“Sleepy Prophet” saw the revival of the Soviet Union

"Sleepy Prophet" saw the revival of the Soviet UnionA photo from open sources Edgar Cayce (1877 – 1945) in the Western world became famous no less than Wang in Slavic. – Both clairvoyant was taken by hundreds of people a day, says historian Gennady FOXES. – Many famous people came to them, including presidents and ministers. And, by a strange coincidence, neither the other did not see their visitors. Wang was blind. And case predicted in a dream – he closed his eyes, naturally fell asleep and in such condition broadcast. Therefore, he was nicknamed the “sleepy prophet.” By the way waking up, Kays claimed that he did not remember anything from what was said through him. The words of the seer were written down by the stenographer. “Early” Case mainly healed. And surprised contemporaries with that, without a medical education, he made accurate diagnoses and prescribed treatment in terms familiar only to narrow specialists. The New York Times devoted October 9, 1910 to this. an article called Illiterate Man Under Self Hypnosis becomes a doctor. “Healed himself – With hypnosis, that’s all has begun, says another explorer of the legendary life the seer Nicholas MEMORIES. – At least about Case goes such bike. It was as if his voice had completely disappeared after a sore throat. To the town of Hopkinsville (Kentucky, USA), where Case settled work as a photographer, came on tour a hypnotist nicknamed Laughing man hart. During the performance, Edgar volunteered on scene, was euthanized and … spoke. After the session, the voice again disappeared. However, the rumor of unusual healing reached the local hypnotist Al Lane. And he proposed to repeat the experiment. Further numerous sources of that time describe the miracle that happened like this. Lane again put Cayce to sleep, and then recited over the body: “Yours subconscious looks at the throat. Now it will tell us that with this throat is not in order and what needs to be done to cure it. ” “The reason for the violation is a partial paralysis of voice ligaments caused by stretching of nerve endings, – the sleeping one answered Case. – To eliminate the violation, it is necessary to make the body strengthen blood circulation for a short time in the affected area. “After Lane said, “Command the body to do this,” the parents of the future. the prophet, standing nearby, saw how their son’s neck was first swollen and became crimson, and then returned to normal. Awakened Case gained the ability to speak. And no more voices was losing. All hope for Russia

Case predicted two world wars. And he named the dates of their beginning and graduation. He not only predicted the economic crisis of 1929 years, but also described in detail the catastrophic events on exchanges. I saw the subsequent rise in 1933. Voiced defeat Germans on the Kursk, the end of fascism, the victory of the USSR. And for a few months to death when the Red Army marched triumphantly along Europe, said the Soviet Union would break up. As he looked into the water prophetic: “Before the 20th century has ended, the collapse of communism will come. The Communists will lose their power there. “Case also said that liberated from communism, Russia is in crisis. But from it she safely come out “thanks to friendship with the people, on banknotes which says “We believe in God.” Easy to guess that the prophet meant the United States with their dollars, which in fact left indelible mark in our post-communist history. Return to Kais could see the ideas of Marxism-Leninism only in a nightmare. Although Yeltsin called Clinton “friend Bill,” he’s called “friend Boris,” true feelings can be doubted. But who will argue that we were friends and continue to be friends with the dollar? Once the seer guessed maybe one thing will come true and the other?

“From Russia,” Case said in a dream, sometimes calling our country “brown bear” – hope will come to the world. Not from the Communists, not from Bolsheviks, but from free Russia! It will be years before this will happen, but it is the religious development of Russia that will give the world hope. ” And then “those people who will be in close relations (with Russia), will live better, gradually changing and eventually setting finally conditions for organizing life all over the world. “Well, Russia free. Her religious development continues successfully. And those who has close relations with us; they are not at all in poverty. At least receive oil and gas. Perhaps the deadline is approaching and another Cayce’s prophecies, which a few years ago experts considered absolutely fantastic. Namely, the revival of the Soviet Union after 2010. Belarus is the first candidate for association. A further, as modern political scientists quite seriously estimate, not it’s possible that Kyrgyzstan, Eastern Ukraine will reach Russia, Armenia, Kazakhstan. And maybe even Georgia, which living independently does not work. By the way, and Wang is not doubted our future. “Russia will become great again empire, “she said. The Third World War is not will be

Alas, the remaining global prophecies of Cayce are not encouraging. Except that China will change beyond recognition: “More and more adherents of the Christian faith will come into politics … Yes, China will one day become the cradle of Christianity … By human standards a lot of time will pass, but it’s only one day in the heart Lord. For tomorrow China will awaken. “But who knows if this is good or badly? Case did not promise Third World War. But predicted something not less catastrophic – natural disasters. First, Case predicted global warming. I saw him in the 30s, when climate change on the planet no one has thought. “Areas with cold or subtropical climate will become more tropical and there will be grow ferns, “he said. And part of America will drown: “New York, Connecticut and other areas on the east coast will shake so that they disappear from the face of the earth. Great Lakes Waters will merge into the Gulf of Mexico … Volcanoes in Hawaii will wake up, and such a strong wave will roll that the southern coast of California in three months it will disappear under water … In the northern regions Greenland will have open waters, new lands will appear in The Caribbean. South America will shake from top to bottom, and in Antarctica, near Tierra del Fuego, will rise from the bottom of the earth and there will be a strait with raging waters. “Real Estate in Western Siberia will rise in price

Cayce predicts climate and seismic disasters affect the entire planet, why it will change dramatically. But Russia at this will suffer less than other countries. And will lead the reborn civilization, the center of which, as one of prophetic dreams, will become Western Siberia. Brad seems to be. And with Keyes’s deadlines are not going smoothly – he assigned all these troubles to the end XX century. In fact, I guessed only global warming. But not it is possible that he correctly identified the trend. Serious scientists for ten years now they’ve been afraid that the intensive melting of ice in Antarctica and Greenland can provoke violent tectonic activity on the ground. And as a result – volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, tsunamis, floods. It’s not a sin to remember Wang again. Maybe and she hinted at a coming global warming, saying in 1979: “Everything will melt like ice, only one thing will remain untouched – glory Vladimir, the glory of Russia … She will sweep away everything from her path and not only survive, but also become the ruler of the world. “As they say, nice to hear. The Seer Will Return in 2100 – I met with the grandson of Keyes at the Pulkovo Observatory in St. Petersburg, – says Gennady Lisov. – There, oddly enough, was present outstanding astrophysicist Nikolai Kozyrev. The grandson, in particular, noticed that the lion’s share of grandfather’s prophecies remained undecided. And all there are more than 14 thousand transcripts that are now transmitted in specially created association named after Edgar Cayce. – In December 2000, the exhumation of the remains of Cayce was carried out with the aim of research on his DNA, continues Gennady Petrovich. – About it reported the American magazine Weekly World News. It seems to be under the remains of the prophet was found a pack of papers with unknown yet predictions. Perhaps new discoveries await us. Case himself when life declared that he would be reborn again in Nebraska in 2100. And personally verify the truth of his prophecies. OPINION SKEPTICIAN Head of Department of Philosophy, Sacramento College, California Robert Todd Carroll: He was leaked information – Case himself more than once declared his prophetic abilities, the ability to see future but never agreed to prove it in controlled laboratory conditions. Many of Keyes Myths Unconditionally accepted on faith and distributed by researcher Thomas Sagru, who believed that the seer cured him of a serious illness. In his book “The River of Life: The Story of the Great Clairvoyant Edgar Cayce” (1945) Sagru claimed that Keyes saved his own son from blindness, and his wife from tuberculosis, although both were under the supervision of ordinary doctors. Thousands of reports left by the seer alone useless because it’s impossible to find out exactly what Case identified using his unusual abilities and what was told him helpers, letters from the patients themselves or a simple examination. After all Case usually worked with assistants, among whom were the doctor medicine John Blackburn, homeopath and hypnotist Wesley Ketchum and osteopath Al Lane. There is a suspicion that Wange leaked information local taxi drivers who brought customers to her home, and Bulgarian security officers. Case had no formal education above high school level. But I read a lot. Also worked in bookstore, which contributed to his fascination with the occult literature. He was not at all an illiterate ignoramus, as sometimes tried to look to make my diagnoses more mysterious. BTW

Keynes distributed the legends of Atlantis. Many probably they heard that in Egypt among the pyramids – specifically under the Sphinx – hidden entrance to the dungeon. There, in walled chambers, what remains of the mighty civilization of the Atlanteans – books, technology, the remains of the Atlanteans themselves. Where does the bike come from? After all, Plato, who spoke about Atlantis, about this did not even stutter. It turns out the data belong to Case. He even indicated where to dig. But no one digging. The Egyptians do not allow. Apparently, they do not believe the prophet. Though surface studies using seismic instruments show: under the Sphinx there are some cavities.

Case saw that Atlantis was. Located between mexican the bay and the Mediterranean Sea. More precisely, in the Bahamas, one of which, Bimini, was “part of a once great continent, remaining under water. “Atlantis sank for about 15 thousand years back. But not all Atlanteans died. Some escaped by air ships, came to Egypt and built pyramids there, which are times two older than is commonly believed. Case claimed that the Atlanteans owned the “Big Crystal” – Tuaoi Stone. Like, he served a powerful source of energy. But also drowned. And now lies at the bottom Atlantic Ocean in the Bermuda Triangle. Why there various mysterious phenomena occur.

Surprisingly, in 1991 there were reports of an expedition Verlag Meyer Oceanographer. Allegedly using a sonar scientist discovered in the very center of the Bermuda Triangle at a depth of about kilometers not one, but two whole objects. These are pyramids in shape much larger than Egyptian. And made of some kind of transparent material. In a word, spilled “Big crystals”. Meyer spoke about Pyramids at a conference in the Bahamas. And more, alas, about its discovery is not known. But suddenly one day it will be confirmed? And it turns out that Case didn’t rave about Atlantis? And about the fact that once Atlantes will be reborn – genetically: another will appear on Earth one race with supernatural powers. Therein number and prophetic. After all, Case and himself ranked as descendants Atlantes. And in a dream, saying “we”, spoke on their behalf.

Antarctica Atlantis Wang War Water Time Volcanoes Global warming Greenland DNA Egypt Life Kazakhstan China Climate Crisis Pyramids Russia Siberia USSR USA Edgar Cayce

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