The history of the Earth holds many unsolved secrets. One of the most famous Atlantis, about the reality of existence and the causes of death which scientists are still debating. But in ancient legends It tells about other continents where supposedly flourished developed civilizations and which sank as a result of grand global disasters. Most often, two such continent: Lemuria in the Indian Ocean and Pacifida, or My – in Quiet. Lemuria’s former existence is confirmed … by lemurs To begin with, it should be noted that some researchers interpret the toponym My as an abbreviation for the name Lemuria, that is, as two names of the same continent. And Pacifida is different continent, and the name My has nothing to do with it. However those who I do not agree with such a “distribution” of names, indicate that most researchers place Lemuria in the Indian Ocean, and Pacifidou (My) – in the Pacific. True, it looked endlessly in those far distant waters around the earth and what was on the place of these present oceans – it’s also not known for sure … Lemurs live only in Madagascar and the islands of Malaysia (Lori). There are no lemurs in Africa. Photos from open sources According to one interpretation, the name Lemuria has a curious explanation. In 1830, English zoologist Philip Latley Sklater noticed that lemurs are animals semi-monkey families – live in Madagascar (but not in African continent!) And on the islands of the Malay archipelago. Of course, these animals are not able to cross the Indian Ocean. Based on this, Sklater suggested that in the deep antiquity, maybe 100 million years ago, in Indian the ocean there was a continent, subsequently sunken. But if this the mainland existed so long ago, people couldn’t live on it, since the age of humanity is estimated at only 2-3 million years. However, in the XIX century, some scientists, including Ernst Haeckel, one of the prominent biologists of the time, considered Lemuria the cradle of humanity. Studies of Colonel Churchward B 1868 Colonel of the British Colonial Army James Churchward, who served in India, made friends with a certain Buddhist monk who revealed to him the location of several thousand clay tablets, covered in mysterious characters. Churchward studied tablets over 10 years and, in the end, announced that he was able to read written on them texts. According to him, the story is told in these texts. continent My. On this continent, which sank 100 thousand years ago back, 64 million people lived, and the level of their civilization is largely superior to the present. Being wealthy, Churchward became travel around the world looking for other sources that could confirm the existence of the continent and civilization My. is he traveled to Tibet, Central Asia, Burma, Egypt, Siberia, Australia, on the islands of the Pacific Ocean and in Central America. Exactly at Central America Colonel learned that an American archaeologist William Niven discovered ruins during excavations in Mexico buildings and tablets covered with strange signs.
Photos from open sources Seeing Niven found tablets, Churchward said that these are the same signs as on the plates from Indian monastery. Together they deciphered the inscriptions in which talked about a huge continent with a large population, that existed in the Pacific Ocean, and about its tragic death. By the results of his wanderings and the results of research by James Churchward published a number of articles as well as two books: The Lost Continent of Mu (“The lost continent of Mu”) and The Cosmic Forces of Mu (“Space Mu’s forces), released in New York, respectively, in 1931 and 1934 year. Pros and Cons Concerning Plates Stored in Indian monastery, then, except for Churchward, no one saw them, since the colonel, he said, pledged to keep them location in secret. However, all those who knew the colonel assured that he was a man exclusively truthful and honest, and already that he spent all his fortune in search evidence supporting the information contained in the tablets, speaks in his favor. In addition, it was known where other tablets are those found in Mexico by Niven. But still some scientists were skeptical of the interpretation contained in texts, although no one doubted the authenticity of the tablets themselves. In 1924, Dr. Morley of the Carnegie American Institute gave about They conclude: “Discovered items are authentic, but characters printed on them, as well as characters cut on the ruins of the altar are not like anything known to archeology pre-Columbian period. “French scientist Robert Carro in his” Book lost worlds “agrees with Churchward’s findings on the existence of civilization Mu. In this regard, Carro mentions the famous ruins the city of Tiahuanaco, lying on the shore of Lake Titicaca. They are testify that several thousand years ago (some believe that from 20 to 30 thousand years ago) there existed highly developed civilization. Tiahuanaco is now on top 3915 meters above sea level, however, on the banks of the canals, the remains which are preserved within the city, archaeologists find fragments shells of marine mollusks. According to some scholars, under the walls Tiahuanaco once splashed the waves of the ocean. It is likely that tectonic shifts in the earth’s crust that caused the rise of those areas land, where the Andes are now located, at the same time led to flooding of the continent of Mu. And here are the “material evidence” But, perhaps, ruins serve as the most powerful argument in defense of Churchward’s hypothesis various structures covering dozens of Pacific islands in Polynesia and Micronesia. They are undoubtedly traces of much more ancient civilization than the one that exists in these places since the 19th century. These are the ruins of city buildings and temples, the remains of magnificent colonnades and magnificent tombs, fragments statues. Their sizes, architecture and art of processing testify that they were created by a people possessing extensive knowledge and high culture. Nan Madol
Photos from open sources Among these ancient artifacts, undoubtedly belong to the ruins of the mysterious city of Nan Madol on one of these islands – Ponape – in the Caroline archipelago. Quite it is possible that this entire archipelago is part of a large mainland plunged into the ocean. And here are a few more examples On Pickern, 2,000 kilometers west from Easter Island, you can see the remains of residential buildings, four-meter statues and the ruins of ancient temples. On islands Gambier – beautifully preserved mummies and ruins of high walls, forming a half ring. On the already mentioned island of Ponape there is a port built of stone with channels, which, according to indigenous traditions, built the “kings of the sun.” But who they were no one can say where they came from or where they went. In the mentioned Carro’s book about the lost continents contains a picture of a huge arch from a monolithic stone located on the island of Tongatapu in the archipelago Tonga. This arch weighs about 100 tons, and on the whole island there is no such places where you could get a “blank” for such a giant the details. So, the stone was brought from somewhere. Who! When? How way? On one of the Mariana Islands – Tinian – Churchward saw a whole forest of columns, later described in detail by an archaeologist Laris Tal. Stone “pillars” of Tinian Island
Photos from open sources
Photos from open sources
Photos from open sources
Photos from open sources Reliable legend No doubt that all this indicates the existence in the mentioned places in the very distant past of a highly developed human community. And it’s most logical to assume that in this part the planet really once had a vast continent and what civilization flourished on it, though maybe not so ancient and not as developed as the colonel archaeologist sees it. In January 1974 in the French journal Science et Vie (Science and Life) a group near the New Hebrides archipelago was reported of the five islands to which, according to local tradition, after a terrible earthquake that happened in time immemorial, the island of Kuwai broke up. Archaeologist Jose Garanger examined samples soil from these islands. Results Validated legends. “This again puts on the agenda the issue of existence in past of the continent of Mu “- so ends the mentioned message. Stone-stone quarry, Rota island
Photos from open sources
Photos from open sources Tinian Island in the past with a whole stone alley, illustration from an unknown old edition
Photos from open sources
Photos from open sources According to Churchward, descendants The people inhabiting Mu were Mayans in America and Uyghurs in Asia. Uighurs live to this day – in China (about 7.5 million), Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan (170 thousand). In ancient Chinese traditions it speaks of the powerful Uyghur empire that existed millennia ago. In 1908 (according to other sources – in 1907) archaeological expedition led by a researcher Central Asia P.K. Kozlov (1863-1935), subsequently full member of the Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR, found in Gobi desert, the ancient capital of the Uyghur kingdom – the city of Hara-Hoto. Subsequently, during the excavation there was discovered a certain grave Queen, buried 15 LLC years ago. In 1970, a professor Romeo de Saint-Savoyard expressed the opinion that the population of Mu had extraterrestrial origin: these were aliens from one of the planets constellations Veronica’s Hair. They became the first civilized inhabitants of the earth, and subsequently all their knowledge and culture handed over to the inhabitants of Atlantis. Professor believes that the civilization of Mu died about 700 thousand years ago. It should be noted that far from all reputable scientists attributed this opinion to the region science fiction. In conclusion, a quote from a book by Robert Carro: “The fact of the existence of the continent of Mu relies on so many evidence of archeology and culture that not to reckon with them would be just stupid. “Vadim Ilyin
Atlantis Time India Stones Mexico Islands