Sphinx more than 10 thousand years old?

A photo from open sources

Dr. Robert M. Schoch is a member of the College of General Research at Boston University (since 1984), defended Doctorate in Geology and Geophysics at Yale University (1983), studied anthropology at George Washington University.

In the early 1990s, Dr. Schoch surprised the scientific community with his pioneering studies of the Great Sphinx in Giza, age which, in his opinion, is older than generally accepted by several millennia.

Dr. Schoch also researched a number of other mysterious monuments: underwater formations off the Japanese island of Yonaguni, statues of Easter Island. In recent years, he has focused on studying the possible astronomical causes of decline ancient civilizations, which he wrote in his book “Forgotten civilization: the role of solar flares in our past and future ” (2012).

The area of ​​interest of Robert Schoch also turned out to be parapsychological phenomena, which he openly reports on pages of your site. In collaboration with Logan Ionavyak was written book “Parapsychological Revolution: A Brief Anthology paranormal and mental research. ”

Books of Robert Schoch

A photo from open sources

“The Great Sphinx is located near the Cheops pyramid on the west bank of the Nile, outside the city of Cairo. According to the common belief in Egyptology, the monument was carved from monolithic limestone rock by order of Pharaoh Chefren in the area 2500 BC

In 1990, I first visited Egypt with the intention of holding exploration of the Sphinx from the perspective of geological science. I supposed, that Egyptologists correctly dated the monument, but were soon discovered geological facts that did not fit into generally accepted picture.

On the body of the Sphinx, as well as on the walls surrounding it (surrounding recess left after the monument was cut down from rocks) traces of erosion were found that, in my opinion, could occur only as a result of heavy rainfall and rainfall water.

A photo from open sources

The problem was that the Sphinx is on the border with Sugar, in a region where for over 5 thousand years dominates extremely arid climate. It also turned out that other buildings, dating from the Old Kingdom, bear traces of erosion that could not leave the wind and sand.

In short, I came to the conclusion that the oldest part the monument was supposed to arise at a much earlier period (as at least 5 thousand years before Christ, but it is possible that for 7 or 9 thousand years), when this area was characterized by more rainy climate.

On this occasion, many people gave me counterarguments that Sphinx may not be so ancient, since its head has pronounced features of the dynastic period that began at the end of IV millennium BC But if we take a look at modern form of the monument, it is easy to notice that this is not his original head.

If it were otherwise, then it would be as much eroded as and body. Hence the assumption that during the time of the Pharaohs the Sphinx has been redone – hesitated to smaller forms with a change in form heads. In reality, the Great Sphinx from Giza could initially be not at all the sphinx. Believably, he could be a lion statue.

To test these assumptions, we, together with Thomas Dobetsky conducted seismic surveys at the base of the monument, measuring erosion level below the surface. In other words, we studied how in This rock formation propagates sound waves, according to The reflection of which was obtained a picture of the properties of limestone. After analyzing the data, I noticed that a significant level of erosion rocks below the surface of the monument should confirm the assumption about more than five thousand years of age of the Sphinx.

Also, during research, we obtained data indicating the presence of a chamber or cave under the left paw of the Sphinx. In addition, there were smaller and still unknown underground cavities around monument, as well as something like a tunnel passing under him.

In the early 1990s, when I first announced much more the age of the Sphinx, I was criticized by Egyptologists, who requested other evidence of the existence of civilization, preceding ancient Egyptian and erected this monument. They are were sure that developed cultures or civilizations in the period before V-VI millennium BC not available, despite the fact that in Turkey archaeological sites of about 10 thousand years old are known, one of which is Göbekli Tepe. It remains incomprehensible here the fact why the cultures in which the rudiments arose civilizations, disappeared so suddenly, and in the development of humanity on has there been a lull for several millennia?

Robert Temple tried to explain traces of water erosion on the Sphinx the existence of a moat around it. I will miss others here unconvincing concepts, such as what was originally The Sphinx was a jackal – an animal that was identified with the god of death Anubis, and that his face belonged to Pharaoh Amenemhet II.

During one of her last trips to Egypt in March 2009 years, I looked at the situation with erosion in a new way.

Firstly, the blocks from which the Temple of the Sphinx was built (material for him was taken from the same limestone rock when felling monument), as well as the lower temple located south of degree of erosion. The calcareous stones of which they are composed during of the ancient kingdom were overlaid with Aswan granite. Temple theory about the pews are not able to explain where they came from traces.

Conflicting traces of erosion (illustrations from the site robertschoch.com)

A photo from open sources

Secondly, more severe erosion of the stone surface is seen on western part of the Sphinx fence, significantly different from the degree erosion on the east side. The nature of this erosion is not associated with water, which should have accumulated at the base of the monument, and associated with rainfall and paleohydrology of this terrain.

Seismic data on the degree of erosion under the Sphinx ditch, based on my analysis, indicate the age of the monument as at least 7 thousand years.

Water accumulating around him would not accelerate so much. stone erosion. In turn, the vertical gaps observed on the walls of the moat have characteristic traces of rainwater flows. Nothing does not indicate that they may have occurred during drainage a hypothetical pond around the Sphinx, according to Temple.

The walls around the Sphinx, knocked out in the rock, would serve as walls for such a catchment. And since the rock itself has many gaps and susceptible to karst formation, water would seep through them like a sieve. The walls around the monument would have to to have a vaulted form, however, we don’t have anything like that watching. Moreover, cameras and tunnels under the Sphinx could way to be used by people, which would not be possible because of their full flooding. ”

Robert M. Schoch


Water Time Egypt Stones Climate Islands Pyramids Pharaohs

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