Solve the cipher of the Great Pyramid

To solve the cipher of the Great PyramidA photo from open sources

It would seem that a whole sea of ​​articles has been written about the Cheops pyramid. But all new information is appearing that force time after time back to this eternal theme.

What, for example, did she look like initially? American engineer Raymond D. Manners in an article published in November 1996, claimed that the Great Pyramid in its original form was distinguished by two Features: sparkling surface and concave in the middle facets. Ancient builders covered the pyramid with a layer of polished limestone.

Her facets were so brilliant that they could be seen behind hundreds of kilometers. In the morning and at noon, sunlight reflected from This mirror surface was supposedly visible even from the moon. Local the inhabitants looked at the pyramid and its polished stones with fear in for many centuries.

Cladding stones have perfect right angles with deviation of straight lines lines within 0.25 mm. Modern technology is not allows you to place such blocks with greater accuracy. White cement which held the cladding stones together and made them waterproof, all still remains whole and stronger than the blocks that he holds together.

A photo from open sources

As for the concavity of the faces, the first to guess about it French scientists accompanying Napoleon’s army in Egypt camping trip. Later this fact was confirmed by the famous British Researcher Flinders Petri. And nowadays aerial photography with showed with full reliability that the concavity of the faces, even insignificant – only one meter really exists.

Interestingly, the later pyramids were built with completely flat faces. Apparently, the main builder of the Great Pyramid hid from their descendants the meaning and purpose of the concavities and the secret technology to achieve this.

According to some scientists, a kind of concave “mirror” on the edges of the pyramid were used to focus the sun’s rays on the day summer solstice. This day was fantastic action: thanks to the polished edges, the Great Pyramid sparkled like a diamond! In the focus of concave “mirrors” the temperature rose to a thousand degrees, and crowds of people could hear the crackle, going from these points, gradually increasing to a thundering deafening sound.

Amid the sparkling light and thunder from a central vortex above the top of the pyramid surged waves of hot air. The illusion of a pillar of fire rising from the pyramid was created. Truly, this was the road by which God himself condescended to people Ra!

Pyramidology lives and conquers

Scientists’ calculations show that everything related to location the three main pyramids of Giza, by no means by chance: all of their parameters connected with each other and were deliberately chosen, with a special meaning. The director of the Bourges Observatory in France, Abbot Moret, discovered even more amazing things.

Multiplying the height of the Great Pyramid, which he took for 148.21 meter, one billion, he got the distance from Earth to the Sun – 148 210 000 kilometers. But before 1860 this distance was It is considered to be somewhat larger than 154 million kilometers.

The same goes for the number pi, which, according to Abbot Moret, can be obtained by folding the four sides of the foundation of the Great Pyramid and dividing the result by its double height. The sea believed that the architects of the Great Pyramid knew much more: leap year the distance that the earth passes in its orbit in 24 hours; Earth’s density; the average temperature of our planet, etc.

A photo from open sources

According to recent studies, sizes, sizes, weight and the mutual distances between the three pyramids and the Sphinx reflect similar proportions between the Sun, Venus, Earth and Mars. A in-depth analysis showed that the creators of the pyramids knew this concept like a “golden ratio”.

According to the Arab historian al-Ma-judge, who lived in the X century, the pyramids are not only the repository of all the knowledge of the ancient Egyptians in areas of astronomy, art and religion, but also contain prophetic predictions. One of the researchers, Robert Menzies, in In 1865, he hypothesized that if we take as a basis the sacred inch of the Egyptians and measure the length of the inner chambers of the pyramid, you can find the chronological dates of the most important events not only of the past, but also of the future.

The Scottish civil engineer took up similar measurements. David Davidson (1884-1956), who spent 25 years studying and analysis of the Cheops pyramid. His results were quite astounding.

Comparing the data he received with the text is extremely mysterious and yet not fully deciphered ancient Egyptian “Book of the Dead”, you can come to the conclusion that the Cheops pyramid is kind complements the texts of this book and contains dates in its architecture historical events of our history. The most amazing thing is that the pyramid accurately indicates the date of birth of Jesus Christ, which in the “Book of the Dead” is called the “Lord of the Pyramid” and “Lord of death and resurrection.”

This date is obtained by measuring the level of the Queen’s chamber. Measuring the height of the threshold of the main gallery, you can find the date of the crucifixion of Christ, from which – again from the Book of the Dead – the era begins salvation of mankind. Thus, the main gallery symbolizes Christian era.

Pyramid entry galleries allegedly give the date of the Israelites’ exodus from Egypt and other historical events before the birth of Christ. home gallery, also called the hall of Truth, after a number of events that relate to the distant past indicate the date which is of great importance for our era – August 1914, that is, the beginning of the First World War.

A photo from open sources

The matter of pyramidology, as they call this kind of decryption, alive and to this day. So, the writer Peter Lemezurye in his book “The Great the pyramid is deciphered “claims that the pyramid of Cheops contains prophecies that the end will begin in the current 2014 light, which will last until 3989. If you don’t go into excessive details, the pyramid allegedly says that starting with present and by 2025 there will be a complete crisis materialistic system. October 31, 2034 will appear in heaven sign of the Messiah.

In 2039, Christ will become a physical person and live until March 28, 2126. For the period of his second coming the beginning of an era of intense spiritual expansion, humanity will rise to a new moral level. Then Christ will appear three more times: in periods 2134-2138, 2264-2368 and 2394-2499. And from 2989 to 3989 the year will last the era of the final deliverance of enlightened people, which will end with human salvation in the spiritual plane.

Traces of the flood and the periodic table

Contains the work of Lemezurier and more valuable observations. Author reports that the thickness of the blocks of the Cheops pyramid turns out to be different in different rows. In 204 rows of masonry can be found 26 clear peaks. Another author, I. Raymond Kept, in his Essays pyramidology “puts forward the assumption of matching ranks masonry Great Pyramid atomic weights of some elements Mendeleev’s periodic system.

A photo from open sources

Kept attaches particular importance to the tenth row of masonry, the corresponding neon, which is the core for all subsequent elements and the starting point for further complication of atoms.

Atomic weights of elements corresponding to different rows, by its opinion are calculated as follows. Need to take value given height in inches and move the comma one position to the left, thus dividing this number by 10. So, the 92nd row of the pyramid located at 2387 inches above the 10th row, which gives an atomic the weight of uranium (N992 in the periodic system), equal to 238.7. So that, It seems that the builders of the Great Pyramid encrypted their knowledge in it. periodic system of chemical elements.

It is curious that in recent years there are facts that may testify that the Great Pyramid was built before the Flood. Its base surrounds the layer sedimentary rocks more than four meters thick. Found in this layer sea ​​shells, and in one case even fossilized remains of the sea cows. Radiocarbon analysis showed that the age of these characteristic finds is about 11 600 years.

Ancient sources may also testify in favor of the same. Legends and myths indicate that before the Arabs removed the lining from pyramids, on stones reaching approximately to its middle – 75 meters high, which is 120 meters higher than the current level of the Nile, traces of water could be seen.

The medieval Arab historian al-Biruni in his work “The chronology of ancient peoples” wrote: “Persians and most magicians they say that Westerners, warned by their sages, built the temples of the king and the pyramids in Giza. Traces of flood waters and markings from the waves are still visible on these pyramids to about the middle, and water did not rise above these marks. ”

The conclusion seems obvious. If the last giant flood happened in Egypt in about 10,000 BC, and the Great the pyramid has preserved evidence of this disaster in the form of marks from waves on tiles until about half of its huge heights, then it was built before this period.


Water Egypt Stones Pyramids Sun

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