shamans