The company’s time bomb “Tesla”

Photo from open sources

Despite the fact that the main threat to humanity remains atomic world war can easily destroy our civilization many other factors. Moreover, some of them are not related to nature, nor with space, for example, economic. No coincidence already Today, many researchers fear that modern robotics threatens us not so much with the machinations of AI as with massive unemployment and the impoverishment of the main part of the population, about which no one as now cares, and in the future hardly any of the powers that be will be afflicted. Rather, on the contrary, it will allow a bunch of rich to rule even more completely and impudently …

Among the economic causes of decline, and possibly complete the destruction of civilization may be, it turns out, the most commonplace, for example, the global economic crisis due to overproduction cars. For a long time this did not seem to threaten people, although we already wrote about parking lots with thousands of unsold new cars, which the automotive giants are unable to sell, but also they cannot drop the price on them either (this will lead to a collapse on car market and, ultimately, can lead to the collapse of the whole world economy).

And this despite the fact that a modern car is not so durable. Now imagine that someone started releasing eternal cars … I thought about it, and then outlined with all colorful catastrophe for such a seemingly insignificant reason, back in 1953, writer Clifford Saymak, describing in his a novel, how to destroy civilization creates a “perpetual mobile” – the eternal machine that breaks the global economy and … in the world chaos reigns.

“Vechmobil” company “Tesla”

In the novel of the American science fiction writer, the Vechmachine is specially created, but this in our world can happen spontaneously. Enough to draw Now attention is paid to Tesla’s electric vehicles. This year this auto giant overtook Porshe in terms of production volumes, Jaguar and even caught up with AvtoVAZ. Moreover, Tesla is not just produces a lot of cars, all of its autocars easily claim to be fantastic “evermobiles”:

  • Tesla electric vehicles are being tested today until 1.5 – 2 million kilometers in various conditions, and this, as experts say, 80 years of operating the machine without replacements;
  • as for the weakest spot in the car, today’s Tesla batteries after 15 years of use retain at least 90 percent of the capacity, and in order for this figure to drop up to 80 percent, as demonstrated by bench tests, is necessary almost half a century.

“Tesla” is practically one step away from the “evermobile”, and if the company even today dealt a serious blow to the global economy, then tomorrow she might just bring her down. It should be borne in mind that the auto giant is undermining the foundations of not only mechanical engineering, but also oil production, because every Tesla car saves how at least 80 thousand liters of diesel fuel and gasoline per year, which is why only in the third quarter of this year the global oil industry lost over $ 20 billion in revenue. Moreover, for Tesla electric vehicle recharging company still installs them owners of solar panels on the roofs, completely making these machines independent of other sectors of the global economy …

A photo from open sources

Tesla time bomb: economic accident or planned global collapse?

Today, many analysts are of the opinion that Tesla practically preparing a bomb for our civilization. While it’s kind of imperceptibly, but even more dangerous – a time bomb, which not immediately and see. It’s just surprising in all this different: why do auto and oil magnates take this threat so calmly? They seem not to look like blind-kitten kittens and at the same time allow Tesla practically cook for our civilization economic Apocalypse. Is all this really conceived by the world elite?

As the conspiracy theorists say, in the case of such an economic disasters, two-thirds of the world’s population may well die of the ball, or even more, but the Illuminati are striving for this, and Elon Musk in this case can be just a fake figure – pawn, like Pound in the office of “Horns and Hooves” from the novel “Golden calf. “True, the scope of work and distracting maneuvers (for example, flights to Mars) billionaire Mask is impressive and does not go to any comparison with similar inventions of Ilf and Petrov …

Time Nikola Tesla Economics

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