A photo from open sources
First, let’s get to know who and why called 2018 – the last in the history of mankind.
Supporters of the approaching Apocalypse call the two, from their point view, irrefutable prophecies about it:
- the first belonged to the Greek scholar Georgis Gyalvas, which back in the eighties of the last century, then working in NASA, just shortly before his death, told in an interview reporters that from 2018 on Earth will come a “new era”, the beginning which the bulk of the people will be perceived as the Apocalypse. Followers of the Greek nuclear physicist in his unwavering the belief that this will happen is based on other predictions Georgis Gyalvas, who were allegedly fulfilled with amazing accuracy;
- the second sounded in the forties of the last century from the mouth of a certain Elder Michael, who told parishioners that the end of the world will come in two years, as soon as Easter falls on May 1 and immediately for this will be held the Christian Ecumenical Council, to which even the Catholic cardinals will come. Easter May 1 was in 2016, and a little later in the summer passed the Eighth Ecumenical Council, on which really attended close to the pope higher dignitaries of the catholic church.
No one knows why you need to believe in these prophecies, however for what reason they are very relevant today, it’s clear: in the yard just 2018 year. But will we wait this time for the end of the world? It is doubtful.
A photo from open sources
The question is why the prophecies about the Apocalypse do not come true, despite the fact that sometimes such foresight is given very the powerful magician, the famous oracle, was once asked Sergei Nikolaevich Lazarev, a famous Russian parapsychologist and psychic, author of an amazing series of books “Diagnostics of karma.” Having the gift of nature to trace the field structures of people and even of all mankind, Lazarev told about the following (collected from several of his answers to this question):
The point here is not even that the future is multivariate, although in general terms this just becomes a stumbling block for many clairvoyants. But some of them, however, penetrate “deeper” into field structures and “give birth” to more accurate forecasts, while others, as they say, are only suitable for television shows “The fight of extrasensories”. It is clear that the prophets who able to see the end of the world, no, not for nothing that the Bible says that only the Father himself knows about it. I fully admit that such a supreme an oracle may still appear on Earth, however it never will declare this and even give the exact date of the Apocalypse. This is all one has to say to a person when he dies. On this even gypsies do not all go, but here we are talking about the great prophet and humanity in whole. Therefore, we can sleep peacefully: all the prophecies about the end of light is nothing more than a “game” of higher powers with our consciousness …
End of the world