The famous astrologer spoke about the difficult upcoming 2018

The famous astrologer spoke about the difficult upcoming 2018A photo from open sources

Famous astrologer Pavel Globa believes that the upcoming 2018 will be generally very difficult for the whole world. Even enough mention the global economic crisis, which will continue because, as the stars say, its decline will be outlined only by 2020.

Aggravation of the economic, and after it political crisis, will lead to the fact that the balance of power in the world will begin change – and the coming 2018 will be very indicative. The boundaries and spheres of the geopolitical will begin to change. the influence of today’s world powers, which ultimately will lead to the fact that the United States, for example, will lose its undisputed status world leader. This country is generally waiting for very difficult times, Pavel Globa writes, and blows on her will be strewed from all parties, even from where no one suggests …

The coming year will also demonstrate the beginning of the collapse of the European Union, which, if it remains, is only a formal organization on paper. Most likely, two other real ones will appear instead. associations – South European and North European unions. However any leading role in the political or economic life of the world they will not play anymore.

As a leader, he will eventually enter the world stage The Eurasian Union, whose main players will be Russia, China and India. Gradually, new territories will enter it, for example, Transnistria, Gagauzia, Novorossia, which will strengthen in the first place Russia.

But this, the famous astrologer emphasized, is still a prospect world development, and 2018 itself will be difficult, it will be marked aggravation of the economic and political crisis, which is why riots in many countries will become commonplace will increase the migration of people to more stable states.

Crisis Pavel Globa Russia

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