The future depends only on us – and not on anyone more

The future depends only on us - and not on anyone elsePhoto from open sources

Tomorrow is the new year 2016. According to almost everyone prophets and psychics, for the inhabitants of the Earth it will not be easy, although and will not bring what some World War III expected.

As for Russia, for example, according to the astrologer Vasilisa Volodina, the economic crisis next year will be periodically tighten your grip and let go. The most difficult for Russians will be the first months of the year and almost all the warm time of the year. By late autumn, noticeable relief will come.

And here is the famous black mage famous for the Battle of the Psychics program Alexander Sheps told how sanctions against Russia will affect on her economy. In his opinion, they will not affect the level the lives of Russians. But the countries that impose these sanctions today are already tomorrow they will resort to Russia to bow, and some will even express desire to connect with our power. However expect the economic crisis will pass quickly for the Russian Federation, not worth it.

Well, the famous astrologer Pavel Globa reassures the Russians that there will be no world war. But the sluggish, the so-called a creeping war, spread in the world and continue for several more years. Next year will be its expansion to many countries. And Russia in In this case, it will spend huge amounts of money precisely on the military needs, not economic stabilization within the country.

Note that the same Pavel Globa constantly emphasizes: astrology is not a prediction of the future, but a forecast of possible events that portend the stars. Humanity under certain conditions can easily change everything.

A photo from open sources

At one time, a practicing parapsychologist Sergei Lazarev explained mechanism for viewing the future on the example of divination on coffee grounds. is he He came to the fortuneteller and asked her to see what awaited him. She “looked” and called him certain events. Thereafter the psychic went into meditation and tried to correct in his energy field (in the soul) those defects that generated negative future. After this, the fortuneteller looked, it would seem, on the same “coffee pattern”, but was surprised to note that the situation has changed.

So it is with the future of all mankind, says Sergey Nikolaevich, in principle, earthlings more than once stood on the brink Apocalypse, but each time they found the strength to change something and avoid the end of the world. Therefore, any predictions of the future cannot be unambiguous and indispensable. Is not more than possible options. So smile and hope for the best.

But the main thing, says Lazarev, send to this world as much as possible more love and kindness, and the world will certainly change, it will become better, more beautiful, more stable, and no troubles will be terrible for him. The future depends only on us – and not on anyone else!

War Time End of the World Crisis Pavel Globa Russia

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