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According to Nauka w Polsce, the Polish team archaeologists led by Maciej Gzhelczyk (Jagiellonian University) discovered hundreds of rock carvings in African Tanzania drawings made in red and white paints. And such places found over fifty, and each up to hundreds of similar images various subjects.
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As the scientists determined, the drawings turned out to be more ancient, made with red paint, which is several thousand years old, at that while white drawings are only a few hundred years old.
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But what’s amazing, says Gzhelczyk, residents Tanzanians living in our era were very careful about cave art of their ancestors – they did not paint over red drawings and did not destroy them, but found new sites for their art, so that we can observe the cultural layers different eras.
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Another detail struck Polish archaeologists: on the more ancient cave paintings can be seen not only images of animals or trees (mainly giraffes, elephants, baobabs), but also some space objects, most likely starry sky and even flying comets on it. That is, the ancient inhabitants of East Africa were interested not only in the reality surrounding them, but also often raised their heads to the sky, thinking about how it works our universe.
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By the way, drawings made with white paint, that is, more fresh, differ from the ancient ones in a lesser variety of topics and compositions, these are mainly domestic scenes and the surrounding fauna and people Flora.
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