The gift of prophecy exists

The gift of prophecy existsA photo from open sources Each person has the gift of prophecy, it turns out that we are all really prophets. It is proven by scientists. As a result of scientific experiments, a site was discovered brain that is responsible for a person’s ability to predict future events. So it turns out that to some extent we all are prophets. Daily prophecies

True in ordinary life, a person usually prophesies for yourself. He predicts every minute the development of any events. TO for example, you can accurately predict what will happen to the falling from the table with a crystal glass: it will break.

You can determine if the person you see is in time Cross the road in front of the car. And you can guess how an unfamiliar girl will come to you if you suddenly slap her on the street below the back. Actually from a person’s ability to foresee what happen in the coming moments, the most universal and widespread prediction “I warned you!”

As a result of the experiments of the scientist Jeffy Sachs, it was determined what part of the brain is responsible for the gift of prophecy. Such experiences conducted with volunteers at the University of Washington. Them showed videos with simple everyday subjects.

When the video demonstration was stopped, the volunteers studied should have answered the question about the further development of the event, which they had to predict. Recording stopped just in the moment when the most interesting event was about to to start.

After the answer, the video was shown to the end, and the volunteers only then they found out how, in reality, it all ended. So, predictions were made with amazing accuracy – from 80 to 90%. At the same time, scientists observed with the help of a tomograph those areas brain, which at this moment become the most active.

Experiment Results

It turned out that in the process of prophecy involved two sites midbrain rich in dopamine receptors. It’s striped body (striatum) and black matter (substantia nigra). With these areas and provided the emergence of a slight sense of euphoria, when a person found out that he correctly predicted further development events.

That is, a person, as it were, receives a reward for the right prediction. But if things went wrong the way a man imagined imagined then these sites create a sense of anxiety. Scientists say that in this way the brain signals an error that considered a malfunction.

According to the organizers of the study, the gift of foresight became to develop in the process of human evolution. It was necessary at least so that our wild ancestors can quickly determine which side had to run away from predators.

It is possible that these same sections of the human brain respond and for larger prophecies among famous foretellers, such like Vanga or Nostradamus. Since all people have the ability to foresee your future for a few seconds, it turns out that the most unique ones manage to look ahead much further, even for several centuries.

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